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Disciples Home Missions Updates

March 15, 2015

In This Issue
*From the President
*Disciples Women
*Chaplains & Specialized Ministries
*Family & Children's Ministries

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General Assembly
July 18-22, 2015
Columbus, Ohio
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From the President

Somewhere along the way of my growth and development as a 20-something person of faith, I incorporated into my thought life a principle that has guided my decision making for four decades now. It has never led me down a wrong path, even though it has placed me in the midst of the thorns and thistles of uneasy conversation and debate.


This principle I am referencing comes from a document known as the Woodward Report, a report that defends Yale University's policy on the open exchange of ideas. In part it reads:


"The history of intellectual growth and discovery clearly demonstrates the need for unfettered freedom, the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable."


For me, Jesus is the epitome of this principle of unfettered freedom. The Bible declares: "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed [John 8:36]; "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death [Romans 8:2]; and, "For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery" [Galatians 5:1].


And if Jesus is the epitome of this principle, then the church is the vehicle to proclaim it to the world and to live it out in every expression of its life. Not to do so places the church and world in the very throes of sin, death, and slavery. To live by this principle and to proclaim it in its fullness will fill the pews in our churches, spread the baptismal waters over a new generation of Disciples, and resurrect a church that has become fearful of controversy.


When the gospel of unfettered freedom is proclaimed people will find that they can "think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable." This principle will help replace the pomp and circumstance and predictability that has become commonplace in much of the church's life, with a new spirit of freedom, exchange of ideas, and openness to the movement of God's Spirit. If you and your congregation are ready for some excitement, for some fireworks - trust me, there will be some fireworks - and for real, down to earth growth and engagement, try freeing yourself up. I think you will be surprised at what God can do!


Freedom-ly yours, 


Disciples Women

Woman-to-Woman Worldwide 2015 Israel/Palestine

The application deadline is March 15, 2015, at midnight in your time zone. The application and Candidate Guidelines are available on the Disciples Women's home page.


Young adult women ~ There is some funding available to help defray a portion of the cost of the registration fee for a limited number of applicants. Contact your regional women's staff person or constituency president to discuss your application and required letter of recommendation with her.


Just Women

The Spring 2015 Bible study Women of the New Testament: Finding their Voices is available for sale in regular print and large print editions. Buy yours today. There is only a limited number of regular print copies available.  


You may also renew or start a new subscription at the Just Women catalog.


General Programs

The Easter Program is available as a free download. This is a reprint of a wonderful Easter service from 2005. There is also a connection to the 2015 Just Women Bible study.


Disciples Women at General Assembly 2015

Disciples Women have a focus on mission lived out in various activities and events during General Assembly. Learn more at the DW @ GA 2015 web page. 

HELM is now taking applications to join the 15th class of HELM Leadership Fellows in the fall of 2015.  Graduating high school seniors or entering first year college students who plan on attending an accredited College or University are encouraged to apply.


The postmark deadline for applications has been extended to April 16, 2015. 


Leadership Fellows Packet

Chaplains & Specialized Ministries

2015 Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors Retreat

"Care & Repair of Souls"

All Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors are invited to attend the 2015 Retreat in Columbus, Ohio. We will gather July 16 - 18, 2015 at the Red Roof Inn, Downtown Columbus, OH. Our retreat is sponsored by the Chaplains Office of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Disciples Home Missions. CEU's will be offered for those who attend the retreat. Click here for retreat details and registration. 

Family & Children's Ministries

Children Worship & Wonder Story Teller Trainings

March 27-28, 2015

First Christian Church ~ Ocala, FL


April 10-12, 2015 (new dates due to March weather)

Kingsway Christian Church ~ Germantown, TN (Memphis area)


April 24-25, 2015

Crown Heights Christian Church ~ Oklahoma City, OK


May 1-2, 2015

Bedford Christian Church ~ Bedford, VA


Register now or contact Jessica Kramer with any questions.

Gifts to the Disciples Home Missions Annual Fund
are directed to our 

most valuable asset - congregations and their leaders!

Be sure to look for the latest issue of the Disciples Advocate online.


Also, check out the Disciples Home Missions Web site

for more congregational resources.


Rev. Ron Degges 


Disciples Home Missions
Phone: (317) 713-2684