Good Friday of 2012 was also the day that Jose tragically lost his life in a plane crash in Everglades City. He called me at work before he took off and asked what my plans were for Easter. On Monday, we were going to get together, and I was going to make one his favorite dishes. The first time he had my "Fancy Chicken," he was so proud that I knew how to make something that didn't involve a microwave. From that day on, whenever I would ask what he wanted for his birthday, Christmas, or Father's day the answer was always the same. "Donate some money to charity and make me your Fancy Chicken." I will never be able to show him that I have learned to cook, clean, and a variety of different things, but together with those who loved him dearly we can do something else. Something that I know he would approve of.
On January 18, we celebrated Jose's birthday by asking people to fish for
Jose. Take that day, and do something Jose would do, whether it was taking your kid fishing, learning something new or trying out a new fishing hole. A week before the two year mark of his passing, a good friend of Jose's, Lenore, asked me what I thought about having a "Trash Pick-Up Day" on Good Friday. Some people just watch trash float by but not my dad. He would turn the boat around, get his bait net out and scoop it up.
By noon, my phone and email were blowing up with pictures of trash that
people had picked up. Honestly, it is disgusting that some people don't pick up after themselves, but it absolutely beautiful to see that there are out there that are willing to clean up after others ... especially in honor of my dad.