Riptides: Dangerous But Escapable - Heidi Did It
The danger of riptides was proved over Easter holidays in Oahu, Hawaii. Supermodel Heidi Klum saved her 7-year-old son and two nannies from drowning in a riptide that had swept them out from the beach where they had been enjoying the surf. As soon as you get in the water, you can feel its current pulling at your body. Many swimmers love to swim with the current and "catch a wave" to body surf or ride a wave in from a surfboard. This same current can also be dangerous, even for those who know how to swim, when conditions converge to turn current into a riptide. It is important to encourage swimming lessons for children as early as six months from reputable swim instructors like those at Little Otter - where children can take lessons year-round. Knowing how to swim is not always enough to survive the power of the water when riptides occur. Understanding how riptides work and how to escape them can be life-saving! Click for more on Rip Tides and swimming >> |
Another Successful Safer 3 Safety Day
 Loads of Little Otters attended our Safer 3 Safety Day at Little Otter Swim School on Saturday May 19th. Lots of great skills picked up for the little people that attended. The Safer 3 is a comprehensive initiative to dramatically reduce drowning incidents by:
1.) Recognizing risks associated with water related activities 2.) Implementing strategies to reduce and manage those risks 3.) Responsibly maintaining those strategies
The main concept of the Safer 3 is based on the definition of the word "Safe." Safe means you are free from risk of harm or danger. When it comes to water, that simply isn't true. There is always risk when you are in, on or around the water. The risk may vary in degree from very slight to very severe.
The letter "r" in the word "Safer" reflects that difference. Risk of drowning is found in 3 main areas; Water, a Person which we shall refer to as a KID, since we are all someone's kid, and a Response that will become the last chance for saving a life.
Little Otter Loyalty
Don't forget that if we spot your car with one of our magnets on it, we write down the tag number and choose a plate at random from among all those we see out and about. We then announce the tag winner on our Facebook page:
Spot your number on the Facebook page and call us and tell us the rest of your tag and you will win ONE month worth of swim lessons for one child. FREE! If you want a magnet of your very own, just stop by the front desk. They are also FREE!