In This Issue
Spring Rangeland News Available!
April 30th Deadline to Submit Award Nominations
ESD Workshops Online
Targeted Grazing Workshops
Wally Butler Hall of Famer
New Jornada Experimental Range Blog
Range Quiz Photo
SRM Apparel eStore
CSU - Master's Degree
Other Events of Interest
Rangeland News
Click here 
Jan. 30 - Feb. 7, 2015 
Sacramento, CA 

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To purchase 

For More Information

Society for Range Management 


6901 S Pierce St Ste 225

Littleton, CO  80128
(303) 986-3309




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Whenever prompted to login, you will need to enter your numeric SRM member number as your user ID, and your last name as your password.

For more information, call
(785) 865-9456 or email



 Jenny Pluhar

1st Vice-President:
Pat Shaver

2nd Vice-President: 
Val Anderson

Executive Vice-President:
Jess Peterson


Ken Fulgham

A well-trained and highly motivated group of professionals and rangeland users working with productive, sustainable rangeland ecosystems.



Providing leadership for the Stewardship of Rangelands based on sound ecological principles.


Join Our Mailing List
Out On The Land

TV Series will air every Tuesday at 7pm ET, 6pm CT, 5pm MT, and 4pm PT on RFD-TV. 


  It will repeat every Wednesday at 9am ET, 8am CT, 7am, MT, and 6am PT

You can check out the series at www.outontheland.com

Information on Rangeland Careers and Courses


USDA-NRCS Webinars Available & Offering SRM Continuing Education Credit (CEUs)

The webinar listing grows daily, so check the site regularly for new entries!


RangeFlash - April 11, 2014

Spring Edition of Rangeland News


Highlights Include:

  • Staying the Course in 2104 - Jenny Pluhar, 2014 SRM President
  • Why Ask Your Colleagues to Join SRM?
  • SRM Endowment Fund Update
  • ESD Workshop Series Available Online 
  • Human Development Linked with Spread of Invasive Plants - Rangelands
  • List of Student Competition Winners and Honor Awardees from the 2014 SRM Annual Meeting
  • Submit Your Awards Nominations by April 30, 2014
  • Trail Boss Cookbook Recipe: Smorgasbord Cabbage Rolls
  • Lost Resources: Harvey Sprock and Dr. Carl Goebel 
  • Upcoming Events, Conference & Section Meeting Listings - (SEVERAL NEW EVENTS ADDED!)
  • CPRM Calendar
Check out the latest print version of the Rangeland News at www.rangelandnews.org.  

April 30th Deadline to Submit Awards Nominations for the 2015 Annual Meeting is Fast-approaching!


The Awards Committee will be accepting nominations for all award categories until April 30, 2014 for Honor Awards to be presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting in Sacramento, CA.


Visit http://www.rangelands.org/awards/ for detailed information and instructions on the award nomination process (Instructions to Nominators, Award Nomination Form)

Electronic submissions can be made directly to Vicky Trujillo (vtrujillo@rangelands.org).  Hardcopy submissions can be made to:

Awards Nominations

Society for Range Management

6901 S Pierce St Ste 225

Littleton, CO  80128  


Hard copies of the instructions and format for nominations are available from Vicky Trujillo at: Phone:  303-986-3309, FAX:  303-986-3892 or vtrujillo@rangelands.org


If you have specific questions regarding the nomination process, please contact the Awards Committee Chair, Bruce Healy, at bruce.healy@yahoo.com or by phone at 307-766-2365.


Thank you for taking the time and effort to nominate deserving individuals and groups for an SRM Honor Award.


SRM is Pleased to Announce the Creation of a New Honor Award Category!


The Young Professionals Conclave (YPC) has been working hard the past few years with the Society for Range Management (SRM) Board of Directors and the SRM Awards Committee on a proposal to create a new honor award.    


Currently, the Outstanding Young Range Professional Award (OYRP) allows members to be recognized for their dedication and contributions to the society and profession up to the age of 40 (to allow for career transition).  

For young professionals making the difficult transition from SRM student member to fully-engaged professional members of the society, it often seems there is no place for them to be recognized by the Society, and it is difficult for them to compete directly for the OYRP.  A new award category has been created to directly address this deficiency.  As such, it is designated as the YPC Apprentice Award.  

The YPC Outstanding Apprentice Award has been developed to recognize an individual SRM member who has
shown outstanding dedication to the Society within the first five (5) years of their career.  

The primary criterion for this award is meaningful contributions of time and effort to advance the mission of SRM at the national level.  Section level involvement may be considered in addition to, but not at the exclusion of, national level involvement.  Examples of national involvement may include, but is not limited to, committee involvement, special contributions of time and effort to the national SRM meeting, and demonstrated professionalism and potential for long-term leadership in the Society.    

Award recipients must demonstrate a leadership role in successful range management projects. Though early in their careers, award recipients must show demonstrable promise as range management professionals through particular projects or activities with which they have been involved.    

The award recipient must be either an SRM apprentice or regular member for which no more than five years will have passed since the termination of the recipient's educational enrollment.  Special circumstances may be considered.

SRM Student members are not eligible for this award. 

Please submit your nominations for this new award category using the same format for the other awards found on the committee webpage at http://www.rangelands.org/awards/.   


CONGRATULATIONS to the YPC for all their work on this award nomination and to all potential nominees!


ESD Workshop Series Available at www.Rangelands.org  


As an ongoing partnership between SRM and the federal agencies (BLM, USFS and NRCS) the Ecological Site Description Workshop series continued at the 2015 Annual Meeting in Orlando with a set of four workshops taking place. As many of you know, each workshop was live-streamed to users across the country who were able to view and participate live during each session. