November 2016 Obermann Center Newsletter


An Obermann Conversation with Charles Connerly (Urban & Regional Planning) and Connie Mutel (Author and IIHR-Hydroscience &  Engineering)
Nov. 8, 
4:00-5:00 pm
Old Capitol Senate Chambers

Co-Sponsored & Friends 

A panel discussion in conjunction with the exhibit Have No Fear: Islamaphobia in the 21st Century
Nov. 3, 6:30 pm
Old Capitol Senate Chambers

Obermann-sponsored talkback for Riverside Theatre's
The Taming
 Nov. 10
Following the 7:30 pm performance.
Featuring IA Rep. Mary Mascher and UISG President Rachel Zuckerman.
Tickets available at the Riverside Theatre Box Office.

Hosted by the Circulating Cultures Working Group
Nov. 4, 10:30 am
Obermann Center Library

 A Sawyer Seminar lecture by Michael Friedrich, Universit�t Hamburg

Broad Perspectives - A Witching Hour discussion featuring Obermann Center Director Teresa Mangum, Katie Roche (Awful Purdies), Merit Bickner (Girls Rock Iowa City), and Rachel McKibbens (writer-activist).
Nov. 5, 6:00 pm
Prairie Lights Bookstore

Application Deadlines
News & Publications

Frequent Obermann Center collaborator Rachel Williams (GWSS and Art & Art History, CLAS) was awarded the 2016 President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence.

The Manuscript Across Premodern Eurasia
Sawyer Seminar Features International Scholars and Conservators

A series of internationally renowned speakers will visit campus in the upcoming weeks as part of the yearlong Cultural and Textual Exchanges, an Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar. On November 4, Michael Friedrich (Universit�t Hamburg and Director of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures; RT) will discuss "Ancient and Medieval Chinese Manuscripts" and their relevance to cultural and intellectual history and the study of ancient manuscripts. The same day, Zsuzsanna Gulacsi (Northern Arizona University) will present a lecture, "From Picture Books to Illuminated Manuscripts: The Formation of Manichaean Book Culture in Its Eurasian Context." 

Interdisciplinary Research Grants
Applications due Nov. 8

Designed to help groups of two to three artists, researchers, and/or scholars work on an interdisciplinary project, this grant has helped faculty members work on and complete book and article publications, theatrical works, major grant proposals, an app, and an exhibition. "This program provides scholars and artists with immense latitude to work for a concentrated period over the summer to imagine or complete a project. Alumni of this program cite the unique opportunity to work face-to-face on a dedicated project with a colleague who is usually in a different part of campus or a different part of the world," says Obermann Director Teresa Mangum.

Riverside Theatre Talkbacks
A New Obermann Collaboration

The Obermann Center is pleased to sponsor and organize talkbacks for this season's Riverside Theatre productions. The next talkback will follow the November 10 performance of The Taming, a farce that places a conservative senatorial aide, a liberal political activist, and a newly-crowned Miss Georgia in a bar together. 

Iowa Representative Mary Mascher and UI Student Government President Rachel Zuckerman will be in conversation with Director Angie Tooman. Both Masher and Zuckerman have participated in the Iowa N.E.W. Leadership program, which empowers women across the political spectrum and increases the participation of underrepresented groups in all sectors of public leadership.


Circulating Cultures Hosts Laura Nader Conversation

The Obermann Center's Circulating Cultures Working Group is hosting a free, public conversation via Skype with influential 
anthropologist, Laura Nader (University of California at Berkeley), on November 4
th from 10:30 to 12:30, in the Obermann Center library. Nader will discuss her recent book, What the Rest Think of the West (University of California Press, 2015). The book is a collection of observations made over centuries by scholars, diplomats, missionaries, travelers, and merchants from Japanese, Chinese, South Asian, and Islamic civilizations commenting on what they define as the "West." Each entry is paired with a commentary by Nader.
Fall Workshops Focus on Digital Tools

Digital Bridges, an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded collaboration between Grinnell College and The University of Iowa, with support from the Obermann Center, continues its Fall series of workshops focused on various digital tools. All events are free; registration is not required but is appreciated. Contact: 

Digital Publishing with Scalar
Nov. 10, 3:00-4:45 pm, Main Library 1015A

Digital Archiving with Omeka
Nov. 17, 3:00-4:45 pm, Main Library 1015A

Mapping with Timetapper
Dec. 1, 3:00-4:45, Location TBA

Mapping the World with QGIS
Dec. 8, 1:00-4:45, Location TBA