

As I write this, our school is filled with the sound of children's voices, of parents saying " goodbye" and "hello", of teachers getting acquainted with new students, and of office staff greeting all with a smile. It is the beginning of another school year! I enjoy this beginning, the little bit of organized chaos that accompanies the new school year. But I'm an observer and am sure that I might have been feeling a bit stressed this week if I were one of our school staff. I am thankful to God for each of these dedicated servants.


Thank you for choosing Our Redeemer for your child's school. We look forward to our work together to prepare your child for the next steps in education, while also making sure that they know that God loves them unconditionally. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat.


Peace in Christ,

Pastor Nancy




I would like to give a special THANKS to George Diaz and Andrew Diaz for volunteering their time with replacing our old backpack hooks with the new hooks we purchased. Thank You! Thank You! 

 - Amy Vega