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Reliable Translations, Inc
            January 28, 2015

Helpful Tips and Facts from Reliable Translations...


FACT:  Going with a translation agency based on price alone is simply not the best avenue when seeking a good translation service.  Best price in this case does not always equal the best deal -- in fact, it could very well be the opposite. The reason for this is when you are shopping for a tangible item like at a store or at a car dealership, it is wise to get the best possible price as many other stores or dealerships sell the exact same thing. So, why not get the best price you can? With translations, you are not shopping for a tangible item that you can see, not yet.  If you did go with the "best price" in a translation service, you could very well end up with the "worst translation." Many freelancers or translation agencies will go very low on price just to get work in, but this could mean several things for you, the consumer. It could mean shoddy work, outsourced work or a machine translation. You simply don't know what you are getting when you go with the "best price".

SOLUTION:  When shopping for a translation, really look for a good, reputable agency that has high ratings and/or one that has been referred to you by a trusted source. Also do some homework on them. Do they have someone answering phones? Do they respond quickly when you inquire by email or phone? Are they very polite and professional when you converse with them? These criteria are much more important than just a price. You simply don't have a tangible item of the exact same thing to compare the price with. Your tangible items are their record, their ratings, a referral and/or your own homework. Yes, do try to get the best price but only after you know you are dealing with true professionals who will deliver you the best possible translation.


RELIABLE TRANSLATIONS:  Reliable Translations is the industry leader in high quality, reputable translations. All this with the best in speed of service, quality of translations AND very competitive pricing means you will always get what you need with your translation needs and never be let down. Try Reliable Translations and see!

Reliable Translations, Inc is the only translations/interpreting agency that is a member of the Glendale and Burbank, CA Chambers of Commerce and we are fully licensed and accredited.


For more information, visit our website at or give us a call today.  We are always happy to be of service!

Teri Dunaway

Reliable Translations, Inc

"We Speak Your Language"

121 W. Lexington Dr. Suite L 106 D

Glendale, CA 91203

Desk: (818) 484-8673

Fax: (818) 484-8637