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PIIAC is Working for YOU!

Missed the Big "I" Legislative Conference? Catch the recap - Click here
Here are a couple of COOL things we have been working on - 

Social Media Marketing Tips -
Is your agency ready to go to 'Infinity and beyond' with social media, but don't know where to begin?  Are you a seasoned guru?  Then check out our 10 tips in 10 minutes to refine or start your social media marketing campaign.  Just another way your PIIAC Team is working for you!

NEW - Career Site!
You asked and we listened. Visit to find your next HOT candidate.  Are you in the market for a change?  Send your resume to us and we will 'insure' it gets noticed by industry professionals.  
Interested companies or individuals need to submit the following information:    

- Updated resume with contact information. 

- Name of Agency
- Location 
- Contact at Agency 
- Phone
- Email
- Job Titile
- Deadline for submitting resumes (so we know when to remove the job posting)
- PDF of the job description (if you would like us to upload it to the website).

PIIAC has added a career and job listing to its' super cool 'NEW' website.  Visit us today and check it out.
Click here

Social Media Made Easy - Use our posts for your needs!
We are making it easy for you! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, use our post for your updates!  We will provide seasonal marketing material so your community knows, 'One size doe not fit all!'  Choose a Trusted Choice Agent for your insurance needs.

Follow us on our NEW
FaceBook Page and other great links - 
Like us on Facebook 
Follow us on Twitter 
View our profile on LinkedIn 
Also check out the 
cool and hip
To learn about 
upcoming educational and 
social events, be sure to 'like' them on Facebook.
Like us on Facebook  


Legislative Update

PIIAC supports the following bills -

- HB 1036 - Drunk Driving Offenses.  Click here to read more.

- HB 1199 - Consumer goods service contracts.  Support, will review amendments.  Click here to read more.

- HB 1031 - Nonconsensual towing.  Support as amended, signed 2/27.  Click here to read more.
- SB 125 - Regulation of Transportation Network Companies, monitoring.  Click here to read more.

- SB 176 - Criminal penalties for chop shops, support.  Click here to read more.

- SB 92 - Insurance fraud, support as amended.  Click here to read more.

PIIAC opposes the following bills -

- HB 1377 - Retirement security task force, oppose.  Click here to read more.

- SB 118 - Penalties for discrimination claims, oppose. Click here to read more.

- SB 196 - Family and medical leave, oppose.  Click here to read more.

For Legislative updates send an email:

or visit 

Education & Events

Big "I" Junior Golf 

National Championship

Golf Series


The 2014 State Tournament in Colorado will be June 26th and June 27th at Boomerang Links and Highland Hills Golf Course in Greeley.

Click here to register


Sponsorship opportunities are available for this prestigious event.

Click here to sponsor this event


2014 Don Nabity Golf Tournament
July 9th

8am shotgun start  
7 am registration 
Entry Fee: 
Currently $150/player  
(subject to change) 
Bear Dance Golf Club 
6630 Bear Dance Road, 
Larkspur, CO 80118 
To register for the tournament, or for more information

Insurpac - 
Support those whom support us! 
InsurPac is a political action committee formed by the IIABA to support Congressional candidates who are supportive of our industry positions.

Upcoming Classes


April 30th
Personal Residential
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 
Ft. Collins
Agency Management
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Click here to register 

May 14th   
Commercial Property
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Grand Junction
Click here to register

May 28th
Personal Lines
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Member Benefits
As a PIIAC member, you have some fantastic benefits!!   Click on links below to find out more!

2014 Trusted Choice
Interested in receiving money back for advertising the Trusted Choice logo on business cards, letterhead, envelopes, agency signage, logo-wear and social media. 

Virtual University
PIIAC Members have access to insurance, business and technology articles, many full sample ISO forms,
white papers and information on issues affecting today's insurance marketplace.
Virtual Risk Consultant
VRC has useful information for all positions in the agency from the agency principal to the CSR and will increase the professionalism of the agency, leading to increased sales.
Sign up for E-Updates 
Click Here

     Cybil                             Carrie                   Dot                      Ariel                          Susie                      Patrick  
     Education                      Insurance             Everything           Membership             Insurance               Marketing 
     303-512-0627               Programs|            Else                      303-512-0707           Programs|              303-512-0627
     Email Cybil                   Big "I" Markets   303-512-0627      Email Ariel               Big "I" Markets     Email Patrick
                                           303-512-0777      Email Dot                                             303-512-0627  
                                           Email Carrie                                                                       Email Susie