Charles Joseph Natoire (Attributed to) Le Triomphe de L'Amour (The Triumph of Love), ca. 1736

Dear Friends,


Happy February!  As we wait eagerly to see whether the groundhog will see his shadow or not (here's hoping for an early spring!), the BCMA has many wonderful new exhibitions and enticing programs to ward off the winter chill.  Revisit the coast from the warmth of the gallery in Rocks, Waves, and Skies: Maine Landscapes, 1900-1950, and join Frank Goodyear when he offers a tour of the exhibit on February 5th.  Come celebrate Black History Month with Letters and Shadows: African American Art and Literature Since the Harlem Renaissance, and take part in Liz Muther's tour of the show on February 24th.  Valentine's Day receives its due with double discount day for Members at the Museum Shop on February 14th and conversations about the story of Cupid and Psyche with Abby Zanger on February 11th and with Sarah Ruden on February 19th.  As always, music plays an important part in the Museum's offerings with a special morning performance by the Baroque ensemble Rebel on February 7th.  We look forward to seeing you!  



Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank Goodyear

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

January 22, 2015 - March 15, 2015

This exhibition features dialogues and collaborations among seminal African-American artists and writers of the twentieth century, including visual artists Kara Walker, Glenn Ligon, and Jacob Lawrence, and authors James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, and Zora Neal Hurston.
Closes March 1, 2015

The prints by the Dutch engraver, draftsman, and painter Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617) are dazzling for their technical refinement and provocative sensuality.  Don't miss this final opportunity to view the works of an enormously talented portraitist and an eloquent narrator of ancient myths and religious legend.
Attributed to Frans Francken III,  

The Museum's collection of historic European and American art was shaped by James Bowdoin III, the founder of the College, who bequeathed family collections of European art in 1811. Subsequent generations have built on his legacy.  A product of the Enlightenment, Bowdoin was among the first Americans to re-discover what the Roman poet Horace described as art's ability to instruct as well as delight.

Many of these works came from the studio of John Smibert, the Scottish-born artist who brought them to America in 1728.  Settling in Boston, Smibert excelled as a portrait painter, but was also known for his display of paintings, drawings, and statuary at his studio, described often as America's first art gallery.  Kept intact by Smibert's heirs long after his death in 1752, the collection helped familiarize Bowdoin and others with Renaissance and Baroque styles.  Bowdoin acquired by purchase and inheritance pictures by European artists, often called Old Masters, depicting Classical and Christian subjects and landscapes.  He also commissioned family portraits from various American painters.  His legacy has inspired continuing development of the Museum's Old Master collection for more than 200 years.  Come visit a new installation of this collection at the Museum.  
museum news
Photo of students in the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.
Cover of

Students and Professors Get Creative at the Museum

During the Fall 2014 semester, the Bowdoin College Museum of Art enjoyed phenomenal academic engagement by students and faculty.  Thirty-five different Bowdoin College courses used the Museum for 105 class sessions for a total of over 1000 visits by students. The Museum also served as an ideal location and inspiration for creative,
as well as scholarly, endeavors.
On Press at BCMA 

"Past Futures: Science Fiction, Space Travel, and Postwar Art of the Americas" and "aka Marcel Duchamp: Meditations on the Identities of an Artist" are new publications by Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow, Sarah Montross, and Co-Director, Anne Collins Goodyear, respectively.  They share reflections on their most recent publications.

Member Appreciation Month at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Frank Goodyear and guests at Museum reception.
February is Member Appreciation Month at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art!  It is the generous support of our members that  helps makes possible our distinctive exhibitions and the rich and varied programming that keeps the Museum a lively and active place in which to experience great art.

To say thank you, we are offering a special benefit to our members on
Valentines Day.  During our "We Love our Members" Double Discount Day, members will receive 30% off regularly priced items at the Museum Shop when they present their membership card.

Additionally, on March 4th, we are offering a preview tour of our upcoming exhibition, Past Futures: Science Fiction, Space Travel and Postwar Art of the Americas, exclusively for Museum members.

Membership provides wonderful opportunities to be "part of the art" by offering exclusive access to a stimulating array of exhibitions, lectures, and events, and connects you to a community of students and faculty who are actively engaged in the life of the Museum.
  If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for great art in Brunswick by joining today 
Thursday Night Salon: "Rocks, Waves, and Skies: Maine Landscapes, 1900-1950"
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Museum of Art

Rebel Baroque Ensemble
10:30 am - 11:45 am
Museum of Art


Gallery Conversation:
"Le dernier cri: Cupid and Psyche in Paris"
Noon - 12:45 pm
Museum of Art

"We Love Our Members" Double Discount Day at the Museum Shop
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Museum of Art Shop

Thursday Night Salon: "Translating Cupid & Pysche: Apuleius's Absurdity"
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Museum of Art

Gallery Conversation: "'Now You Cookin' With Gas': Word and Image in African American Art"
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Museum of Art

Family Saturday
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Museum of Art

Discover more events on the BCMA calendar

Museum Hours
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm  |  Thursday: 10:00am - 8:30pm  |  Sunday: 1:00 - 5:00pm

Closed on Mondays and national holidays. 


The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is open to the public FREE of charge, although donations are welcome. The Museum is wheelchair accessible through the Pavilion entrance.


Bowdoin College Museum of Art  |  9400 College Station |  Brunswick, ME 04011  |  207.725.3275       Directions

Banner image:
"Le Triomphe de L'Amour (The Triumph of Love)," (detail) ca. 1736, Charles Joseph Natoire (attributed to).