///Rapid Response
 Rapid Response
July 31, 2014

Rapid Response

Disciples Leaders from 6 States Join Event to Urge President Obama to Act to End Family Separations & Stop Deportations-

Please Call the President TODAY to add your voice!


Today and tomorrow, hundreds of faith leaders and immigrant rights activists are gathering at the White House to protest President Obama's deportation policies. These advocates, including Disciples clergy Lyndon Rogers of Texas, Hector Hernandez of Indiana, layleader Maria Zamarripa and youth Cindy Lopez from Alabama are traveling from across the country to join local Disciples leaders from the Christian Church Capital Area and our Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries office to urge the President to halt his immigration enforcement machine that has deported more immigrants than any previous administration.


As Pastor Lyndon Rogers says, "The time for action is upon us. We call on our President for decisive leadership to stop the separation of families and end deportations. So I stand today with my neighbor who cannot speak, to live into what I believe is just. It is not sufficient to only speak about Jesus, but we must live and witness to what and who Jesus is in our life."


Please join your voice with faith advocates around the nation in calling on President Obama to stop deportations and expand deferred action for all!  Call 1-866-961-4293 now!


Deportations are continuing at record levels, impacting valued members of our congregations and communities. The separation of families impacts every one of our immigrant communities and must stop. Every day that the Obama Administration delays action, another 1,100 aspiring Americans are deported.  


Our faith holds us to a higher calling. We understand that God's law to love our neighbor takes precedence over any unjust human law. The laws of our broken immigration system are immoral, and President Obama not only has the legal executive authority to fix this problem right now, he has the moral obligation to do so. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program - DACA - has changed the lives of more than 600,000 young people, who can now work and travel legally. The president should expand this model for all of our undocumented community members.


Act now! Call 1-866-961-4293 and follow the instructions to be connected to the White House comment line! Here's a sample script:


"I'm from City, State, Congregation/Community. As a person of faith, I urge President Obama to stop the pain and family separation caused by deportations. These separations are deeply impacting our communities and our church families. The President has the authority to allow our undocumented community members to stay here in the United States without fear of deportation. Congressional inaction cannot be an excuse to avoid doing what is right. I urge the President to renew DACA status for those who have it, to extend the application timeline, and to implement a similar process of affirmative relief for all undocumented immigrants who make contributions to their communities."

For further information, please contact: Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Refugee & Immigration Ministries/Disciples Home Missions, sstanley@dhm.disciples.org, 202-957-7826