February 2016

USNS MERCY SPECIAL EVENT - Friday, February 19, Ventura
The  United States Naval Ship Mercy provides rapid, flexible, and mobile acute medical and surgical services to support U.S. forces deployed ashore and afloat. It also provides support for disaster or humanitarian operations during peacetime.
We have a very special opportunity to meet with the Commanding Officer of the USNS Mercy Medical Unit, Captain Melanie Merrick USN, at Camp Arnaz on Friday, February 19, to learn about the Mercy, its role in world relations, and lessons in leadership. This will be followed up by a very special opportunity to travel to San Diego in April to tour the USNS Mercy in person! Participants in one program are not required to sign up for both. Visit the GSCCC Events Calendar for an opportunity to register for one or both programs.
ANNUAL MEETING: Celebrating 100 Years of the Highest Honor in Girl Scouting  Saturday, April 9, 2016, Wyndam Garden Pierpont Inn, Ventura  6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
GSCCC will present the legacy of these highest medals while spotlighting past, present and future Girl Scout Gold Award recipients and predecessor awardees at a special Annual Meeting to honor the Gold Award Centennial. 

Girls and women will be recognized who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership through their projects. A brief business meeting of the council will also be conducted by the GSCCC Board of Directors.  

All members are invited to attend. Registration begins this week and the cost to attend is $10. Gold Awardee and predecessor awardees are free. If you know of Girl Scout alumni who have earned Girl Scouting's highest honor, please share the event and have them contact Sheila Walsh: swalsh@girlscoutsccc.org  

Camp Arnaz rustic (cot/mat) overnight lodging will be provided to Gold Award recipients' troops at no charge if they would like to attend. A block of rooms have been reserved for GSCCC at the Pierpont Inn for $139 + tax - must reserve by March 25.

GOLD AWARD VIDEO CASTING CALL Girls who have earned, or are earning the Gold Award this Centennial year, are invited to participate in a video production scheduled for Saturday, February 20. Please contact Sheila as soon as possible if you are interested. 

COOKIE SALE PROGRAM 2016  BIG thanks! to everybody who participated in the initial cookie deliveries. At the start of the sale, we had 907,500 boxes of cookies in the hands of 6,441 girls. More cookie sale info here.
We are incredibly grateful for all of the time and space you are giving to your troop's successful cookie sale program. We are having delivery and technology problems due to issues outside the council's control, and are working diligently to resolve them. This is causing a high volume of phone calls and emails. We appreciate your patience. Thanks again for all you do for Girl Scouts!

Cookie season is when Girl Scouts are most visible. Troops are often questioned about how to join Girl Scouts during booth sales. Spreading the word was never easier. Every troop will have buttons to wear, dual-sided business cards to pass out and a table tent featuring a number to text for more information. If you haven't received these items, please pick them up at your SU Meetings. Questions? Contact Camille: cjaque@girlscoutsccc.org    Remember: Girls must be registered in order to sell cookies. Parents must be registered in order to assist at booth sales. Register here. Registration questions? Contact Maria: mramirez@girlscoutsccc.org
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support GSCCC every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to GSCCC.

On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), make sure Girl Scouts of California's Central Coast is selected to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.

It's that easy! Questions? Contact Jody jskenderian@girlscoutsccc.org

February 22celebrates the birthdays of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts founder Robert, Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941) and World Chief Guide Olave, Lady Baden-Powell (1889-1977).   
Each year on February 22, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. It is a special day in the Girl Scout year when we remember we are part of a worldwide movement. The day is also a time to donate funds to the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund.  How is your troop celebrating Thinking Day?  Send photos to media@girlscoutsccc.org Commemorative patches are sold online or in the shops.


The following is just a partial listing of the many programs happening in coming months. Be sure to visit the GSCCC Events Calendar for more information, and to register!
  • Dive DEEP at the Conejo Gem and Mineral Club meeting, February 11, Thousand Oaks
  • USNS Mercy: Compassion and Leadership Around the World, February 19, Camp Arnaz (see above)
  • Engineering Challenge, February 27, San Luis Obispo
  • Monarch Monitoring Program, first meeting March 12, Camp Arnaz (see below)
  • Sand Dune Restoration, March 12, Pacific Grove
Looking for great opportunities to travel as a troop or with a GSCCC group? Check out Travel opportunities highlighted on the council website. Trips are currently being planned to Savannah, Europe, and Costa Rica! Questions?  Contact: Brenda Cusick travel@girlscoutsccc.org
Is Puerto Rico more for you? Join 16 other Girl Scouts on a week long adventure in the Caribbean. Participants will explore parts of one of the world's largest cave systems by kayak, swim in a bioluminescent bay, enjoy the thrill of a zip line and rappelling adventure, hike through an endangered rainforest, visit world heritage sites of Old San Juan, and much more.  Questions? Contact: Sue Hrychyk shrychyk@yahoo.com
GSUSA Destinations program deadline for submitting applications for Round-2 is February 1. You're not too late! Complete applications can be submitted via email today to travel@girlscoutsccc.org. Need more information? Go to Destinations page

Come learn all about how you can help the declining Monarch butterfly population by attending the Arnaz Program Center's Monarch Monitoring Program. This program is scheduled every second Saturday from March through December 2016. (*EXCEPTION - September 2016, 3rd Saturday) Register via GSCCC Events Calendar.

