Team Cancer
Your Link to Cancer Care in Your Community
Focus on Cancer Surgery

With more than 4,000 procedures performed each year in our community, surgery is key in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Our surgical teams work closely with our oncology and diagnostic teams to ensure the safe and timely delivery of cancer surgery at seven (7) of our community hospitals in the Central East Regional Cancer Program.

For more common cancers, we provide access to the same high quality surgical services here in your own community. Other rare cancers may require specialized treatment at a larger downtown centre. Our oncology and surgical teams are always working with cancer experts to bring more and more services close to home.

Cancer surgery is offered at The Scarborough Hospital, Rouge Valley Health System, Lakeridge Health, Ross Memorial Hospital, Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Northumberland Hills Hospital and Campbellford Memorial Hospital.



News and Events

Close to 50 family physicians and other primary care providers took part in an evening dedicated to learning about the prostate cancer journey, from prevention to survivorship.


The 2nd annual primary care cancer continuing medical education event hosted by the Central East Regional Cancer Program included presentations from renown researcher Dr. Neil Fleshner (top right) and (bottow right, l to r) DRCC Radiation Oncologist Dr. Wayne Koll and Dr. Jeffrey Spodek, Head of Urology at Rouge Valley Health System who led a panel discussion about treatment options.


Keep watching for more details about the 2015 event.



Your Care

Supporting the many experts who make up the surgical oncology team in Central East Region.

Your Way

The Central East Regional Thoracic Program is finding answers faster for families faced with lung cancer.

Your Experts

Meet our Regional Surgical Oncology Lead Dr. Julia Jones.



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