August 14
In This Issue
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From the President
Back on March 30, 1986, a little over 30 years ago, Dr. William Sloane Coffin delivered an Easter Sermon to the good folk at Riverside Church in New York City. In that sermon he said:

"Let us ask . . . if we can expect to find the Risen Christ in the Christian church. The answer has to be a qualified yes. Yes, if the church remembers that the integrity of love is more important than the purity of dogma. Yes, if the church remembers that she cannot bind herself to the Prince of Peace and go awhoring after the gods of war. Yes, if the church remembers that she cannot proclaim the Gospel of Christ while officiating at the altars of anticommunism. Yes, if the church remembers that she cannot stand for peace while lying prostrate before the shrine of national security. Yes, if the church remembers that "the greatest of these is love," that Christ came to forge by love a community that excludes no one."

I have often thought about these words as I travel from congregation to congregation as President of Disciples Home Missions. Regardless of whether it is Easter, I expect to find the Risen Christ in each and every congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I expect to hear and see that Christ's great gift of love is celebrated more than the purity of the church's dogma; that the way of peace is lifted up as the singular alternative to war; that the Gospel of Christ frees us to cross ideological boundaries rather than blind us with narrow minded myopia; that the broad sweep of God's reign brings global security rather than national advantage; and, that love is the true hallmark of the Christian faith resulting in Christian communion and community that is unapologetically inclusive of all.

My expectations aside, each of our congregations should expect their ministers and congregational leaders to: (1) Point them toward Jesus; (2) Equip them with the best theological reasoning and understanding available; (3) Challenge them to have a solid understanding of themselves and their inner life; (4) Teach them to openly and honestly express their true thoughts and feelings; (5) Be theologically and culturally relevant; (6) Make competent, and at times difficult, decisions with a calmness that is grounded in faith; and, (7) Provide them with a sense of resiliency in the face of adversity.

Coffin ended his sermon by saying: " . . . let us pray that Christ today be resurrected in the heart of each of us, that we may give rapt attention to each other's existence, become sisters and brothers to all the world, and help the church draw a circle of love that includes everyone. The powers of death have done their worst/But Christ their legions has dispersed/Let shouts of holy joy outburst: Alleluia!" Let's be the church and the leaders that God has called us to be.

Unapologetically and joyfully yours,
Disciples Volunteering
Mission Teams Needed to Serve in South Carolina and Texas
Communities in South Carolina and Texas are recovering from disaster and your help is needed. Please consider scheduling a mission trip to these mission stations in support of those whose homes were damaged or destroyed. Together, Disciples can bring hope, healing, and a helping hand to our neighbors in need of assistance.
Servant Leadership Training
Disciples Volunteering supports a wide variety of mission opportunities and service projects with congregations, regions, and ecumenical partners. This support is made possible through the incredible service of long-term volunteers, who often spend a month or more on location. A joint training is being offered Sept 27 - Oct 6, in partnership with the United Church of Christ and the Church of the Brethren, to prepare servant leaders for mission.  Read more here and contact Josh Baird if this training might be for you.
Seeking Applicants for Long-term Recovery Group Formation Specialist
In collaboration with Week of Compassion and the disaster ministries of the United Church of Christ and the Church of the Brethren, Disciples Volunteering is implementing the new Disaster Recovery Support Initiative (DRSI). The mission of the DRSI is to encourage, model, mentor, and support the development of local Long-term Recovery Groups following disaster. Disciples Home Missions will employ a team of three persons to deploy for long-term presence in communities affected by disaster. Candidates are now sought for one of those positions, the LTRG Formation Specialist. Read more about DRSI and this position, including the application process, on Disciples Volunteering's webpage.
Bridge of Hope National
A Church Based Approach to Ending Family Homelessness
For almost 30 years, Bridge of Hope has recruited mentoring groups from local churches to engage in a ministry of friendship with homeless women and children. But across our Bridge of Hope network (21 locations in 12 states and Canada) over the past 8 years, we've had honest conversations to discern if the word mentor is truly reflective of the spirit and the role we want individuals from local Christian faith communities to have as they interact with the families we serve. Each time the conclusion is that the word mentor might not quite capture this part of the three-way partnership. 

Let's keep talking and dreaming together of a world where family homelessness ends because Christian faith communities engage in supportive friendships for lasting impact

Green Chalice
Green Chalice Video Premier for over 3000 at the Believe Youth Event
It was an event that both nurtured and empowered youth for the future of the church and beyond.

"The power of love and courage flooded Orlando during the Believe! Event" said Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri of Green Chalice.  Hardin-Nieri and Green Chalice was in Orlando with over 3000 youth from the UCC and DOC to explore ways to grow in faith and justice 
and to imagine a better world. Green Chalice offered 4 workshops including the topics of discernment, climate change, social justice and prayerful art. The youth climate empowerment video, featuring Hip Hop artist and pastor J Kwest, was debuted at the event and can be viewed at

Attention Disciples of Christ YOUTH
After an amazing time in Orlando, with such a powerful group of young people, we wanted to continue the creation care momentum. Green Chalice is collaborating with the United Church of Christ to build a social media team of youth to communicate and empower others regarding creation care and climate change. Will you join us? The first task is to come up with a name for this digital movement. You can join us anytime, but the deadline for the naming is August 12. Contact Brooks Berndt from the United Church of Christ, contact info found at You can also email [email protected] with other questions as well. 
Family & Children's Ministries
Children Worship & Wonder Training Story Teller Trainings
September 9-10
Snow Hill Christian Church - Fort Deposit, AL
October 14-15
Lee's Summit Christian Church - Lee's Summit, MO
Interested in hosting a training for your church or community? Contact Jessica Kramer for information.
National Youth Event
Share a taste of NYE with your home churches!
Distribute this resource! NYE liturgies (and the house band's song list) can be found online. Liturgies.

Gifts to the Disciples Home Missions Annual Funddhm logo are directed to our most valuable asset - congregations and their leaders!

Be sure to look for the latest issue of the Disciples Advocate online.
Also, check out the Disciples Home Missions Web site for more congregational resources.

Rev. Ron Degges 
Disciples Home Missions
Phone: (317) 713-2684