///Rapid Response
 Rapid Response

June 10, 2014 

   Refugee & Immigration Ministries

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Please Consider Joining 2 Important Actions for Immigrant Justice

  1. TODAY, we need clergy and faith leaders to sign-on to stop deportation. People of faith are speaking up and supporting an end to deportations. Join the Clergy and faith leaders sign-on letter.  
  2. This Thursday we need YOU to call Rep. Eric Cantor and Speaker John Boehner and urge them to provide solutions to our broken immigration system now!
June 10, 2014 

Our Immigrant Sisters & Brothers Have Been Asking for Relief 

We can act TODAY to provide that relief. Below is a letter for faith leaders to take special opportunity to sign. We only have TODAY! Can we please be sure to add in as many of our Disciples voices as possible?

Clergy and Faith Leaders Sign-On Letter

Clergy and faith leaders can sign-on for a letter with numerous other faith leaders demanding an end to deportations! I will be meeting with Department of Homeland Security staff on Wednesday and delivering your signature so sign TODAY! 

Call-in Day to Rep. Cantor and Speaker Boehner
Then on Thursday, it's our time to focus on the House! Rep. Eric Cantor and Speaker Boehner have postponed providing solutions to the broken immigration system for long enough. This summer we have a slight window of opportunity for the House to act. So, on Thursday call both Eric Cantor's office as well as Speaker Boehner's office. Here is a sample script:

Hi, my name is ______, from ________. As a leader/member with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), I want to name the importance of this time to help our immigrant brothers and sisters. Therefore, I urge House leadership to bring immigration reform up for a vote that will reunite families and lead to citizenship for our undocumented community members!

Also, please make some noise on social media!


Tweet or post on Facebook to get the word out!

 Download image to post on Facebook.


Sample Tweets


Urge @GOPLeader and @SpeakerBoehner to bring immigration legislation on citizenship and family unity to the House floor for a vote.

.@GOPLeader & @SpeakerBoehner As a person of faith I want you to bring #immigrationreform to the floor for a vote #familyunity #citizenship

I pray we can be active for justice this week and encourage forward movement!


In Christ,


Contact information:

Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director 

Refugee & Immigration Ministries

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada

A Ministry of Disciples Home Missions in Partnership with the Christian Church Capital Area and the Disciples Center for Public Witness and in cooperation with the Week of Compassion.


[email protected]

202-957-7826 cell
