Celebrating Our Super-Heroes
At the January 11 school board meeting, NISD students showed their appreciation during School Board Recognition month by presenting the school board with an e-portfolio of projects ranging from videos to artwork.  The e-portfolio represented work from each campus in Northwest ISD.  Each school board member is committed to the work they do for children, and our district values their dedication and support.  Thank you NISD Super-Heroes for Education!

Thank you, NISD Board of Trustees!
Thank you, NISD Board of Trustees!

Two Schools Receive CREST Award
BNHS and Beck Elementary receive national counseling award. Read more.
Record Number of Fine Arts Students Receive State Honors
12 fine arts students receive All-State honors.  Read more.
e-Portfolios in NISD
NISD provides 21st Century learning experiences through e-portfolios. Read more.
Introducing 1:World Resource for Families
NISD has created the 1:World website in an effort to provide student device information, answers to frequently asked questions, acceptable use guidelines, educational trends, e-portfolio information and other resources related to technology. Since 2009, NISD has been a 1:1 school district, offering a school-issued device to secondary students.  This year, all middle and high school students have access to a school-issued device or can bring their own device.  To view the 1:World website, go to http://1toworld.nisdtx.org/.  The 1:World logo was created by the students in the Academy of Business Management and Entrepreneurship at Eaton High School.  

Dr. Rue Named Finalist for Leadership Award
Northwest ISD Superintendent of Schools Karen G. Rue, Ed.D. has been named a finalist by AASA, The School Superintendents Association for the 2016 Women in School Leadership Award. The award, co-sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is designed to recognize exceptional leadership of active, front-line female administrators who are making a difference in the lives of students every day and pay tribute to the talent, creativity and vision of outstanding women educational administrators in the nation's public schools.  The winner will be announced during the AASA 2016 National Conference on Education, February 11-13 in Phoenix, Arizona.  
2016 Annual Report Available Online
The NISD Annual Report is now available online.  The report features an executive summary of information from curriculum and instruction and community engagement to human resources and finance.  More detailed district information can be found on the district's Community Dashboard.

Bus Stop Changes Beginning January 19
Northwest ISD, in partnership with Durham Transportation, strives to provide services to our students that are safe, timely, and effective.  In order to create more safe and efficient bus routes, Durham Transportation will be eliminating some bus stops on all bus routes.  A letter was mailed on Monday, January 11 to inform families of these changes. 

The district has adopted the following guidelines for walk distances (from home to bus stop location) for each age group of students: 

High School -  4/10 of a mile
Middle School - 3/10 of a mile
Elementary School - 2/10 of a mile 

These changes will go into effect beginning Tuesday, January 19.  
This change will cut the amount of time your child is spending on the bus each week up to two hours or more, depending on the route.  Safety is the number one priority in making this adjustment.  Reducing the stops may require students to walk slightly further than their normal bus stop location, depending on the route; however, bus stops will have an increase in the number of students at a stop, providing a safer wait for transportation.     

NISD encourages you to talk with your children about school bus safety.  Use the following tips:
  • Walk with your child to the bus stop, and wait with them until the bus arrives.
  • Make sure your child is waiting at a safe distance away from the curb when the bus arrives.
  • Instruct your child to look left, right, and left again if they need to cross the street upon exiting the bus.
  • Pay attention to drivers who may not be following the speed limits in school zones or near bus stops.
For more information, please contact Durham Transportation at 940-242-3900.

Check out the Community Folder
As a service to NISD students, parents, and community members, the district provides the Community Folder for non-school groups or organizations to post information that may be of interest or benefit students and families.  If you would like to post information to the site, click here for more information.  To view approved flyers, click here.

January 15
End of Semester and early release

January 18
Student Holiday

February 15
Student Holiday/Bad Weather Make-Up Day

March 14-18
Spring Break - Student/Staff Holiday 
Click here to begin.
Stay Connected
P.O. Box 77070 Fort Worth, TX 76177
Phone 817-215-0000 Fax 817-215-0170

Northwest ISD
An equal opportunity district
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