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An Update About Processed Foods and More...
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May 3rd

An Update About Processed Foods 


We are advised to avoid them. We know they're not nearly as healthy (ever) as whole foods...and we know to read their labels. But what about those processed foods that are labeled, "gluten free", "allergen free", "organic", "non-GMO", or "vitamin reinforced"?

Remember that processed foods are processed foods, even the ones that seem healthy (milk, cheese, yogurts) may be "reinforced" with some dangerous ingredients. I once had a teacher say, "if you are held up on the street and the thief demands you empty your wallet, do you feel better about the experience if he or she returns a dollar for every $100 that was stolen?". That is what happens when foods are processed and then "reinforced".


Reading labels is a must, but if we don't know what to look for (or what to avoid), reading labels becomes, sadly, pointless.

*a good rule of thumb is to avoid any processed food with more than 3-5 ingredients or has any ingredient you can't pronounce or find in your kitchen....dairy or dairy-replacement products is the area where this particularly gets tricky...


We know about the health hazards of MSG and many people are now looking out for it. If you still don't know the sneaky ways MSG winds up in your foods then click this link *Hidden Names for MSG 


I and others in my field have been blogging about corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and sugar for years now. The latest bad guy on the block of processed foods is called carageenan.


Carrageenan is a polysaccharide (a carbohydrate molecule) that is derived from red seaweed (sounds good so far). It is made by boiling the seaweed and extracting the carrageenan. It is often used in conjunction with agar, guar gum, or xantham gum in foods. It is rampant in processed foods but is also a common ingredient found in many foods branded "organic."

Carrageenan is used to emulsify foods. Foods like low-fat cheese or milk alternatives (e.g., almond milk) will naturally separate, melt, or foam in transit or on the shelf in stores. Carrageenan is added to these foods to prevent separation, create a thicker texture, and save consumers precious seconds wasted shaking liquids before serving.

For over 50 years the food industry has been using carageenan in foods and, thankfully, the studies go back just as far. Research has shown carrageenan causes allergies, induces inflammation, and leads to a host of health problems. Yet, this emulsifier is still allowed to be added to foods. Remember that our food lobby is very strong in this country and if we do not vote with our dollar then the supply and demand system we are modeled on will not get the message that we want change.

So why is carageenan dangerous?

Carrageenan is a suspected factor linking it to varieties of gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel syndrome, colorectal malignancy, intestinal ulcerations, tumors and growths.

Some products Carrageenan is commonly found in:

*note that there are brands that do not contain carrageenan and some products within the same brand that do not contain carrageenan.

  • Cow's Milk
  • Coconut Milk (such as SO Delicious)
  • Almond Milk (such as SO Delicious, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, the shelved Trader Joe's almond milk)
  • Ice Creams
  • Yogurts - both dairy and non-dairy
  • Processed Cheeses - both dairy and non-dairy
  • Jams and Jellies
  • Chocolate (such as Hershey's)
  • Frosting Mixes
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Processed Meats and Fish
  • Toothpastes
  • Even some Baby Formulas!

Please click on THIS amazing shopping guide for dairy and dairy-replacement foods. You can refer to this website often as a source of great information!

Carrageenan is a very good reason I no longer buy TJ's coconut milk yogurt, some of the SO Delicious almond milk yogurts, and TJ's coconut milk.  It's just not worth it!!  And it's possible (easy, really) to find replacements for those products that contain no carrageenan.  

Please read your labels. If it looks suspicious or confusing in any way, leave it in the grocery store or throw it out. It's just not worth it. Your health, your happiness, your future is.


Here's to your health!

Dr. Keesha

Dairy Free Options 


Erin Dudley

Everyone knows you can milk a cow, a goat, a sheep, and even a coconut. Luckily for all of us dairy free folks, you can also milk nuts. Well you can't physically "milk" them, but you can extract the liquid from the nuts.

Almond milk is a fantastic alternative to cow's milk. It's low in calories and high in protein. It takes a little getting used to, but once you make the switch from regular milk you won't want to go back.

While it's readily available on most grocery store's shelves, the packaged almond milk has a lot of additives, stabilizers, and preservatives. It's slightly time consuming, but extremely beneficial to make your own almond milk at home. And it's easy. 


Here are some delicious and simple dairy free cream and milk options from one of my favorite bloggers and author!

Bon Appetit!

Ideal Protein - Special Offer 


Spring is here and sun and shorts are fast approaching so get that summer body by going on the Ideal Protein diet. Why not lose that extra weight once and for all and enjoy the sunny weather that will be here soon? Sign up before May 31st and receive the initial 1 hour consultation, 1 weeks' worth of food, and 1 month supply of vitamins for $194.35 (regular price $299 - a 35% discount).  


Call Fern Life Center today at (425) 391-3376 to schedule your one hour consultation, and find out why this can be Your Last Diet.   

To Your Health, 

Keesha Ewers


Keesha Ewers, PhD, ARNP

Board certified functional medicine practitioner

Certified Sexologist, Psychotherapist, Reiki Master and Ayurvedic medicine

Founder and host of Healthy YOU! Radio Show (www.healthyyouradio.com)

Founder and Medical Director of Fern Life Center: 425-391-3376
