The eTower
The eNewsletter from St. James Episcopal Church



12:15 and 7:00 PM 

Ash Wednesday
Holy Eucharist
8:30 AM
10:45 AM
Holy Eucharist

Our Nursery
 is available during all worship services
 for infants to 4 years. 
The last Sunday after the Epiphany
Year C

Exodus 34:29-35 

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 

Luke 9:28-43a  

Psalm 99 

OPUS Potluck
(click here)
Tristan Holmberg 


Write to Tristan at
The Episcopal Church of the Philippines,
Mission Center
275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave.
Kalusugan, Manila,
The Philippines


Follow Tristan


Your generous donations are making a difference.   
Adult Forum


The Power of Parables   


Interpret and discuss the meaning of Jesus' short stories - the parables. Consider contemporary circumstances in the light of the way God calls us to be Christians in today's world.
9:40 to 10:40 most Sundays in the Guild Hall.

Seth Jackson #109972
PO Box 546 
Norton, KS 67654-0546



If you have questions feel free to call Jeri Moss 316-744-1597.
Dates of NoteDATES
Feb. 5 - OPUS Potluck
Feb. 6 - Altar Guild Meeting
Feb. 9 - Oyster Dinner
Feb. 9 - Shrove Tuesday, Burning of the Palms 7:00 PM
Feb. 10 - Ash Wednesday Services 12:15 and 7:00 PM
Feb. 13 - Acolyte Training
Feb. 20
- Parish Life Meeting (The Big Brainstorm) 9:00 AM
Feb. 20 - Talent Show and Dessert Auction
Feb. 25-26 - Bags of Blessings
Feb. 28 - Night on the Red Carpet


Election Results from the 2016 The Annual Meeting   
Senior Warden: Erin Compton
Junior Warden: Randy Harrison
Vestry Members: George Bousfield, Kelly Harper, Joan Moore, three years, Robin Spurrier, incomplete term (two years), Woody Swain, incomplete term (one year)
Delegates and Alternates: Beth Criss, Bill Moss, Rick Wulf, delegates; Deb Brinegar, Georgie Drake, Michael Kephart, alternates
Endowment Funds Board Members: New members are Sue Abdinnour, Jeff Newlin. Their term is three years.
Nominating Committee: Members are Andy Aitken, Pam McCausland, Maxine Miller, Suzi Miner, Amanda Rucker

OPUS--for everyone over 50--is assembling tonight (Friday, February 5) at 6 p.m. for a winter pot luck supper, with mellow music provided by Dan Dye on cello, and Marj Williams at the magnificent new grand piano in the Parish Hall.   
Commissioning Sunday Feb. 7 at 10:45

All vestry members, all endowment board members, all delegates and alternates and all elected to positions at the Annual Meeting on Jan. 31 will be commissioned at the 10:45 AM service.
St. James Parishioners shopping at Dillons 
Thanks to the households in our parish who've shopped at Kroger stores, using their shopping card. St. James
earned $260.78 in the last quarter of 2015. 
You must re-enroll in the program for 2016 purchases to benefit St. James. Call the church for information on using your card or 
 click here.   
Lent Begins Soon

Burning of the Palms 
A service to burn the palms to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday will be held on Shrove Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Celtic Garden. We need your dried palms and palm crosses from previous years for the burning. A basket for the reception of old palms and palm crosses will be available until Shrove Tuesday, February 9. 
Shrove Tuesday (February 9)
 at 7:00 p.m. in the Celtic Garden, we will have a brief service of the Burning of the Palms. Join us immediately following the Oyster Dinner. 
Ash Wednesday (February 10)
Join us for one of the services of The Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist at 12:15 or 7:00 p.m. in the church. 
Make your private confession using the rite of reconciliation of a penitent (see BCP p. 447). Make an appointment with Mother Dawn. 
Noon Eucharist
Holy Eucharist at 12:15 every Wednesday in the chapel. This service is offered year-round, but is attended by some as a special act of devotion during this season. All are welcome. 
The Great Litany 
The first Sunday of Lent is the weekend of February 13 and 14. Recital of the beautiful Great Litany will begin each service that weekend. Incense will be used at the 10:45 service on Sunday, February 14.
Cleaning out the Window office

