Foundation Grants Bradley's Wish.  Jose Begins Testing Shimano Gear.  New Ladies Apparel Available in the Store.

One of many tunas caught that day
One of many tunas caught that day

Bradley's first tarpon
Bradley's first tarpon


On January 11th, 2012 Bradley was diagnosed with stage 3 testicular cancer. He was admitted to Duke Children's Hospital and underwent 2 surgeries and 4 months of compact chemotherapy treatments. During the last stages of treatment his doctor approached him about the Make a Wish Foundation.  After much thought, he decided on a deep sea fishing trip in the Florida Keys.  Make A Wish contacted the Jose Wejebe Spanish Fly Memorial Foundation to start planning his wish.

Captain Robert Trosset Sr (or RT) holds over 183 IGFA world records, and is one of the most respected guides in the Keys.  Bradley and his family were in good hands. "We met our captain RT and his deckhand Jared and set off on two exciting days of deep sea fishing."  The forecast for the first day called for calm seas. King fish, bonito and black fin tunas were caught one right after another, but they had to reel them in fast before the sharks got a taste of them.   

The wind picked up, so the next day they fished in Key West Harbor one of Jose's favorite places for tarpon. Bradley landed one, making it the "biggest fish I've ever seen, a 150 pound Tarpon, and it put up one heck of a fight." "This was the best trip of my life, the combination of the environment, the people and the fun I had will make me never forget this vacation." 
Jose was a part of Team Shimano for over 25 years
Jose was a part of Team Shimano for over 25 years


RT and Jose "grew up" in the same generation fishing guides in the Florida Keys. While Bradley and his family were busy hooking up one fish after another RT shared some stories about my father.   

"We were taking tackle apart underneath my house.  Your dad was always fascinated on how things worked, and how to make it better.  He said to me that his dream was to have his own TV show where he could share his knowledge with the world just how legendary fishermen Stu Apte, and Steve Huff shared with him."   

In the late 80's Jose sent Shimano a letter purposing how he could help improve some of their tackle. Shimano began sending him gear, and asked him to try and break it.  He tested their gear on, and off the water. At home he would take a rod put it underneath the couch and footrest cushion.  He would weigh me, and then boost me up onto the rod holding me gently for balance. I would bounce up and down until it broke.  We were a good team when it came to breaking stuff.  Our dining room table was never used for eating.  It was his work station full of broken reels that he took apart, and his notes to send off to Shimano.  It was also where he would tie his flies, and feathers could be found all throughout the house.  His hard work paid off. Shimano relied on Jose, and credits him greatly with their success in the saltwater fishing world.   

-Krissy Wejebe 


Ladies shirts are now available.  Jose helped design the graphics before he passed.  With your purchase you can help support the foundation, and keep Jose's spirit alive.

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