CM Volunteer News



In August, 40 volunteers contributed 775 hours to CM programs and activities.

Whether you supported the Children's Museum's day camp programming, greeted guests in the Welcome Centre, encouraged play in the galleries, or helped keep our galleries in great shape - as volunteers, each of you was an integral aspect of our guests' experience. 

thank you
Our Volunteers Are Great!

10,317 people were welcomed to the CM in July and 15 birthday parties were hosted at the CM!


In August 145 campers aged 6-11 years created, discovered, learned, met new friends, explored themes related to our galleries, shared activities, games, crafts, special guests, and field trips!

The following volunteers were day camp assistants in August:

Camila Daria Jennifer Justin Lee 
Maxine Hannah (water day) Michelle Nadine Kimberly (field trips) 
Rosemarie Suman Yasmin Yvette  

Thanks for the effective support you provided to the counselor team!



The Children's Museum regularly applies to the Manitoba Community Services Council for funding from casino events and provides volunteers for bingo sessions. These events are connected to funding for the Children's Museum and to the CM goal of continuing the high calibre of programming, activities, and atmosphere we offer the families who visit us.  The challenge is that, for casino events, volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and many of our terrific volunteers are not.


Thank you to the volunteers who supported the second of our three casino events.


Cathy - a CM volunteer's parent

Caryl - a CM volunteer

Tina - a CM volunteer

Yolanda - a CM volunteer

Spencer - a CM volunteer

Stephanie - a CM volunteer


Remember: if you're asked a question you can't answer - let the volunteer resources manager know and an answer will be shared with the volunteer team!

Advice from school-age volunteers


I've enjoyed the opportunity to talk with volunteers who met challenges at school last year and anticipate new challenges as they return to school. I've been impressed by how much each of you has learned to this point in your academic career.


So, what advice would you give a person entering the same grade or level you completed last spring? Whether you've finished grade 9 and are headed into senior high school or whether you've completed first year university - what advice have you? Email your advice to me by Friday, October 11. All entries will be entered into a prize draw. Advice will be published only with author's permission.



If you are using your CM volunteer experience on your resume (which is a great idea!), please either request a letter or contact the manager of volunteer resources or your supervisor in advance. Otherwise, in order to protect your privacy, we may not be able to provide a reference. Additionally, if the CM knows in advance, we can prepare and give the best possible reference.


Everyone, please take responsibility to check in and out with the admissions desk each time you volunteer. If it means that you need to wait your turn because the staff are busy with guests, then please wait.

Also, please use a locked locker for your belongings. If you have trouble with the lock, let the volunteer resources manager or your supervisor know. If you prefer to bring your own lock, please do so.

The CM staff wants to know how your volunteer experience is going. Please take a copy of the evaluation from the folder on the bulletin board in the volunteer lounge, complete it, and return it to the folder.

Event: Halloween Howl 

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013 

Time: 4:30 - 9:30PM 


TRICK-OR-TREAT! Join us on the last Saturday of October for the Children's Museum's 17th Annual Halloween Howl! It will be a spooktacular night of ghoulishly great entertainment, sweet treats and healthy snacks, creepy crafts, and trick-or-treating in the museum's 12 ghastly galleries.


VOLUNTEERS: If you can help with this favourite CM event, please let the manager of volunteer resources, your supervisor, or Luke know!


happy birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Congratulations To Our Birthday Volunteers

Happy Birthday to Tyler who celebrated his birthday in August and to Athulya, Chelsea L, Claudia, Hannah, Juliana, Katie, Marie, Nicole, Suman and Thomas, who celebrated birthdays in September!  


Supervisors have contacted current volunteers about schedules for the fall. If you haven't confirmed your fall volunteer schedule, please contact your supervisor now!

If you've already done so - thank you!


How To Reach Your Supervisor

Heather Armstrong, Education Coordinator 

Luke Cecelon, Program Coordinator  



Jaret Olford, Guest Services Manager


Rachelle Tabor, Admissions Supervisor 


Mario Labossiere, Guest Services Coordinator




Lynn Silver
Volunteer Resources Manager

"Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer."
~ Author Unknown


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