The Parsons Company, Inc. is Proud to Present
A Compelling 2015 Presentation on Suicide-
Heroic First Responder & Grateful Survivor

TEN YEARS AGO in March 2005, Kevin Berthia wanted to take his life. He had climbed over the railing of the Golden Gate Bridge and was prepared to take a fatal jump into the San Francisco Bay when he heard a voice calling out to him from above.


It was the voice of California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer Kevin Briggs. The two talked for 60 life-changing minutes before Berthia decided to climb back up the bridge and give life another chance.

NPR captures a poignant conversation between Kevin Briggs and Kevin Berthia "Ten Years Later".  LISTEN HERE

Kevin Briggs is active in efforts to promote crisis management, leadership skills and suicide intervention and prevention worldwide.
He provides public speaking and teaching at conferences and law enforcement departments across the country, including the FBI, and he consults and advises major companies and corporations.  He is the 2013 recipient of the Outstanding Officer Award, Public Service Award presented by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, California State Senate Resolution for Public Service, and Jefferson Award for Public Service.
His 2014 TEDTalk has gone viral with over 1.7M views.   

Kevin is living each day in gratitude after Sgt. Kevin Briggs talked him back over the ledge of The Golden Gate Bridge in 2005. Kevin Berthia has since become a Suicide Prevention Advocate, encouraging people to talk through their problems rather than think about ending their lives. Kevin believes that depression may be a part of you, but it is not who you are. He lives in Northern California and has since welcomed a third child to the world. Berthia explains that the connection between himself and Briggs is more than just a CHP officer and a man who was trying to commit suicide and audience members can now experience their special bond that was forged in those 60 minutes on the bridge.

Additional Information on Speakers Sgt. Kevin Briggs and Kevin Berthia



-How are Sgt. Kevin Briggs and Kevin Berthia connected?

Sgt. Kevin Briggs was the patrol officer whose compassionate voice and listening ear prevented Berthia from taking his own life at the Golden Gate Bridge 10 years ago. Briggs is called the Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge and has saved hundreds of lives, spending up to 7 hours talking on the scene to bring a suicide attempter back over the rail. Briggs is dedicated to stopping the suicide epidemic and committed to destigmatizing this crisis.

Kevin Berthia is a grateful suicide survivor and suicide prevention advocate. Kevin was born with a genetic major depression disorder that he inherited from his biological mother. In 2005 at the age of 22, Kevin attempted to take his own life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. After jumping the railing, he stood on a 4 inch narrow cord about 220 feet in the air. For 96 minutes, with nothing to stop him from falling except first responder Sgt. Briggs, who eventually talked him back over the railing.

Kevin Berthia and Kevin Briggs reunited 8 years later when Berthia presented the Public Service Award to the man who saved him at an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention event.  


-How does the presentation work?

Briggs presents first about his experiences in helping to convince more than 200 people on the precipice of death not to take their lives. Briggs then introduces Berthia, who presents on his battle with depression and second chance at life.

Briggs and Berthia share the stage at the conclusion to discuss their special bond... and audiences love seeing the transformation from past crisis to current inspiration as dual speakers united for suicide prevention. After the presentation, both Berthia and Briggs answer questions together. The presentation is 100 minutes to include Q&A. This is a unique opportunity for the audience to question both an attempt survivor and law enforcement officer side-by-side and makes for a dynamic conclusion.   

-How will this impact the audience?

Having both speak opens up the opportunity to make this a community-wide event. This event will attract many different sectors from the local community.

The speakers present a powerful message of recovery and prevention that visibly moves the audience. It is not uncommon to have members in the audience who are in need finally reach out for help through counseling or local crisis support centers.

Audiences regularly give standing ovations, wait in line for book signings or simply linger after the presentation for a hug and to further connect with Briggs and Berthia. This is a presentation that has the audience thinking and talking about it for many months to follow.

How to we get these speakers to our area?
Connect with Phyllis Parsons at The Parsons Company, Inc. She has been working
nationwide for the last 42 years, bringing top rated speakers and concerts to the area.

Phyllis knows how to navigate the logistics of getting the speakers to your event including dealing with budget issues, travel arrangements and lodging. She is very creative in finding a solution that works for your department and is committed to bringing this important message of prevention to your community.