The eTower 
An eNewsletter from St. James Episcopal Church     
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12:15 PM
Holy Eucharist
5:30 PM
Holy Eucharist
8:30 AM
10:45 AM
Holy Eucharist
The First Sunday after The Epiphany
Year B

Genesis 1:1-5 

 Psalm 29

Acts 19:1-7 

 Mark 1:4-11 

Our Nursery
is open during all worship services for infants to 4 years.
2014 Annual Report


Committee Reports and Nominee bios may be submitted to for inclusion in the 2014 Annual Report
This Week at St. James 


MONDAY, January 5
5:30 PM        Daughters of the King
7:00 PM        Explorers

TUESDAY, January 6 - Epiphany
10:00 AM     Grief Support
7:30 PM        Handbell Rehearsal

WEDNESDAY, January 7
8:00 AM      Men's Prayer Group
12:15 PM      Holy Eucharist in the chapel
5:00 PM       WW Supper
5:15 PM        Yoga
5:30 PM       Cancer Support
5:30 PM       Chorister Rehearsal
6:30 PM       Bible Study
6:30 PM       Youth Group
7:00 PM       Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM        Brotherhood of St. Andrew

THURSDAY,  January 8  

10:00 AM     Bible Study
5:00 PM       Finance Committee
6:00 PM       Membership/Parish Life Committee
6:00 PM       Vestry
6:30 PM       EfM


SATURDAY, January 10           
5:30 PM       Holy Eucharist
7:00 PM       Talent Show and Dessert Auction

SUNDAY, January 11
8:30 AM      Holy Eucharist
10:45 AM     Holy Eucharist w/ baptism
3:00 PM       SW Convocation Discernment Committee

View the complete calendar

Sunday, January 11

* A full breakfast is served from 9-10:45 AM

* American Red Cross Blood Drive from 9-noon   

January 2015 Dates to Note


 5 - Daughters of the King

10 - Parish Talent Show and Dessert Auction 7:00 PM

11 - Breakfast Sunday

12 - Sewing Guild 10:00 AM

14 - Episcopal Church Women Luncheon 12:00 PM

17 - MIQRA Youth Weekend

18 - After School Program Board Meeting 12:30 PM

24 - Brotherhood of St. James Luncheon 12:00 PM

25 - 95th Parish Annual Meeting 9:45 AM

31 - WSU Basketball Watch Party and Chili Supper


Talent Showcase/Dessert Auction & Raffle  - January 10

Come see the different kinds of talent that St. James has! The membership committee will be hosting a talent showcase with a dessert auction and raffle on January 10, 2015 from 7:00-9:00 PM. Money raised will benefit youth programs. We are looking for lots of participation in different ways!
  • Share your talent! It can be an individual, pair of people or a group.
  • Make a dessert to have auctioned off!
  • Donate raffle items!
  • Attend the Showcase and support your fellow parishioners!
  • Bring an hors d'ouevre.

If you have a talent, let us know or if you'd like to donate a dessert, let us know that too.  Please email your name, phone number/email; talent, type of dessert or raffle item. Peggy Zerger  

Join the Choristers in Lifting Up a Joyful Noise


Training for Young Choristers will be offered beginning in January 2015.   Children in grades 2-4 are especially invited to become members of Choristers, and older children who are interested are welcome, too. Please contact Music Director Marlene Hallstrom for a registration form and more information. New singers will meet from 5:15-5:45 on Wednesdays beginning January 7. Choristers usually sing in worship on the second Sunday of each month at the 10:45 service and on festivals and other special services. his is an opportunity for young singers to learn some basic music skills as well as hymns, Psalms and other music of the church.

ECW Game Day Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lunch in the Guild Hall at 12:00 


We are going to play Bunko!

  (requires no previous knowledge, just a few dice and a lot of luck)  

Come for lunch and stay to play for fun and please bring a white elephant for a prize.

Let Blanche Parker know if you can come 316-681-3646 or 

Epiphany Season Weekly Worship


Holden Evening Prayer will be sung on Wednesday evenings in the Epiphany season at 6:30 p.m. in the nave beginning on January 14. This time will be especially convenient for those who participate in activities at the church on Wednesday evenings, but everyone else is invited to attend, too. Wonderful Wednesday suppers are served from 5:00-7:00, so you can be fed physically and spiritually by coming to St. James on Wednesdays in Epiphany! We hope to see you there!

Guild Hall Players Auditions - 1:30 to 4:30 PM, January 17 and January 18


Auditions for the next two Guild Hall Players productions - the brilliant comedy VANYA & SONIA & MASHA & SPIKE and the Dietrich Bonhoeffer WWII drama THE BEAMS ARE CREAKING -  will be held January 17 & 18 1:30-4:30 both days 3750 E. Douglas. You may audition for either or both!