The window office is what we call the office behind the entryway volunteer desk. The windows referred to are those that look out upon the volunteer desk and the hall to the church. This room has become a catchall for this and that wonderful project. We would like to make it more of an office and less of a closet. If you or your group has items in storage there, would you please move them  to a storage closet. If you'd like to find out where you these storage closets are, ask the office, who will be happy to help you out. Thanks.
Southwest Convocation, Saturday, February 13

The next meeting of the Southwest Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas will be February 13, 9:00 am, at St. John's Episcopal Church, 402 N Topeka St, in downtown Wichita.  We hope every congregation will be represented.  Coffee and refreshments will begin at 9:00, the meeting will begin at 9:30 am.  We will meet in St. John's Undercroft. All delegates, alternates and clergy should plan to attend.
The Big Brainstorm 9:00 AM Saturday, Feb. 20 


It's time for our big Bi-Annual Brain Storm for leaders of all ministries. At this Parish Life meeting, we will review the 2016 calendar, share ideas, coordinate efforts and make plans to share the love of God and bring the parish family together. For more info., contact Anne Clark

We are looking ahead to Tuesday, March 1.  We only need three items:  a salad, bread or rolls, and a soda pop.  Sincere thanks to volunteers  Suzie Miner, Joan Janzen, Peg Bowman and Susan Stallings, who have been so generous this year! 
Mary  684-1895 or
7-9 pm
I'd like to sign up for the talent show:
I'd like to bring a dessert to auction off:
This is a fun filled evening, and encourage everyone to come out
and enjoy the fun!
Please bring an appetizer to share. Hope to see you there!
Questions? Call Peggy Zerger at 685-2807
This will be a fun time for members of the parish to showcase their talents.  
Snow closure policy at St. James   
All weekday activities (other than worship) are canceled and the church office is closed on days when USD-259 announces that school is closed for a full day due to inclement weather. Worship services will be canceled only in the very most rare circumstance. Use your best judgment and do not take risks to get out when conditions are icy or potentially hazardous. Our parking lot is cleared after a snow if two-inches or more have accumulated. Ice is not removed from the lot, so use extreme caution if you must walk across it (entrances to the building will be clear).


Fourth Annual Blanket Drive 


St. James' 4th Annual Blanket Drive for the Homeless has begun. Please bring new or serviceable blankets of any size to church, and we will deliver them to the Inter-faith Ministries' shelters. Hopefully, we will once again be able to give them 50 blankets.
Thank you, St. James Outreach Committee"
Reality University at Southeast High School


The St. James Outreach Committee invites you to join us as volunteers for the Reality University activity at Southeast High School on Feb. 18-19. We will be helping Communities in Schools teach students about the "realities" of personal finance. You can volunteer for a half day or a whole day. If interested, contact Judy Goodpasture, or 210-3490.
ESS's fund raiser, "A Night on the Red Carpet"

A Night on the Red Carpet will be February 28 at NOAH's (in the Waterfront Area) at 1550 N. Lindberg Circle. There will be silent and live auctions along with a wine pull and raffle. Food and drinks are included. Single tickets are $80. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those who would like to go in together for a reserved table. Tickets are then $90 per, but with great perks! You may purchase your tickets from Mary Klocke or from the church office. Checks need to be made out to ESS with Night on the Red Carpet in the memo line. You may also contact Mary Klocke @634-1486 for tickets.
St. James basket for the ESS fundraiser
A Night on the Red Carpet, the ESS fundraiser, will be held on Sunday, February 28th. It will be held at a new location, NOAH'S (1550 N Lindberg Cir, Wichita, 67206, in the Waterfront) . This event helps fund the programs ESS provides for those in need. Each area parish is asked to provide a themed basket for the silent auction. Please help fund our basket with cash donations. Checks should be made payable to St. James with a note in the memo line "ESS basket." Any amount will be greatly appreciated. All donations must be in by Sunday, February 21st. Thanks for your support ! Any questions? Have an idea for the theme for the basket? Please contact Mary Beth Thomas at 685-8650.


