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Women Make Movies gratefully acknowledges the support of our funders: The National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. 


    "(A) political tool that can be used for improve the situation for women's rights defenders."
    London Film Festival

This inspiring documentary, which follows three brave human rights defenders in Liberia, Abkhazia, Georgia and Iraq over six days, gives insight into the everyday, grassroots struggle to improve the situation of women worldwide. SIX DAYS shines a necessary light on some of the most urgent and important human rights issues facing women today: girls education, honor killings, bride kidnappings and women's health issues. 

As it follows these three remarkable women, thousands of miles apart, SIX DAYS bears witness to their unwavering, shared commitment to women's education, empowerment and dreams of a better life. An important film for those who wish to understand the challenges facing women in developing countries around the world and how feminism continues to help improve womens' lives.

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Exclusive Offer - 50% Off Related Collection!

The Human Rights: International Collection is an essential group of films that fearlessly tackles crucial human rights issues around the world. Get 50% off any film in the collection when you purchase SIX DAYS at list price!* Some highlights from the collection include:


FORBIDDEN VOICES: How to Start a Revolution with a Computer 

"An incredible moving story of three women bloggers fighting to keep telling the truth. "Melissa Silverstein, Indiewire [Watch the trailer.]



"More than simply bashing patriarchy or capitalism or globalization, Chakarova instead exposes the complexities and corruptions at their intersections, taking care to humanize, rather than exploit, her brave subjects." Catherine Orr, Women's and Gender Studies, Beloit College [Watch the trailer.]



"...underscores the paradox that drives honor killing in Kurdistan. ... The film takes up several cases to illustrate the insidious permutations of "honor" in practice." Cynthia Fuchs, PopMattersDirector of Film & Media Studies, George Mason University
[Watch the trailer.]


"3 1/2 stars. A powerful documentary on both an emotional and intellectual level, this is highly recommended." Video Librarian
[Watch the trailer.]



"Obaid Chinoy's film is one part of [the] education and awareness-raising effort that could help ease the suffering of women not just in Pakistan but in other countries where acid attacks happen." CBC News [Watch the trailer.]

*Enter code SIDAE14 to apply your discount. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Other exceptions may apply. Offer expires 11/30/2014. 
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About WMM:

Since our beginnings in 1972, WMM has grown from a feminist filmmakers' collective into an industry-leading nonprofit media arts organization and distributor. For over 40 years, WMM has transformed the landscape of filmmaking for women directors and producers, bringing the issues facing women around the world to screens everywhere. Now, with more than 550 films in our catalog, including Academy�, Emmy�, Peabody and Sundance nominees and award winners, WMM is the largest distributor of films by and about women in the world. Women Make Movies. By Women. About Women. For Everyone.