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July 30, 2013     




WOODSTOCK, GA | Digital Label Finishing Systems announces the MP850 8.5-in.-wide "Mini Press" designed to laminate, die-cut, slit, and rewind digitally printed labels.   



NEENAH, WI | Appleton Mfg. Division introduces a more advanced version of the Safe-Slab core recycler, the Slabber XLA, for nonwovens. This new version brings full automation plus process integration to the original Safe-Slab concept of safe, efficient slabbing and core recycling.

FORT MYERS, FL | Air Science offers the Purair Flex film isolator, said to meet any analytical need. Portable unit features a curved film design said to provide more working volume than other glove bags, and double O-ring design on the standard polyurethane cuffs allows users to change gloves quickly and easily.


Jemmco 7-30 JEMM-TRAC Traction Sleeves feature a High COF Surface that Grips the Web and Keeps Your Rollers Turning, eliminating the need for tapes, seams and adhesives. Our JEMM-TRAC Traction Sleeve, which is a proprietary material, performs well as a general purpose Silicone Roller Covering, featuring good Release Properties and High Temperature Resistance. To Learn More  



PR efforts with your staff and suppliers can prove a very valuable complement to customer and shareholder relationship-building. PR pro Mark Lusky offers five ways to dedicate some internal PR to those working in the trenches.      



Biondo Daily Pouch   
STAMFORD, CT | Daily's Cocktails, a collection of 13 single-serve, ready-to-drink favorites re-dressed in shiny silver polyfoil 10-oz pouches adorned with new tantalizing drink shots and flavorful fruit images redesigned by The Biondo Group are now reaching retailers nationwide.
Dene Taylor-smaller Dr. Dene Taylor of SPF-Inc. and PFFC author of "On Print" will give an update on digital printing for packaging and labels. Separately he will describe the benefits of extended gamut color sets for packaging and label printers.

His sessions include the following:

Digital Printing for Packaging and Labels
September 10: 2:00-3:00 p.m.

The Internet, smart technologies, and social media have changed the way customers receive information and connect with vendors and other customers. Has your sales philosophy changed? Senior marketer Stephanie Millman suggests an overhaul of your sales incentives and structure just might be in order.

Follow your industry colleagues by Liking PFFC on Facebook and take a moment to congratulate them on their recent career moves.

Intl.Label At International Label & Printing Co., Elk Grove Village, IL, Tony Dardano, executive VP of sales and marketing, and Mark Turk, president and CEO, tell PFFC's Claudia Hine that the company has much to celebrate this year: its 20th anniversary and awards for graphics excellence from the Great Lakes Graphics Assn. and the Printing Industries of America for craft beer labels produced on a Nilpeter FA-3 combination UV flexo/CASLON UV-inkjet digital press.  Read Full Article

BENNINGTON, NH | Monadnock Paper Mills Inc. reports that its mill is back up and running as of July 15 following a fire that was contained in the building's electrical room on July 3. All employees in the mill at the time of the fire are safe.

MARLTON, NJ | Technical Help in Engineering and Marketing announced an expansion of its contract packaging capabilities. With recent investments in equipment, personnel, and resources, the company reports it is repositioning itself as a broader, more multi-faceted resource for consumer brands seeking single-serve packaging solutions.

PCI Says European BOPET Film Prices Are Stable
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, UK | Following two years of steady decline in the European price of 12-micron bi-oriented polyester (BOPET) film, it would appear that the trend has finally stabilized, PCI Films Consulting reports in the latest edition of "European Monthly BOPET Film Pricing Series."

Talk To Me

mallards While PFFC's Tim Janes can brag about elk traffic jams in Colorado, Dene Taylor has shared a photo of two of the three mallards (mother and daughter?) that were enjoying his pond and bird food one afternoon last week. He says a brace of mallards has spent time there for the past three years. What's in your backyard? Write to me at chine@pffc-online.com. - Claudia

Want to share your news with our subscribers? Send your company's announcements and new product releases to us for inclusion in E-Clips. 

Editorial Inquiries/Press Releases:
Yolanda Simonsis | President/Editorial Director | 773-916-PFFC

Claudia Hine | Managing Editor | 312-286-1374

Advertising Opportunities:
Tim Janes | VP Online Sales | 303-674-0577

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Featured Event 


August 7-16 | Karlville Open House, Karlville Development Group Headquarters, Elgin, IL; www.karlville.com


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