Donations of snacks for the After School Program  


Donation of healthy snacks for the After School are always welcome. Raisins, fruit cups, juice boxes, crackers, etc. Leave items in the ASP basket in the Garden Corridor.


Dear Friends of Episcopal Migration Ministry -WichitaEMM


I am emailing you today asking for assistance putting out the word that we are in urgent and immediate need of furniture donations.  We have recently welcomed seven refugee families.
Our storage unit is super low on furniture supplies, thus our urgent appeal.  We are accepting donations for the following items:
    • --beds
    • --dressers
    • --kitchen tables and chairs
    • --couches
    • --coffee/end tables
    • --lamps
    • --recliners
Coats, hats and gloves are also welcomed items.
Please call our office at 316/977-9276 if you can assist or simply drop items at our office 401 N. Emporia between 9:30am and 4:30pm Monday-Friday.
Thank you for your continued support of our ministry and for extending a welcome to new arrivals in our midst.
Marla Schmidt, EMM Wichita Manager, (formerly EWARM)
Marla Schmidt
Field Office, Manager
Episcopal Migration Ministries-Wichita
401 N. Emporia
Wichita, Kansas 67202
Tel: 316-977-9276
Fax: 316-262-2341
News From Episcopal Social Services
ESS has successfully applied to AmeriCorps for a Vista volunteer to work with us for one year.  Ukiah Hawkins will begin working full-time in February.  He is currently the sexton and parish member at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon and completed his Bachelors of Science in political science from Portland State University. We're very excited about what he will bring to our mix of staff, volunteers, parishes, clients and business partners.  There are some ways you could help us with his transition to Kansas. Click here for more.
Click here for current information about volunteer needs, especially for Representative Payee volunteers on Monday evenings. Welcomed pantry items are also listed.

Deacon Barbara Gibson | Volunteer Coordinator and Chaplain
Episcopal Social Services-Venture House | Breakthrough Club
1010 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203 |(316) 269-4160, ext. 134
SATURDAY, February 6
9:00 AM    Altar Guild Meeting
5:30 PM    Holy Eucharist and First Saturday Fellowship 
SUNDAY, February 7      
8:30 AM    Holy Eucharist with Baptism
9:30 AM    Christian Education for all ages  
10:45 AM   Holy Eucharist with Commissioning
Noon          Fellowship 
MONDAY, February  8 
6:00 PM     Strategic Planning
7:00 PM     Explorers 
7:00 PM     Graduate EfM
TUESDAY,  February 9

10:00 AM   Grief Support
5:30 & 6:30 PM   Oyster Dinner
7:00 PM      Shrove Tuesday Burning of the Palms
7:30 PM      Hand bell Rehearsal
WEDNESDAY, February 10
12:15 PM      Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist
5:00 PM      Wonderful Wednesday Dinner
5:30 PM      Chorister Rehearsal
5:30 PM      DOK Training
6:30 PM     
Bible Study
6:30 PM      Youth Group
7:00 PM      Ash Wednesday  Holy Eucharist 
7:30 PM      Brotherhood of St. Andrew
7:45 PM      Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY, February 11
6:00 PM      Membership Parish Life 
SATURDAY, February 13
10:00 AM     Funeral
5:30 PM       Holy Eucharist and First Saturday Fellowship 
SUNDAY, February 14
8:30 AM     Holy Eucharist and Great Litany
9:o0 AM     Breakfast 
10:45 AM    Holy Eucharist with Great Litany
Noon           Baptism

View the complete calendar 
The Episcopal Church welcomes all people regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or age.       
Ancient Worship, Open Minds,
Come Inside, Make a Difference