K2 Office Tips Header
Volume 9, Number 8  

August, 2014

Nancy and I have really enjoyed the summer of 2014. The weather has been perfect; sunny and not too hot, so we are really enjoying our deck. We had a couple of days in cottage country and another weekend in Burlington for a family wedding.


I spent August editing the manuals and teaching files for our catalog of 23 courses. This is a great way for me to keep on top of the changing world of accounting technology.

In September we will be launching two on demand webinars. The first is entitled "Excel Tables - Revolutionize How You Work with Excel!" Tables are new in Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013. Think of them as two-dimensional Excel databases with special functionality to ease and enhance the way users sort, filter, format, and analyze information. This webinar will be available the second week in September. To be notified when it is available please

The second is entitled "Tech Cookbook - Plain Tech Talk for Your Office".This on demand webinar will help you to understand what hardware to buy, including notebooks, Ultrabooks, desktops, servers, wireless networking tools, and firewalls, along with printers and scanners - in other words simple recommendations for hardware. Additionally, we include software recommendations in several categories such as anti-virus and collaboration to help round out your purchasing strategy. To be notified when it is available please  CLICK HERE.

As usual, I welcome your comments at alan@k2e.ca




Alan Salmon

Excel Tips

Excel1Closing an Excel Workbook Without Exiting the Program   

Summary: When you close Excel it exits you from the program. Then to open another Excel workbook you have to start Excel all over again. This is a big time waster. Here is how to close an Excel workbook and stay in Excel:

To close a workbook and stay in Excel press Ctrl+W.
 This will close the workbook and keep Excel open. If you have not saved your file before you press Ctrl+W, Excel will prompt you to save the file and then will close.

PS This also works in Word and PowerPoint. 

Excel2ACalculating a Person's Age           

Summary: There are times when you would like Excel to calculate a perons's age. Here is how to do this with the =DAYS360 function:


Let's assume that Column A contains a list of a person's date of birth starting in Row 3. Column B contains the current date. In column C we want to calculate the person's age.

To calculate the age of an individual.
Select cell C3 

  1. Type =DAYS360( 
  2. Click on cell A3 which contains the start date 
  3. Add a comma and then click on cell B3 which contains the end date 
  4. Add the closing bracket ) 
  5. Then type /360 
  6. Press the enter key Copy the formula down to the rest of the cells in Column C
  7. In this example cell A3 refers to the start date (date of birth) and B3 to the current date. We divide the answer by 360 days because we want to convert the days to years. 

We now have the age of each person in Column C.   

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Excel3Displaying Two Excel Worksheets on the Screen at the Same Time 
Summary: There are times when it is useful to display two Excel worksheets on the screen at the same time. Here is how to do this:


Make sure you have only have one workbook open.

  1. Click on the View tab of the ribbon
  2. Click on the New Window tool in the Window group. Excel will open a second version of the same workbook
  3. In the View tab of the ribbon, click on the Arrange All tool in the Window group
  4. Choose how you want Excel to arrange your windows
  5. Click on OK.

Excel arranges the windows as you directed.

In each of the windows you can display different worksheets, even though they are part of the same workbook. When you are done, simply close one of the windows and save your work.

If you have a need to do so, you can view more than two worksheets from the same workbook. Just repeat step 2 as many times as necessary to open the desired number of windows.


Word Tip


Word1Quickly Selecting a Word(s)           

Summary: If you using a mouse Word has a neat shortcut that enables you to select a word or words very quickly.Here is how to do this:  
  1. Point to the word you want to select.
  2. Double click with your mouse.

The word will be selected. If you want to select several words double click on the first word and then hold down the Control Key and double click on the additional words you want to select.



K2E Canada Inc.is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world. Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.


To subscribe to our K2E Canada newsletter send an e-mail to

alan@k2e.ca  with "Subscribe to newsletter" in the Subject. 
Your information is always kept secure and never shared
Alan Salmon
Managing Director
K2E Canada Inc.