Canopy: Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities
June, 2015
In this issue:
Community News and Events
June Tree Walk
Saturday, June 13, 10-12pm
250 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto
June Tree Walk

Join Canopy and a local expert Arborist for a Tree Walk in the University South neighborhood.

We'll encounter a great variety of species: Southern Magnolia, Aristocrat Pear, Purple Beech, Dawn Redwood, English Yew and many others.

The walk begins at the Palo Alto Civic Center Plaza, 250 Hamilton Avenue.

Learn more and sign up. 

Volunteer with Canopy!
Tree Care Service Days in June
Healthy communities need healthy trees! Join Canopy to care for young trees on local school campuses:
  • Fri., 6/19, 9am - 12pm
  • Sat., 6/20, 9am - 12pm
  • Thurs., 6/25, 9am - 12pm

Tree care service days are a fun, hands-on way to help grow the urban forest and improve your community in a tangible way. During these days, we'll help trees thrive by removing sod and weeds, applying mulch, and replacing broken stakes.

Sign up to volunteer today!

Questions? Email Maika. 


Putting the Oak back
in Oakland
Once plentiful, native oak trees are now scarce in the city of Oakland. However, with the help of local residents that could soon change.
A recent New York Times article highlighted the team effort to put the oak back in "Oaktown."
Old Oak Trees
Explore nature and culture in tree-themed exhibit at Cantor Arts Center
"Arboreal Architecture: A Visual History of Trees"
Through July 20, 2015
Cantor Arts Center

Explore the power of trees and their role in human culture through this wonderful collection at the Cantor Arts Center's Lynn Krywick Gallery.

"From the earliest stages of human history, trees have provided resources for civilization, symbolic structure to families, spatial logic for the scientific method, and inspiration to artists..."

Learn more about the exhibit.

Read about the curator and his inspiration from Stanford news.

The Cantor Arts Center is open Wednesday through Monday 11-5pm. and Thursdays 11am - 8pm.

Just for Fun
Life in a Treehouse
"It's a lot like being on a sailboat."
Tree house paradise
Photo: Forest Huntington.

What tree lover hasn't daydreamed about escaping to the forest? Read Outside magazine's interview with Forest Huntington about his tree-top paradise. 

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Help survey trees!

An annual tradition

Each year, Canopy volunteers and partners comb through Palo Alto neighborhoods to survey the health of hundreds of street trees.

Armed with tape measures, maps, clippers, and soil probes, volunteers:

  • Visit each street tree planted within the last five years
  • Provide basic "first care" such as removing suckers and weeds.
  • Educate residents about best practices in tree care
  • Gather data about the health, growth, and vitality of each tree

Canopy delivers this critical data to the City's Urban Forestry Division, who uses it to guide the city's tree care efforts for the coming year.

There's an app for that!


In past years, we've used old-fashioned paper and pencil to record metrics for each tree. This year, we'll pilot a new method of data collection using a mobile app built by Canopy's Young Tree Care Survey Manager, Elizabeth Greenfield, who is interning with Canopy for the second time this summer.

Better analysis - and more fun for volunteers

Elizabeth volunteered for the Young Tree Care Survey for several years before joining Canopy as a summer intern last summer. She's excited about transitioning the survey to a digital platform.

"The initial purpose of creating an app was to make the data more accessible on the analysis end," Elizabeth says. "But my hope is that the user-friendly format will also improve volunteers' tree-surveying experience."

You can join the fun!

The Young Tree Care Survey is a fun, flexible volunteer opportunity. There are two scheduled training dates:

  • Saturday, July 11, 9am - 12pm
  • Wednesday, July 15, 5:30 - 8:30pm 

Each session includes a brief training, after which volunteers team up to complete survey routes. Once they've attended a training, volunteers can check out survey routes to complete on their own or with a friend.

Volunteer! Learn more
Trees and Drought

Healthy trees are worth the water

During the drought, Canopy's advocates for conserving water and preserving trees.

From the desk of Michael In a recent poll, 39% of Californians identified "water and drought" as the number one issue facing the golden state, and the vast majority (69%) recognize the state's water supply as a "big problem."

Most residents are concerned about the drought, and eager to take action. As we heed the call to conserve water wherever possible, it's important to remember that not all water use is wasteful.

During drought, efficiently watering trees is a smart investment. Learn how to preserve trees and conserve water, or download a printable brochure (pdf).

Click to see full brochure

A few key highlights:

  • Deep watering is the best, most efficient way to water your tree's root system. Water mature trees deeply and infrequently once a month or evey other month. Most young trees need water about every other week.
  • Removing your lawn is a water-wise choice, but make sure to help your trees transition. If trees have grown accustomed to shallow, frequent lawn irrigation, they'll need time to adjust to less frequent, deeper watering.
  • Mulch is your friend! 3-5 inches of mulch within the drip line of your tree will help conserve moisture and bolster soil health.

More details on drought tree care

Do you have other tree care or drought questions? Email  me at or use the Tree Hotline.



Michael Hawkins

Canopy Program Director  

Hands-on Workshops

Three consecutive Wednesdays:

August 5th, 12th, and 19th, 4:30 - 7pm

Learn more or sign up today.

Inspire a new generation Are you passionate about trees, nature, and education? Do you enjoy working with kids?

This three-part interactive training will prepare you to work as an Education Volunteer with Canopy, exploring the wonderful world of trees through hands-on science lessons with elementary and middle school students.

The free training will cover teaching methodology, cultural sensitivity, and three of Canopy's education modules. 

Guest lecturers will bring education expertise with an emphasis on experiential learning.

Learn more or sign-up now.

Get ready to "dig in" for Canopy's Fall Planting Leader Training

Registration is open - join the team!

Part one (choose one date):
Thursday, September 17th, 6-8pm
Friday, September 18th, 6-8pm

Part two: Saturday, Sept. 19th, 9am - 12pm

Join us! Canopy's amazing volunteer Planting Leaders are integral to our success engaging residents, planting and caring for hundreds of trees each year, and creating greener, healthier communities.

This fall, we welcome you to join the crew!

Learn more or sign up for the workshop.

Canopy plants and cares for trees where people need them the most. We bring the life-giving benefits of trees to the schools, neighborhoods, and public spaces of the San Francisco Mid-Peninsula.

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