April 2013  

In This Issue
Don't Fall for the Gold Standard Myth
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Think Beyond
Radio Program
Pink ribbons for the cause are everywhere: pink marshmallows, pink hair dryers, pink cupcakes and pink cosmetics. How do we know when something is really helping, educating or protecting our breast health? Have we been pink-washed? Linda Bamber helps you sort it all out. Join her as she talks with survivors, educators and writers, so that you can Think beyond Pink.


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Breast Research Awareness and Support News   

Don't Fall for the Gold Standard Myth

This myth needs to be busted. Our breasts support the billion dollar breast cancer industry. Therefore they will not back down from aggressive marketing even though study after study is showing inconclusive and poor evidence that mammography screenings are saving lives.  


But, changes in our breast health screenings are coming.  It's time that we demand them and not take a passive role in our breast health like our mother's generation did.  


This information is credible and really...incredible.  Maybe it will give you some new ideas on being proactive to protect your breast health.  Don't fall for the "Mammogram Parties" that are now being advertised and backed by the Susan G. Komen  Foundation (funded by mammogram manufacturers).


1.        Suzanne Somers shares information with us on an episode of the Dr. Oz show. Dr. Joel Aronowitz, MD, stated that "an implant, in the presence of radiation, has much higher complications of getting hard and getting infected."  If a mammogram can do that to plastic in our body, how much more harm is it doing to our natural DNA? If you have implants consider thermography: no pain, pressure or radiation.


2.        Radiation weakens mutated DNA and causes cancer-be aware if you have had genetic testing done.  You will be advised to have more mammograms-not less.  You may also be advised to have a prophylactic mastectomy-a double mastectomy for protection.  Instead learn about epigenetics.  Thousands of studies say we can control our genes.


3.       California, Connecticut, New York, Virginia and Texas all have breast density laws.  It is mandatory for radiologists to inform clients with dense breast tissue that mammograms are practically useless.  A similar law is now being considered at the federal level as well.  Insurance will cover other types of tests, including thermography, in these states ...so it's definitely needed in every state. Women should have a choice and information about several kinds of breasts tests and insurance coverage for all.  


 4.       Women are asking if the new #D Tomosynthesis mammogram is better.  It still squeezes and uses 30% more radiation.  It is an improvement for the radiologist-they can evidently see better, but it's not safer for us.  Avoid these even if your doctor insists.


5.       A study in the New England Journal of Medicine in Nov. 2012 challenged the validity of mammogram screenings.  The authors, Dr. Archie Bleyer, MD from the Oregon Health Sciences Center and Dr. Gilbert Welch, M.D. from Dartmouth, concluded that mammograms have no influence on the number of women who die from breast cancer. Do your own research in the Archives of Internal Medicine, The Lance Review, the British Medical Journal, the Nordic Cochrane Center, and the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force.  Evidence abounds - mammograms may do more harm than good. 

 6.       A huge industry has been built around over-diagnosis and treatment.  According to Dr. Christine Horner, M.D., about 800,000 women will have needless biopsies (averaging $12,000 each).  No value is attached to our pain, suffering and emotional wellness.  Always get second opinions on all surgeries.  Remember that you have time to look at options.


 Dr. Abraham Safirstein shared this view, "There are times when we have to take the initiative and do what must be done for our health regardless of what our disease insurance is and is not willing to cover.  I call it disease insurance because it does not insure my health, it only pays for disease.  Those folks who cannot afford to pay out of pocket are screwed, the best "health insurance" is to take the initiative and do what has to be done, be it supplements, safe screening measures, organic food, etc."    


Linda Bamber, Clinical Thermographer
Breast Research Awareness and Support

The information provided is designed for educational purposes only and is not provided as a professional service or as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical care and if you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.