K2 Office Tips Header
Volume 9, Number 10  

October, 2014

It  is now fall in Brampton and although the weather is cool we still manage a cappuccino on our deck on the sunny days.  


The focus in October is always on the 2014 Accounting Technology seminar series that I have been coordinating for the last twenty two years. This year the attendance has reached a new high with nine of the thirteen cities selling out. I have been in attendance at the seminars in the Toronto area and Nancy and I will be flying to Vancouver for the final event next Saturday.


I am pleased to be presenting our Tech Update at the CGA Ontario conference in early November. As well, I will be doing a keynote at the first Canadian Accounting Technology Show in Toronto,  also in early November.


Starting next week I will be tweeting an Excel keyboard shortcut five days a week. If you want to receive these useful tips click on the "Follow us on twitter" tab in the Quick Links panel below on the left.


Our series of on demand webinars is being well received and we now have five webinars in our web store. For additional information and to purchase a webinar please CLICK HERE.

As usual, I welcome your comments at alan@k2e.ca




Alan Salmon

Excel Tips

Excel1How to Move the Quick Access Toolbar    

Summary: The Quick Access Toolbar normally appears at the top of your screen above the Ribbon. I prefer to display it below the Ribbon. Here is how to do this:  

  • Right click over the Quick Access Toolbar 
  • Select Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon
Your Quick Access Toolbar will now appear below the Ribbon.


Excel2ADeleting Hyperlinks in an Excel Workbook      

Summary:  There are times when you need to delete one or more hyperlinks from an Excel workbook. Here is how to do this: 

  • Select the cell containing the first hyperlink that you want to remove 
  • Press Ctrl+K
  • In the Edit Hyperlink dialog box click on Remove Link
Repeat the process if you need to delete another hyperlink. 


Back to top


Summary: There are times when you only want to copy the visible cells in a worksheet. This is usually the case when you have hidden rows in the range and you don't want to copy the hidden data. Here is how to do this: 

To just copy and paste the visible cells in a range do the following.
  • Select the range of cells
  • Click on the Home tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Editing group click on Find & Select
  • Select Go To Special
  • Under Select, select Visible Cells Only
  • Click on OK
  • Click on the Home tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Clipboard group select Copy
  • Position your cursor in the cell in the worksheet in which you want to paste the visible data
  • Select Paste

Only the visible data will be pasted into the worksheet. 


Word Tip


Word1Deleting Tab Stops           

Summary: There is no keyboard shortcut to remove tab stops. You must use the Tabs dialog box to remove them. Here is how to do this:keyboard. 
  • Press Ctrl+A. This action selects the entire current document.
  • Click on the Home tab of the Ribbon.
  • Click on the small icon at the bottom-right of the Paragraph group and Word will display the Paragraph dialog box.
  • Click on the Tabs button at the bottom-left of the dialog box and Word will display the Tabs dialog box. 
  • Click the Clear All button.
  • Click OK.
All of your tabs in the document will be deleted.


K2E Canada Inc.is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world. Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.

To subscribe to our K2E Canada newsletter send an e-mail to

alan@k2e.ca  with "Subscribe to newsletter" in the Subject. 
Your information is always kept secure and never shared
Alan Salmon
Managing Director
K2E Canada Inc.