All information and data collected will be submitted to the University of Minnesota's Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project (MLMP). Questions? Contact: Amanda ahofmann-handy@girlscoutsccc.org for more information.



Camp Arnaz has been recognized by the American Camp Association (ACA) for its dedication to excellence and safety. ACA Accredition means that the policies and procedures in place at the camp help to ensure a very high level of safety and security for you and all camp visitors!

There are many ways that you can contribute to the development of a Master Plan for Camp Arnaz.
  1. Send us your input no later than February 29, 2016 online at https://www.cognitoforms.com/Camparnazgirlscoutscccorg/CampArnazMasterPlan
  2. Come to the community meeting at Camp Arnaz on February 17, from 6:00-8:00 pm to lend your voice to the discussion. Please RSVP to camparnaz@girlscoutsccc.org
  3. Join the Camp Arnaz Master Plan Task Force. Email camparnaz@girlscoutsccc.org if you are interested. The Task Force will meet in March to review responses from the online form and community meeting, and determine next steps (and further meetings) at that time.
KALEIDOSCOPE 2017 A weekend camporee for Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Troops that includes outdoor skills challenges, tent camping, fun & friendship. Planning has begun. Committee Members Needed! Committee meetings will be held monthly at the Goleta Girl Scout office. Needed: Parking Chair and Scheduler Chair.  Other positions are also open. Questions? Contact: Volunteer Co-Chairs:  Marsha Hill, thehills@sbceo.org or Holly Nishida, gollyholly@aol.com.

ARBOR DAY - April 30, 2016 
Arbor Day is all about planting, nurturing, and promoting education about trees. Celebrate the day at Camp Arnaz and help plant 100 trees!

Girls will also learn:
  • The proper way to plant a tree from a landscape architect; who also happens to be our very own GSCCC Director of Properties!
  • About the seasons and why it is important to plant trees at the right time.
  • Proper watering techniques and tree wells.
  • Staking a tree correctly so it won't blow over!
Register via GSCCC Events Calendar.
Has an adult volunteer really gone the extra mile in serving girls, fellow adults, the needs of the council, or the movement overall? Recognize those tremendous efforts by submitting a nomination for an adult award! There are many different kinds of awards. Nominations for awards should be in recognition of efforts during the 2014-15 Girl Scout year. Adult Awards Guide answers most questions. To make the process a bit easier, Nomination and Endorsement forms can be filled out online and printed.
Applications that require council approval must be received by February 19, 2016. Questions? Contact: Melissa mbaffa@girlscoutsccc.org

ATCs coordinate local GSCCC trainings. They understand the overall process of current council trainings, assist staff with keeping training kits current, assist with organizing area trainings, and speak at Service Unit Meetings.

Current ATCs are:
Interested? Contact Sheila at swalsh@girlscoutsccc.org.  An ATC is a current GSUSA member, has completed a Volunteer Application and background check, Learning Facilitator training, and at least one other current GSCCC training.

Did you know that council offers a variety of training opportunities throughout the year? A sample of programs coming up includes: 
  • Learning Facilitator Training, March 5, Castroville
  • Outdoor Training, March 10, Hollister
  • Learning Facilitator Training, March 19, San Luis Obispo
  • First Aid & CPR, March 20, Simi Valley 
 Register via the GSCCC Events Calendar  Questions? Contact programs@girlscoutsccc.org  

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND - Mini Order-Tracking Card (download, print, and go)
EL NIŅO PATCH Let it rain. Let it rain. Let it rain. El Niņo shouldn't dampen the Cookie Sale.  In fact, your girls can earn an El Niņo patch if they brave the elements to sell those Thin Mints. Send us a picture of how you stand tall against El Niņo and your patch is free.  Send to media@girlscoutsccc.org Include your Troop # and contact information. In addition, Girl Scout rain ponchos will be available for purchase from the Service Unit.

Girls around the country will be celebrating all of the amazing things they do with their cookie earnings every year, while highlighting the importance of the 5 Skills they learn through the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Submit your awesome cookie earnings stories at www.girlscouts.org/shareyourstory , and let the "cookie bosses" shine bright. Select stories will be featured during National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend!  Commemorative patches are available in the stores and online. 

Troops could contact their local VFWs and American Legions to promote Troop to Troops cookie sales.

  • Monday, 2/8 - Initial ACH withdrawal from Troop bank accounts
  • Friday, 2/12- Cookie Booth Sales Begin
  • Monday, 2/15 - Webinar: Booth & Finances
  • Monday, 2/22 - Second ACH withdrawal from Troop bank accounts
  •  February 26-28 - National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
  • Monday, 2/29 - Webinar: Rewards & Final Issues
  • Sunday, 3/6 - Cookie Sale Ends
  • Monday, 3/14 - Final ACH withdrawal from Troop bank accounts.
Register for upcoming webinars on the GSCCC calendar

COOKIE SUPPORT - Email: cookies@girlscoutsccc.org  
Shop on-line or visit our council shops to get all of your Cookie promotion and fun needs. New cookie merchandise and council's own items available at both store locations.
Click here to view the GSUSA Cookie Promotion Flyer.

Drawstring or Reusable Bag - free with minimum purchase.


Girl Scout Week is March 6 - 12, 2016
  • Girl Scouts' Birthday, March 12, commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia.
  • Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes Girl Scouts' Birthday, March 12.
  • Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath give girls an opportunity to attend their place of worship and be recognized as a Girl Scout.