K2 Office Tips Header
Volume 9, Number 3  

March, 2014

It is now almost the end of March here in Brampton and I think that spring is finally in the air. We have had a couple of plus five degrees days and it sure was nice. The snow on our deck is now gone, so that is a good sign.


For those of you who have attended one of our K2 seminars hosted by one of the accounting associations, have you thought about providing this training to your colleagues? This is a very affordable way to improve the Excel skills of the members of your team. 


We have a few openings this spring and more in the fall. If you would like additional information about our in house seminars, please contact me at the e-mail address below.


I am putting the finishing touches on my new series of webinars. Complete details will be in the April newsletter.


As usual, I would welcome your comments at alan@k2e.ca.




Alan Salmon

Excel Tips

Excel1Adding a Calculator to the Quick Access Toolbar

Summary: There are many times in Excel when you want to do a quick calculation without using a formula or function. Here's how to use Excel's built-in calculator: 


The Excel calculator is one of the many commands that you can add to the Quick Access Toolbar. To put the calculator on your Quick Access Toolbar you do the following:


  1. Click on the File tab and Select Options.
  2. Click on Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. In the "Choose Commands From" drop down box select "Commands not in the Ribbon".
  4. Click on the "Calculator" icon.
  5. Click Add and Excel will add the Calculator at the right end of the Quick Access Toolbar.
  6. Click OK. 
Now click on the Calculator icon and it will appear. You use the calculator as you would any electronic calculator. Click on a number, choose an operation such as the plus key to do addition and then click on another number. Press the equal sign key to get the result.

Excel2Adding Comments          

Summary: There are times when you need to add a comment to a cell to provide additional information about the contents of the cell.  Here's how:  


A comment is a descriptive text that enables you to document your work when you add text or create a formula. You can enter a comment in any cell. Here are the steps:


  1. Click in the cell to which you want to add a comment.
  2. Click on the Review tab in the ribbon.
  3. Click on New Comment in the Comments group and a comment box will appear with a tiny red triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell.
  4. Type your comment. You can format the text as you would normally format a cell.
  5. Click outside the comment box when you have finished and the comment box will disappear.
  6. Move your cursor over the cell to see the comment again.
  7.  Click Edit Comment in the Comments group to edit a comment.
  8. Click delete in the Comments group to delete a comment.
  9. To display all the comments in the worksheet click Show All Comments in the Comments group.
  10. To close the comments boxes, click Show All Comments again
  11. To cycle through your comments click Previous or Next in the comments group . 



Summary: There are times when it is useful to print the row numbers for your worksheet. There is a setting in Excel that enables you to print the row numbers and the column letters. However, there is not a setting to just print the row numbers:


There is however, a way to get the row numbers to print. You need to add a new column A (insert a blank column to the left of the existing column A) and then use this formula in each cell of the column:




The formula returns the row number of the formula's row and it will print. 




Word Tip


WordHighlighting Information Using Shading


Summary: There are times when you would like to highlight a paragraph in your document. Here is how to do this:  

You can do this with Word's shading tool.  To add shading to a paragraph involves the following steps:
  1. Click and place your insertion point in the paragraph that you want to shade.
  2. Click on the Home tab of the ribbon.
  3. In the Paragraph group, click on the down-arrow to the right of the Shading tool. (This tool looks like a tilted paint bucket, spilling paint to the right.) Word then displays a shading palette.
  4. Hover over a color and your paragraph will be shaded with that color. 
  5. When you find a color that you like, click on the color and your paragraph will be shaded. 


K2E Canada Inc. is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world. Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.


To subscribe to our K2E Canada Inc. newsletter send an e-mail to

alan@k2e.ca  with "Subscribe to newsletter" in the Subject. 
Your information is always kept secure and never shared
Alan Salmon
Managing Director
K2E Canada Inc.