K2 Office Tips Header
Volume 8, Number 11  

November, 2013

Winter has arrived in Brampton, ON. We woke up this morning to 4 cm of snow. Oh well, the white stuff in our back yard is quite beautiful.


Our 2013 Accounting Technology seminar series was a great success. This is the 21st year that we have gone coast to coast to visit 13 cities, providing accounting and bookkeeping firms with an update on the technology that they and their clients use. Attendance was up and we get some great reviews.


My next webinar will be in the new year. I am currently undergoing 33 days of radiation treatment to kill the small tumors that were left after my operation last year. 


As usual I would welcome your comments at alan@k2e.ca.




Alan Salmon

Excel Tips

Excel1Using a Symbol or Special Character 

Summary: In Excel you are not restricted to the standard numerals, letters and punctuation marks on your keyboard. You can also select from hundreds of Special Characters, such as foreign letters and Currency Characters, such as the Euro. Here is how to access these special characters.   


  1. Select the cell where you want to insert a symbol.
  2. Click on the Insert tab.
  3. Click on Symbol in the Symbol Group and the Symbol and Special Character dialog box will appear.
  4. Click on the Symbol Tab
  5. Select the Symbol you want.
  6. Click Insert and it will appear in the cell.

To insert a Special Character repeat the process. In Step 4 click on the Special Character tab and select your Special Character. Click on Insert and the Special Character will appear in the cell.



Excel2Read Back Your Data      

Summary: If you have a large amount of data to enter you may want to check the accuracy of your data entry by having the data read back to you while you check it against a printed list. Here is how to do this.


Before Excel can read your data, you must add the following buttons to your Quick Access Toolbar: Speak Cells, Speak Cells - Stop Speaking Cells, Speak Cells by Columns, Speak Cells by Rows, and Speak Cells on Enter. After you have done this you can hear the data in selected cells by doing the following:
  1. Select the cells that you want Excel to read.
  2. Click on either the Speak by Columns or Speak by Rows icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. Click Speak Cells by Columns if you want Excel to read down the columns.
  4. Click Speak Cells by Rows if you want Excel to read across the rows.
  5. Click on the Speak Cells icon in the Quick Access Toolbar and Excel will read the selected data.
  6. To stop Excel reading the cells, click on the Speak Cells - Stop Speaking icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.
If you click on the Speak on Enter button the cell contents will be read each time you hit the Enter key.



Excel3Changing Your Name
Summary: When you first install Excel, it asks you for your name so it can personalize the registration for your program. It also writes your name in the User Area. If you need to change your name, here is how to do this:
  1. Display the Excel Options dialog box.
    (In Excel 2007 click on the Office Button and then click Excel Options. In Excel 2010 and 2013 click on the File tab of the ribbon and then click on Options)
  2. Make sure the Popular Option (Excel 2007) or General Option (Excel 2010 and Excel 2013) is selected at the left of the dialog box.
  3. Change the information in the User Name box.
  4. Click on OK.

This change will only affect new workbooks. In a new workbook the name you changed will end up in the workbook property. It will not affect the Author property for any existing workbook.




Word Tip


WordSave Changes to all Open Word Documents at Once             

Summary: When you are working with multiple documents it is useful to save them all at once. Here is how to do this:    

To do this you need to add an icon to the Quick Access Toolbar.

  1. Select the Office Button (File in 2010 and 2013).
  2. Select Word Options (Options in 2010 and 2013).
  3. Select Customize (Quick Access Toolbar in 2010 and 2013)
  4. Select Commands Not in the Ribbon.
  5. Scroll down and select Save All.
  6. Press the Add button.
  7. Press OK.

When you want to save all your open Word files click on the Save All button on the Quick Access Toolbar.



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 PowerPoint Tips


Summary: Setting Up your PowerPoint Presentation is the key to delivering a successful presentation. Here are some great tips to follow when you are starting to design your presentation.   

You need the following sections in your presentation:


The Introduction

  1. Use a Title Page with your Presentation Topic and your Name
  2. Then have an attention getting slide
  3. Then in the order that makes sense to you
  1. Your thesis
  2. Your expertise
  3. How the topic connects to your audience  

The Body  

  1. Create slides that cover the items that you need to support and address your thesis
  2. Include pictures and videos
  3. Include interesting supporting material and well documented points



  1. Create slides that cover the items that you need to support and address your thesis
  2. Sum up
  3. Explain the usefulness of the material you have presented
  4. Provide closure by connecting back to your attention getter
  5. Include a blank slide for questions

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K2E Canada Inc. is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world. Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.


To subscribe to our K2E Canada Inc. newsletter send an e-mail to

alan@k2e.ca  with "Subscribe to newsletter" in the Subject. 
Your information is always kept secure and never shared
Alan Salmon
Managing Director
K2E Canada Inc.