
We are excited about having recently opened Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa, an exhibition that the Boston Globe short-listed as one of the highlights of the fall arts season in New England. Organized by the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art, it showcases extraordinary works from the last two centuries that reveal how artists in Africa have seen the earth and mankind's relationship to it. Also, be sure to visit the new installation of the Museum's Permanent Collection entitled To Count Art an Intimate Friend: Highlights from Bowdoin Collections, 1794 to the Present, which opens on November 5. We look forward to seeing you at these exhibitions and the many public programs that accompany them.


Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank Goodyear

Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Opening October 29, 2015

A Maine resident, photography teacher, and lifelong political activist, Olive Pierce began a ten-year project in 1986 photographing several families in Waldoboro, Maine who have long been associated with the fishing industry. This exhibition - curated by Sarah Haimes '15, under the direction of Art History professor Dana Byrd - brings together a selection of those photographs and tells the story of this revealing documentary project. Pierce recently donated twenty-six photographs from this series to the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.

To Count Art an Intimate Friend: Highlights from Bowdoin Collections, 1794 to the Present  
Opening November 5, 2015

To Count Art an Intimate Friend demonstrates how works of art contribute to the intellectual and personal growth intrinsic to great centers of learning and innovation. The show takes its cue from William DeWitt Hyde, President of the College 1885-1917, whose 1906 Offer of the College
enumerates the values of a liberal arts education: "
To be at home in all lands and all ages; to count Nature a familiar acquaintance, and Art an intimate friend..."

Limited Edition Photograph by Abelardo Morell   
We are pleased to offer this limited edition photograph by esteemed photographer Abelardo Morell '71 H'97. Created earlier this summer, it shows a projection of the Bowdoin quad cast onto a wall of the Museum of Art's rotunda using a camera obscura. The proceeds from this sale will go into a fund to support photographic exhibitions, programs, and acquisitions of work by promising young photographers, named for Morell and his wife Lisa McElaney '77.

"The Visual Culture of Yoga": A Presentation by Debra Diamond

With roots in Hindu and Buddhist spiritual traditions, yoga is a practice designed to strengthen and relax the body and the mind. Yoga has not only helped those who aspire to greater mindfulness and physical health, but it has also inspired a rich visual tradition. On November 8, Debra Diamond, curator of South and Southeast Asian Art at the Smithsonian's Freer and Sackler Galleries, and curator of the 2013-2014 exhibition Yoga: The Art of Transformation, will discuss its history across visual media, from sculpture to film, and across Hindu, Sufi, and early modern arenas of practice.
museum news

Music at the Museum

On November 12, George Lopez, Bowdoin's Beckwith Artist-in-Residence, presents an evening of music featuring the harpsichord in conjunction with Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa.

Please note that Lopez will also perform at the Museum on Thursday, December 10.   
To Count Art an Intimate Friend

The diverse collections of the Museum offer myriad opportunities for research, learning, and teaching from a multitude of academic perspectives. A new installation further demonstrates the centrality of the collection for the academic life of the College. 

Become a Member of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art

We hope you'll visit the Museum this fall! There are several exhibitions, featuring art from ancient times to the present, on view for your enjoyment. For more information, please check our home page or contact Caroline Baljon, Membership and Programs Coordinator, at (207)-725-3276.
The support of our members helps us to realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings, which are always open to students and the general public. Membership offers special access to events and serves as a connection to a community of students and faculty, who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by joining today!  
Thursday Night Salon: Contest! Challenge, Competition, and Combat in Ancient Art
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Museum of Art

The Visual Culture of Yoga
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center

Music at the Museum with George Lopez
6:30 pm- 7:30 pm
Museum of Art

Gallery Conversation: Olive Pierce: Photographing a Maine Fishing Community
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Museum of Art

Family Saturday
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Museum of Art

Discover more events on the BCMA calendar

Museum Hours
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm  |  Thursday: 10:00am - 8:30pm  |  Sunday: 1:00 - 5:00pm

Closed on Mondays and national holidays. 


The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is open to the public FREE of charge, although donations are welcome. The Museum is wheelchair accessible through the Pavilion entrance.


Bowdoin College Museum of Art  |  9400 College Station |  Brunswick, ME 04011  |  207.725.3275       Directions

Banner image: Untitled / the series World Under Pressure, (detail), 2011, by Batoul S'himi. Collection of the artist. 

Bowdoin College Museum of Art | 9400 College Station | Brunswick | ME | 04011