December 2015

Dear Friends,

Can you believe that the Advent season is already here? It seems as if this year has passed incredibly fast... I look back on all that's happened in the last year and I am amazed at the work that God does in our midst. Culturally we are now entering the busy season, you know, that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the extra activities and extra shopping and way too much extra food. Sometimes just thinking about the month of December can be stressful!

So what do we do to counteract that stress? Add some more activities of course! But not just any activity... I want to invite you into Advent, a season that is described so eloquently in a poem by Cakie Upchurch:
Advent invites us...
̴ to pause, instead of rush
̴ to look lovingly, instead of scan quickly
̴ to listen intently, instead of overhearing
̴ to speak joyfully, instead of talking critically
̴ to give generously, instead of allotting carefully.
God's lavish generosity invites us to a deeper
and deeper measure of generosity in our own lives.
In the midst of all our activity I invite you to take needed time for rest and refreshment:
  • That time could come in the form of worship: on Sundays (with our special emphasis upon prayer) and on Wednesday evenings (with Holden Evening Prayer, Hanging of the Greens, and Christmas Caroling).
  • That time could also come in the form of exercise. While it might seem counter intuitive, exercise helps us to relax and then to rest better. I'm doing a Thanksgiving to Christmas Challenge and am inviting you to join me. All you need to do is walk or run one mile each day and report back to me. You could even make this a time of prayer! Click here to join the group
  • And that time could come in the form of taking five minutes here and there to  turn off all the electronic devices around you, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and  listen to God.
Blessings to you all this Advent and Merry Christmas!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Nancy

Step Out in Faith is a great opportunity to get your  exercise! Step Out in Faith meets every Thursday at 9am at Our Redeemer. Everyone is  welcome whether he/she is pushing a baby stroller or using a cane or a walker. No need to sign-up... just meet on  Thursdays at 9am in the church.
Ministry of Children, Family and Youth

December Schedule
  • Wednesday, December 16: Hanging of the Greens
  • Thursday, December 17: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Saturday, December 19: Living Nativity and Christmas Caroling
  • Tuesday, December 22: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Wednesday, December 23: No JOLT
  • Thursday, December 24: No C.A.R.E.S Tutoring  
  • Tuesday, December 29: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Wednesday, December 30: No JOLT
  • Thursday, December 31: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Tuesday, January 5: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Wednesday, January 6: No JOLT
  • Thursday, January 7: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Tuesday, January 12: No C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring
  • Wednesday, January 13, 2016: JOLT Resumes
  • Thursday, January 14, 2016: C.A.R.E.S. Tutoring Resumes
Preschool and Kindergarten

December is a month that we at Our Redeemer happily look forward to. In this busy month, we enjoy talking about all of the holidays that our little ones celebrate. We talk about families, friends, love, giving and sharing. It is so wonderful for us to be able to share our Christmas traditions with the community. The children are practicing for our Annual Christmas Programs which will be held on December 17 and 18. All are welcome! Mark your calendar and plan to join us! All of us at Our Redeemer wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Have a wonderful month,
Amy Vega

Fall Food Drive

Thanks to all the generous hearts in our congregation, our Fifth Annual Fall Food Drive was a great success again this year.  The preshool and JOLT children donated over 300 pounds of canned food, and we have reached our goal, a ton of food (2000 pounds) by Thanksgiving!   
Once again, Our Redeemer has demonstrated that we are indeed a little church with a very big heart!  Thanks to all of you for your generosity!  We will be able to re-stock our church pantry, as well as make a healthy cash donation to Food Share, just in time for the holidays. Thrivent is generously matching up to $250 of our cash donations!  

Thanks to Donna Travers who ramrods the church pantry all year, to Linda Lefler for keeping track of our money gifts, and to Greg Howland for weighing every can and box of food donated.  And special thanks to all the saints at Our Redeemer for making the Food Drive successful again this season.  We are thankful for our abundance, and for all of you for your generosity.   

Reminder: food donations to stock our church pantry are needed all year long in order to be able to respond to the growing need within our community and congregation.  Times are tough, and we provide a lifeline for many of our neighbors.  

Spanish Classes at Our Redeemer

�Habla Espa�ol?
Do you speak Spanish?
Would you like to?
Great opportunity to learn or to review and add to your Spanish fluency!!! Become brave enough to speak!
  • 1 week, 3 hours per day
  • Excellent Spanish-speaking teachers from Cuernavaca, Mexico
  • Small classes - 5-8 persons - at your level
  • $120 per student per week
  • For first time students there is a one time enrollment fee of $80 and a book fee of $53 for the two study books
January 25-29
We currently have three persons committed to the Spanish Classes and need at least one more as soon as possible. Please express your interest to Pastor Nancy.

Actual class times for each level will be determined by student enrollment.

For more information, contact the church office at (805) 983-0612.

