Los Angeles Fashion District
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March 5, 2015

BID Clean Team Graffiti Removal Services


The Fashion District Clean Team has a dedicated graffiti removal employee who works around the clock to help us keep the Fashion District looking clean and beautiful. Most recently, our Field Supervisor Elmer Pacheco and Graffiti Removal Specialist Ellison Lupo obtained permission from the property owner of the pictured building to gain access to the roof and remove the tags which could be seen from the freeway and were detracting from the district.


If there is graffiti on your property or you see graffiti in the area, please report it to the Fashion District Field Office at 213-741-2661. 

Safe Team BID Senior Sergeant Ivan Garcia to Join Long Beach Police Department



BID Senior Sergeant Ivan Garcia, who was in last week's What's New for helping detain a suspected arsonist in the district, has been offered employment as a police officer by the Long Beach Police Department. Garcia has been with the Fashion District for two years and was awarded the 2014 LA Fashion District BID Safe Team Officer of the Year award by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). He is one of the most dedicated officers the BID has ever employed and a testament to the success of the Fashion District Safe Team program. We wish him the best of luck in Long Beach.


Thank you for serving the Fashion District Ivan! 



Film L.A. Expects Filming in Downtown to Increase in July


Photo by Matt Kennedy via LA Times


Film L.A. is expecting a large increase in filming in Downtown Los Angeles starting in July 2015. The Fashion District already sees a significant number of film crews in the area. The BID emails notices of filming to property and business owners. If you are not receiving these notices and would like to be added to the list please email our Administrative Assistant, Jasmine Ramos at jasmine@fashiondistrict.org.

L.A. Textile and Factory Direct Tradeshows

The Fashion District hosted two textile and sourcing tradeshows this week. L.A. Int'l Textile Show returned to the California Market Center, March 2-4, featuring hundreds of textile mills and manufacturing resources from around the world, while Factory Direct made its debut at The New Mart. Factory Direct focuses on delivering resources that are pre-qualified with low minimums. Both will be back to present their Fall/Winter 16/17 shows in September. 


LAPD Boosters 2015 Annual Public Safety Luncheon & Awards Ceremony

The Central City Police Boosters Board of Directors invite you to join in honoring the Central Area LAPD Officers, Civilians and BID Officers who protect and serve our Downtown Los Angeles Community. The luncheon and award ceremony will be held Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at the Omni Hotel, 251 S Olive St, Downtown Los Angeles. Please see this flyer for additional information and sponsorship opportunities.  


Open Call: DLANC Fashion District Representative

The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council (DLANC) is seeking a Fashion District Resident Representative to join their board. The mission of DLANC is to unite the diverse communities of Downtown Los Angeles and to provide an innovative forum for all community stakeholders to contribute to a healthy, vibrant, and inclusive Downtown. To learn more about DLANC and to inquire about the Fashion District Resident Representative seat visit www.dlanc.org

L.A. Int'l Textile Show
March 2-4 at the CMC
The textile and sourcing tradeshow returns to the Fashion District featuring hundreds of textile mills and manufacturing service providers from around the world. more info

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