December 2014



On November 4, 2014, the Connecticut Breakfast Expansion Team (CBET) held Connecticut's Third Annual School Breakfast Summit to offer school administrators, food service directors, and advocates the tools to launch and sustain successful School Breakfast Programs at elementary and secondary schools throughout the state. 
Image courtesy of Sue Muldoon.

"We know that students who start the day with breakfast are ready to learn. Studies show that students perform better and have lower absenteeism rates. We are excited by
 the significant increase in the number of schools participating in the
School Breakfast Program over the past year," said Lucy Nolan, Executive Director, End Hunger Connecticut!. "It's a vital program for Connecticut families facing food insecurity and we hope today's Summit will encourage more schools to participate in the School Breakfast Program."

Click here to read all about it on our webpage. 
Click here for a menu of presentations from the Summit.
See below for resources shared at the Summit.
EHC!'s 2014 School Breakfast Report Card
  • Looking to see how well your school district is doing in School Breakfast Participation?
  • Wondering what's the best model for a school breakfast program?
  • Craving the latest research on the impact of the School Breakfast Program on student grades and behavior?
It's all in the Report Card.  Click here to read the full report.
Watch the video!

The Connecticut Breakfast Expansion Team has long awaited an opportunity to produce a video to illustrate the many benefits to school breakfast in students in Connecticut and highlight successful programs. 

Thanks to the New England Dairy & Food Council, that wish was fulfilled this year and the video was unveiled at the 2014 Summit. Check it out here.
Start With Half a Cup
Find ways to encourage children to add a half a cup of fruits and vegetables to every meal!

Click here to see the Start With Half A Cup video

             Click here to visit the webpage.

Don't forget! EHC! Offers SNAP Application Assistance via the EHC! SNAP Call Center. 

Call 866-974-SNAP
SNAP Call Center Hours:

                          9:00 AM until 6:00 PM 

on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 
9:00 AM to 5:00
on Tuesdays and Thursdays.



To request a SNAP presentation: Brian Johnson, SNAP Outreach Coordinator,  is available to conduct SNAP Info Sessions about basic SNAP eligibility rules. If you would like Brian to talk to your group, please contact him at Bjohnson@endhungerct.org.       


To request SNAP Outreach materials: contact Sherry Suber at ssuber@endhungerct.org.

DSS Expands
SNAP Employment & Training Program

Do you know a SNAP recipient who would like to participate in an employment training program? Check out DSS's SNAP Employment & Training program here.

Mission Nutrition: A Summer Meals Partnership

Thanks explicitly to funding from Our Family Foundation, a grant titled Mission Nutrition was made available to various school districts in Connecticut for the 2nd summer! This grant provides needed funds for demonstrations, tastings and gardening activities at Summer Meals sites to make fruits and vegetables more fun and enticing for kids. 


This year, the grant was awarded to a total of five public school districts with a FoodCorps CT Service Member: Windham, Bridgeport, Vernon, New Haven, and Putnam. In total, 26 nutrition or garden education sessions and 32 cooking demos & tastings were held this summer.    Click here to read more.                    

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Click here for data about poverty and hunger right here in 2014 Connecticut.

National Survey Finds Bipartisan Majority Look to Government to Lead Much-Needed Fight Against Hunger

Washington, D.C. - October 28, 2014 - A new survey (pdf) finds that Americans believe that hunger is a serious problem in the U.S. and that government, more than individuals or communities, must play a key role in helping solve it. The survey, commissioned by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) and Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN), found that 45 percent of Americans say that hunger in the U.S. is a "serious problem."  Just 15 percent do not believe hunger is a problem at all in the United States todayClick here to read the complete article.        
26 OCTOBER 2014
Food Tank and the James Beard Foundation present the 2014 Good Food Org Guide
The James Beard Foundation and Food Tank, along with a prestigious advisory group of food system experts, developed the first annual "Good Food Org Guide." This definitive Guide highlights nonprofit organizations that are doing exemplary work in the United States in the areas of food and agriculture, nutrition and health, hunger and obesity, and food justice. Only nonprofit, scholarly, and municipal initiatives have been selected in order to spotlight efforts that are focused on community building and engagement, advocacy, and service.    

BTW - End Hunger Connecticut! is on the list!

Click here to

Support End Hunger CT! 
There's still time to support
EHC! this holiday season!
We're 'Making Room at the Table' and we want you with us!

This month EHC! gives a BIG THANK YOU to: 
 Everyone who Donated on Giving Tuesday!
End Hunger Connecticut!  counts on you!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors who responded to our plea to donate on December 2, Giving Tuesday! 

Grants pay for program work in the community and educating the public - but policy work depends on independent funding. We would not be able to advocate for critical policy options to our national and state legislators without you!  Really!

Your donation helps pay for our advocacy at Congress and at the State Legislature.  

Your donation makes change!

Missed Giving Tuesday????  You can still donate to EHC! here.

About Us         
 End Hunger Connecticut! is dedicated to ending hunger and promoting healthy nutrition by promoting access to federal nutrition assistance programs, speaking out to raise awareness of hunger in the state of Connecticut, and advocating for positive change of local, state and national programs. We provide statewide SNAP and Child Nutrition Program outreach/training and assistance. Learn about our CT No Kid Hungry Campaign here.

Have a question?  Call us at (860) 560-2100  or e-mail endhunger@endhungerct.org 
Thank you for staying in touch!

Annie E Casey logo
Lucy Nolan  
End Hunger Connecticut! 


Nondiscrimination Statement:

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability.


To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


EHC! SNAP outreach  is funded by the AARP Foundation, the Walmart Foundation, FRAC and the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. 

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