No Room at the Inn
No Room at the Inn
Hundreds of Nativities on Display

No Room at the Inn is a display of over 500 nativity sets from private collections, with proceeds helping our Ventura County homeless. This year's display will be hosted by Padre Serra Parish, 5205 Upland Road, Camarillo.

The Grand Opening Gala is Friday evening, December 4th, from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be light appetizers and entertainment. A donation of $40 in advance by 12/1 or $45 as of December 1 and at the door is requested.

The display continues December 5th from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and December 6th from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The donation for viewing the exhibit Saturday and Sunday is $5 for adults and $1 for children. 
Those attending will view the amazing variety of ways that first Christmas was depicted.

All proceeds benefit the homeless shelters of Ventura County. Over $380,000 donated.

For information or to make a reservation to attend the gala visit
Southwest California Synod Advent Celebration

Southwest California Synod
Advent Celebration
Christmas Gathering
on Saturday, December 5th
2:00pm to 4:30pm

Lutheran Center in the Trinity Rooms
1300 East Colorado Street, Glendale, CA 91205
The party will follow after Synod Council Meeting

Christmas Parade, Join us!

2015 Oxnard Christmas Parade
Will be December 5th 2015 10am-12pm
"Celebrating an All Star Christmas"

Each year, Our Redeemer participates in the Oxnard Christmas Parade. We meet at 9:30am in the corner of 9th and "A" Street...please call the church office after December 1st for the lineup number.

Parade ends behind the City Hall on C Street and 2nd Street.

****All children must be accompanied by a  parent/guardian****

Order Your Poinsettias

Those who would like to give a Poinsettia to decorate our Sanctuary in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone, may do so by giving $10.00 to the church.  The Altar Guild will purchase the Poinsettias to be placed in the Sanctuary for Hanging of the Greens and Christmas.  Gifts should be received by December 13th.
Checks should be made payable to "LCOOR"
Please write "POINSETTIAS" on the memo line
You may place it in the offering plate or turn it in to the church office.  The memorials/honoriams will be published in the Christmas Bulletin. 
Hanging of the Greens

A Special Night
December 16th at 6pm
JOLT: We begin at our regular time of 4pm, and then the whole family is invited to return at 6pm for a special worship service.
Join us for a special worship service. We will hear the stories of some of our Christmas traditions and sing some of our  favorite Christmas Carols. 

The children from JOLT will sing while also helping to  decorate our church.

Everyone is invited to bring an ornament to place on our Christmas Tree.

Ornament Exchange

December 19, 2015 at 9:00am
Bring a wrapped ornament to exchange at breakfast. Bring a friend.

Women of Our Redeemer
Tickets can be purchased from
Robin Tribbitt (805) 654-8252 or
 Julie Jensen (805) 486-5762

$17 prepaid breakfast buffet at
Tomas Cafe- 622 "A" Street in Oxnard

Living Nativity and Christmas Caroling

Living Nativity and Christmas Caroling
December 19 from 5pm to 7pm
On this evening participate in the gift to our community. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is a blessing and an honor to present to our neighborhood and friends.
Plans to put together a make shift stable, actors to play Joseph, Mary, 3 Wise Men and Shepherds and speakers to recite the story of Jesus' birth are needed.
We have costumes to dress our actors and need a few people to read scriptures depicting the story of the birth of Jesus, both in English and Spanish. 

Sign-up sheets are posted in the Narthex and preschool office.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


Thursday, December 24th

Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with readings;
reflections; songs; communion and candles. Please invite your family and friends  to join us this special night.

Monthly Events



Worship/ Misa

Bilingual Worship every Sunday at 10:30am/ Misa cada domingo en bilingue a las 10:30am


Worship Warm-up

Every Sunday at 9am


Singing Warm-up

Every Sunday at 10am


CARES Tutoring


3:00pm - 5:00pm 

See December's schedule.



JOLT and Confirmation Class

Every Wednesday, 4:00-6:00pm. See December's schedule.


Operation LOVE

December 3, 15  at 9:00am, Our Redeemer's Coffee Shop

Senior Share

December 14, 28 at 11:45am, Sycamore Senior Village


Tuesday's Bible Study

December 8 at 9:00 a.m. Contact Julie Jensen for location.


Men's Breakfast

December 12 at 7:30am

Tomas Cafe in Oxnard


Council Meeting

December 14 at  7:00pm


Women's Breakfast

December 19 at 9:00 a.m.

Tomas Cafe in Oxnard


Preschool Chapel

No Chapel in December

Christmas Programs Dec. 17 and 18.


The Women's Book Club

December 22 at 7 p.m.

Barnes & Noble



Preschool Board Meeting

Call the church office for more information.


Our Redeemer Lutheran Church and Preschool | (805) 983-0612 | |
721 Doris Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93030