V&S&M&S, by Christopher Durang (2013 Tony Award Best Play), performances will be March 12 through 15. This is a very smart comedy about 3 middle aged siblings learning to accept each other and their individual and shared disappointments. Four women and two men are needed. Rehearsals will begin in February.


THE BEAMS ARE CREAKING, by Douglas, Anderson performances will be May 21 through 24. A powerful theatrical telling of the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's attempt to rally the German churches against Hitler and his tragic involvement in the Valkyrie assassination attempts.  Three women and eight men are needed. Rehearsals will begin in April. Readings will be from the scripts. All roles are available.  

Membership and Parish Life Ministries ask for

Coffee Hour Snacks 


 A Sunday Morning Snack signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway outside the Lounge. When You sign up, please include contact info and Peggy Zerger will get in touch with you. Or contact the church office. 683-5686 or 

Sunday Adult Forum Schedule 2014 


Adult Forum is Sunday school for grown-ups at 9:45 in the Guild Hall.

January 18 - Episcopal Social Services

January 25 - Annual Meeting

February 1 - Dancing with Sin - Introduction

February 15 - Dancing with Sin - Individualism

February 22 - Dancing with Sin - Hedonism

March 1 - Dancing with Sin - Minimalism

March 15 - Dancing with Sin - Ego & Self-Pity

March 22 - Dancing with Sin - Redemption, Sacrifice, Discipline 


Food Baskets for 42 families + Gifts for 90 people = Christmas Magic!food


Thank you to every member of St. James who brought food, gifts or donated money. You made the amazing Adopt-A-Family Christmas project spectacular, once again!

Special thanks to the Outreach Committee, whose Chair Judy Goodpasture donated and decorated the Giving Trees, and whose members gave hours to the project; to Ron Harrison who carried, stored and then organized the thousands of cans of food and other basket items; to the Youth Group participants and leaders, who organized and filled those 42 food baskets; and to all of you who gave up the Sunday afternoon before Christmas to deliver the gifts and food.

It's been said: "The gift is in the giving." But lifting the spirits of someone whose Christmas had appeared very bleak is a truly special gift. Thank you to the people of St. James Episcopal Church for giving so much to those whose need is so great, and for helping so many people feel the illuminating magic of your generosity.

Mary Druding, the Outreach Committee 
To the St. James Alternative Gift Market Booth Sponsors and Donors,


Congratulations on a terrific market; you helped raise $29,016 for local and global needs. This 20th anniversary market raised enough to rank in the top 5 of all time Wichita markets.
Because we came together:-

* Twenty-six mothers will deliver their babies with safe motherhood kits

* We helped ship $112,000 of medical supplies to refugees on Syria's borders

* 880 school children in India will have safe drinking water for a year (St. James)

* Twenty-two Haitian families will receive a pregnant goat:nutrition/income (St. James)

* Nineteen school children in Myanmar will stay in school another year (St. James)  

* Ten Dalit Women in India will each receive a sewing machine to bring in income    

* In Wichita hundreds of vulnerable families will receive help and support

These real examples are just a sample of the good that comes from Wichita. The time you gave volunteering and the donations you made will meet essential needs of people around the world. Thanks for sharing your time, treasure, and inspiration.

Tony Princ, Executive Director, Alternative Gifts International


Needed for Inter-Faith Ministry


Gently worn men's work or walking shoes for Inter-Faith Ministries and the homeless. No dress shoes or women's shoes are needed at this time. The shoes can be put in or by the Deacons' Basket. 


Wednesday Night Youth Group


Please let all youth interested in fun and fellowship know about the Wednesday night youth group meetings - open to any and all in the 6th grade and above.


The Outreach Committee asks for help with Episcopal Social Services' On-going Needs


ESS now provides lunches to 150-200 needy people Monday - Friday, besides offering essential services to many clients daily. To help ESS maintain their food pantry and cosmetic pantry, the Outreach Committee is asking St. James parishioners to bring some of the following items to church. Just place them in the Deacon's Basket, and they will be delivered to ESS for you.




Items Needed Regularly by ESS


Cream of mushroom soup

Cream of chicken soup

Diced tomatoes

Canned spaghetti or chili Foil    

Vienna sausages

Canned vegetables 

Pancake mix  



Granola bars

Sugar packets


Vanilla wafers


Vegetable oil


Feminine Hygiene products







Hand Lotion


Ancient Worship, Open Minds,
Come Inside, Make a Difference

The Episcopal Church welcomes all people regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or age.