The Parsons Company, Inc.
The unforgettable story of a military family that lost two sons- one to suicide and one in combat- and channeled their grief into fighting the armed forces' suicide epidemic.

Major General Mark Graham took the oath of military service, to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," but what he and Graham family did not know, was that they would trudge headlong into battle against another enemy, that of interpersonal anguish - suicide. Turning family tragedy into assistance to countless others, Mark and Carol Graham's story of anguish, doubt, anger, and perseverance reverberates amongst those who have encountered or struggled with mental anguish. Despite encountering war zones, leading recovery efforts in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the unrecognizable U.S. city of New Orleans, or leading battalions of our nations military forces, the Graham's toughest battle is still being waged - changing the national dialog about suicide. This mission, though daunting, is being fought by a true "warrior" and empathic family and it's a call to arms for all of us. 
-- Wm. "Bill" Schmitz Jr., Psy.D.
President, American Association of Suicidology
Clinical Psychologist - SLVHCS

A compelling story of devoted service to our country and the tragic revelation of military stigma regarding the modern day suicide crisis. With 22 Veterans dying by suicide 
every day, General Mark Graham refused to turn a blind eye and met this challenge head on.  He and his wife Carol lost 2 sons within months of each other, one to suicide and one in combat. Military author Yochi Dreazen documents this families journey from tragedy to triumph, and the battle to get the military to address this crisis. A must-read for anyone ready to expose the issue of PTSD and mental illness in the military and throughout our nation told through the lives of 2013 Lifetime Achievement Winners, General Mark & Carol Graham.
-- Linda Rosenberg, MSW, 
President and CEO,
National Council for Behavioral Health


The Invisible Front finally makes clear what is happening to America's brave, bright and sometimes damaged men and women. It will take you on a journey into a secret world leaving you frustrated, disillusioned, and more determined than ever to fight like the Grahams have to change how we look at brain illnesses caused by war.  Dreazen's chronicle of the Graham family tragedy gives us a compelling look at what can happen when a system becomes focused more on its image and less on its humanity.  The Invisible Front is a must-read for anyone elected to serve this country who have the power to make what is invisible visible and for those families who know the pain of losing someone that has served our nation.

 -- Daniel J. Reidenberg, PsyD, BCPC, CMT,  

Executive Director - Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

Now Scheduling 2015 & 2016 Speaking Engagements.
To inquire about The Grahams, please contact:

The Parsons Company, Inc.
Phyllis Parsons
(925) 934-5300