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October 19, 2015

Immigrant Rights Action Updates
Recent anti-immigrant rhetoric in the media and on the campaign trail has led to efforts to STRIKE OUT AGAINST 300+ CITIES who have established policies that do NOT require local police officers to act as immigration agents. Join us in telling Congress to respect the efforts of local law enforcement to build trust and protect all members of our communities.

We have 872 Faith Leaders signed on, and we're trying to reach 1,000 before the Senate Floor Vote on THIS TUESDAY, Oct. 20th to defund Sanctuary Cities and add a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence to anyone who has been deported and tries to re-enter to be with their family.
If you have not signed already, please READ THE LETTER AND SIGN YOUR NAME here NOW! Also, PREPARE FOR OUR FAITH CALL IN DAYS ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY! Go here for much more information!!
Faith leaders across the country are standing together in solidarity with immigrants and demanding that Congress oppose any legislation that would force local police to serve as immigration enforcement officers or repeal local community-based policing ordinances. 

URGENT: Tell Congress to Reject S. 2146 and Any Legislation that Forces Police to Target Immigrants

Faith leaders have been clear of scripture's call for how we should treat our immigrant sisters and brothers: we should "not [be] fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners."  The Pope recently also encouraged Members of Congress to respond to immigrants "in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal."  Only a few weeks later, however, Congress seems to have forgotten his message.

This Tuesday, October 20, the Senate will take up an anti-immigrant bill called the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act that would withhold federal funding from so-called "sanctuary cities," where local law enforcement exercise discretion when inquiring about a person's immigration status. S. 2146 would also introduce up to ten year mandatory minimum sentences for certain undocumented immigrants re-entering the United States. The bill is opposed by the faith community because it would harm communities by creating a fearful relationship between immigrants and local police. It would also force local law enforcement to spend valuable resources targeting law-abiding members of their communities instead of protecting citizens from harm. Finally, the faith community opposes mandatory minimum sentencing requirements because they are unjust. This bill clearly fails to meet the standard set by Pope Francis when he asks us to respond justly and humanely to those "in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones."

Please call or write to your Senators in advance of this potentially dangerous hearing to ask them to oppose S. 2146, the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act introduced by Senators David Vitter (R-LA) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ). We must stand in solidarity with our immigrant sisters and brothers seeking a better life for themselves and their families.

Take Action TODAY: Call 1-866-940-2439 to be connected with your Senator's office. 

Here's a sample of what to tell your Senator's staff when you call:
"I'm a constituent from [City/State] and I urge the Senator to OPPOSE S. 2146, the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act on Tuesday and any legislation that would force local police to serve as immigration enforcement officers."

Faith statements, articles and additional resources can be found at And remember, faith leaders can add their name to a sign-on letter asking Congress to oppose legislation that would force local police to serve as immigration enforcement officers.

"SENATOR NAME, stand with local law enforcement and communities to promote neighborhood safety - vote no on S. 2146!"

Call-in recording reads: Thank you for urging Congress to reject legislation that would force local police to serve as immigration enforcement officers. The full Senate will be considering S. 2146, the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act on Tuesday October 20th - S. 2146 would reduce community trust in local police, encourage racial profiling, and make people afraid to report crime. It also establishes harsh mandatory minimums for undocumented immigrants who re-enter the United States.

When you call, tell your leaders that your City, State and Congregation, and that as a person of faith, you are opposed to S. 2146 or any legislation that would force or coerce local police into serving as immigration enforcement officers. When all individuals, regardless of immigration status, can report dangerous situations without the fear of being deported and separated from their families, safety increases for everyone. (You will now be connected to your Senator's office.) For additional faith statements and resources on these issues, go to

Sample Email to the Senate: Subject:
Protect Sanctuary Cities: I am writing to urge you to oppose bill S. 2146, "Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act." This bill would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities and harm our communities by creating a fearful relationship between immigrants and local police. It would also force local law enforcement to spend valuable resources targeting law abiding members of their communities instead of protecting citizens from harm.  Finally, inflexible mandatory minimum penalties are unjust. In his recent visit to the United Sates, Pope Francis asked Members of Congress to welcome immigrants and ensure that they are treated "in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal." This bill flatly fails the test.  I strongly urge you to oppose S. 2146.Signed, __________________ (constituent)
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea
Director of Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Disciples Home Missions

Five Thomas Circle, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005-4153
(202) 957-7826 (Cell)

Refugee & Immigration Ministries is a ministry of Disciples Home Missions in Partnership with the Christian Church Capital Area and the Disciples Center for Public Witness

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