Kansas City area: Get a free dry brush for summer!
Receive a dry brush with your thermogram during June or July!*
Dry brushing for 7-10 minutes before a bath or shower can be the equivalent of a five mile walk for the lymph nodes. When dry brushing, always move the brush toward your heart. Start with your feet and brush 4-5 upward strokes on each body part ending under the bust-line. Then raise arm, and brush hand and arm using downward strokes. Brush back areas that can be easily reached.
For more information or to schedule your thermogram please contact Ashley at: ashley@breastresearchawareness.com | 913-396-2774
*With coupon only. Please see coupon & restrictions below.
~BRAS Spotlight~ Since my baseline thermogram, I've been oil pulling with olive oil, dry brushing and massaging my breasts several times a week. At my 3-month follow up [thermogram], my lymphs had cleared up and my thyroid has vastly improved, with body temperatures increasing from 96 to 97.9 over 3 months.
-Sonia M.
-Linda Bamber, Clinical Thermographer
Breast Research Awareness & Support