With faculty and students back from winter break, we are excited about the start of the new semester. In the month ahead, the Museum will offer a number of public programs related to the exhibitions on view. We are especially pleased to focus attention on Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa, an exhibition that the Boston Globe listed as one of the highlights of the winter arts season in New England. Among the different offerings, including film screenings, gallery conversations, and lectures listed below, please be sure to join us on Wednesday, February 17, when artist David Driskell H'89, director of the National Museum of African Art Johnnetta Cole, and curator Karen Milbourne come together to discuss Earth Matters and the impact of African art in the United States. See you at the Museum!
With warm regards,
Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear Co-Directors
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Elise Ansel: Distant Mirrors
Closing April 17, 2016
This exhibition of recent paintings by Portland-based artist Elise Ansel was inspired by her study of the Museum's sixteenth century painting, Annunciation, by Denys Calvaert. Through her contemporary interpretations of iconic works of Western art, Ansel's paintings ignite questions about beauty and aesthetics, steeped in sensitivity to the politics of gender. This exhibition is organized in conjunction with Bowdoin's interdisciplinary course cluster Studies in Beauty, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Dissent in 1960s America: The Photography of Ken Thompson
Closing April 3, 2016
A politically-engaged photographer, Ken Thompson worked during the 1960s for the General Board of Global Ministries, the New York-based mission agency of the United Methodist Church. Thompson traveled throughout the United States to make visible many of the leading social and political issues of his day. Rarely exhibited or published, his photographs provide an eyewitness account of the civil rights movement, voter registration efforts in the South, the aftermath of the Watts riot, and anti-poverty and anti-war demonstrations in Washington, D.C.
Digging further into Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa
The Museum continues to celebrate this major exhibition dedicated to the arts of Africa with a strong roster of programming this month. Dedicated to exploring the use and representation of the earth, both as a physical medium and as an intellectual, political, and personal construct, Earth Matters provides an important opportunity to consider our own relationship to the world around us locally and globally.
New Acquisitions: Egyptian Portraits
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is excited to announce the acquisition of three portraits of Egyptian subjects made nearly 2000 years apart.
Mummy Portrait of a Young Man (ca. second century AD) features the face of a young man with striking, realistic features painted with encaustic (wax-based paint) on thin wood panels and embellished
with intricate gold-leaf details.
Film screening by South African Artist William Kentridge, February 4
Since his first American retrospective in 2001, South African artist William Kentridge (born 1955) has earned accolades for his versatile and poetic art practice. He is perhaps best known for his haunting drawings, often animated into films, that engage memory and South Africa's collective history of apartheid, labor and industrialization.
We Love Our Members of the
Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Happy Valentine's Day! We hope you'll join our membership program and be a part of the art. The support of our members helps us to realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings, which are always open to students and the general public. Membership offers special access to events and serves as a connection to a community of students and faculty, who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by joining today! For more information, please check our home page or contact Caroline Baljon, Membership and Programs Coordinator, at (207)-725-3276.
Gallery Conversation with scholar Oscar Mokeme
12:00 pm
Museum of Art moreFEBRUARY 4Film Screening and Discussion: William Kentridge
7:00 pm
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall more FEBRUARY 9
Gallery Conversation with BCMA Co-Director Frank Goodyear 12:00pm Museum of Art
Drawing Workshop with artist Elise Ansel
Museum of Art
Family Saturday
10:00am - 11:00am
FEBRUARY 13 & 14
"We Love Our Members" Sale10:00am-5:00pm Saturday
1:00pm-5:00pm Sunday
Gallery Conversation with historian David Gordon
Director Johnnetta Cole, artist David Driskell, and curator Karen Milbourne in Conversation
Africa Schoolhouse: Shaping Education Literally and Metaphorically in Tanzania
Gallery Conversation with historian Jennifer Scanlon