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September 2, 2014 


GRAFTON, WV | Dyna-Tech Adhesive has introduced DyTac 9577, a biodegradable and compostable, water-based, pressure-sensitive adhesive. The rubber-resin emulsion is formulated as a permanent adhesive and meets the federal regulations for indirect food contact.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO | Chromatic Technologies Inc. has  introduced Sunlight Inks (photochromic) for applications including paper, film, and pressure-sensitive labels. The ink is said to provide fast kinetics that turn on rapidly when sunlight hits it, and repeatability that enables the ink to turn "on and off" forever. 


GREENVILLE, WI | Badger Plug offers specially designed pad plugs for roll products packaged in corrugated boxes. The special pad plugs are designed with extended corners or reverse flanges said to provide a broader footprint to better distribute roll weight inside the box.

Discover four key variables contributing to dyne level decay on supplied pretreated film. Find out why leading converters are adopting "bump treating" in their process to guarantee adhesion for their printing, coating and laminating applications. GET FULL TECH ARTICLE
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Dene Taylor-smaller
If you manufacture packaging, you probably purchase films and papers free of migratory concerns, and coatings, inks, and adhesives from suppliers who provide low-migration compounds. You use great care to produce the packaging structures for the direct barrier tests and the specified measurement of migration. Now comes the hard part, says printing expert Dene Taylor. It is your responsibility to always maintain that fully cured state. How can you give a 100% guarantee that you will never ship any uncured or under-cured material?  



Looking for more news, new products, and advice on printing of packaging, labels, or cartons and boxes? Visit the PRINTING  content category on our website.

"Martin Automatic has become an important component in our production strategy to the point that we now have a total of 20 Martin systems in our four production facilities." 
Bob Hakman, owner of Diversified Labeling Solutions, Inc.

See Martin at Labelexpo Booth 811

Visit Martin Automatic today. 


HOCKENHEIM, GERMANY | The new Monte desserts from Zott are simply ingenous and very tasty--and the packaging plays a key role. The flavor stays fresh thanks to the modern two-cup chamber system with folding seam that keeps the ingredients separate until they are mixed just before eating. The container is manufactured using a thin-walled injection technique with in-mold labeling by the Weidenhammer Packaging Group.             



AIMCAL and SPE have joined forces to deliver a new standard in technical education and networking. In 2014, SPE's FlexPackCon will join the AIMCAL Web Coating & Handling Conference to bring attendees 100+ Presentations, 6 Short Courses, 75+ Exhibitors. The expanded conference will now include FlexPackCon's strong focus on flexible packaging materials, processes and new technology combined with AIMCAL's technology focus on web coating and handling. For more information and to register online, visit www.aimcal.org.

Kelly Robinson Static control expert Kelly Robinson tackles an interesting question: A wound roll of biaxially oriented polypropylene has high static. To get rid of the static, we plan to put the roll on a concrete floor and let it sit for a week. Won't this get rid of the static? The quick answer is no.

READ POST        

Corotec 2-19-13       


Winding good rolls can create mysterious and confusing results, says PFFC's web handling expert Tim Walker. Wind two different products on the same winder with the same settings and one roll will be hard as a rock and the other roll will be so loose you can't get it off the machine. Learn more at this session entitled "Under Pressure: How Material Properties Contribute to Roll Tightness."


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NRD LLC has revolutionized the elimination of static electricity build-up in commercial and industrial environments by advancing technology in ionization products that directly control work areas or equipment that require static neutralization. Learn More Here.  


Is your company featured in PPFC's Buyers Guide? Our Buyers Guide lists more than 1,000 suppliers of equipment, accessories, materials, and services in hundreds of categories. To list your company, click here.  


Any questions, call Tim Janes at 303-674-0577 or e-mail tjanes@PFFC-online.com. 


Dr. Huoy-Jen Yuh, Dr. Peter Veverka, Brady Glett, Skip Brooks, Gregg Ockun, and Anne Ballard are in the news. Follow your industry colleagues by Liking PFFC on Facebook and take a moment to congratulate them on their recent career moves.
Watch a demonstration from the QuadTech Engineering Test Lab: The Color Measurement System for packaging and converting printers uses innovative SpectralCam to accurately measure the spectral response and calculate L*a*b* and more at full press speeds.

WATCH VIDEO            

CLEVELAND, OH | US demand for pet food packaging is expected to rise 4.8% annually to $2.5 billion in 2018, reports "Pet Food Packaging," a new study from The Freedonia Group. Growth will be based on the use of higher-value, more sophisticated packaging and continued strength in pet food shipments fueled by
an expected rebound in the pet population.

Pillar Announces Treater Service Program
HARTLAND, WI | Pillar Technologies has launched the UPTIME Preventative Maintenance Program said to provide surface treatment customers with the highest level of maintenance support available. 

WILMINGTON, MA | Poligof Spa has moved forward with a new central impression flexographic EB press from the Uteco Group, outfitted with an electron beam from Energy Sciences Inc. 



Talk To Me

Hope your Labor Day weekend was without labor. Editorial Director Yolanda Simonsis spent some of her leisure time kayaking on Upper Jeptha Lake in Michigan. How did you spend the traditional end-of-summer holiday? Write to me at chine@pffc-online.com. Thanks! -- Claudia   

Want to share your news with our subscribers? Send your company's announcements and new product releases to us for inclusion in E-Clips. 

Editorial Inquiries/Press Releases:
Yolanda Simonsis | President/Editorial Director | 773-916-PFFC

Claudia Hine | Managing Editor | 312-286-1374

Advertising Opportunities:
Tim Janes | VP Online Sales | 303-674-0577

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Featured Event 


September 9-12 | East 2014 Afripack, Ipak-Ima, Kenyatta Intl. Conference Ctr. (KICC), Nairobi, Kenya; +39 02 319 1091; www.eastafripack.com



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