With best wishes for the Holiday Season and 
A Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year
from all of us at the
American-Scottish Foundation�

Click to download a PDF of our Year End Holiday Card, which illustrates the variety of activities in which ASF is involved and through which you, as members and friends, can support the Foundation...


is an international not-for-profit organization. Its aim is to establish links and strengthen ties between Scotland and the United States through the pursuit of contemporary social, cultural, educational, and business activities.  
You are invited to join the ASF, and become involved in all that is  going on.  Details of Membership, both individual and Corporate, are available here.  
If you have questions, please call the ASF Office 
on 212 605 0338   __________________________________________
American-Scottish Foundation, 575 Madison Avenue, 10th floor,
New York, NY 10022 
Tel. 212 605 0338  Fax. 212 605 0222  asfevents@wwbcny.com   www.americanscottishfoundation.org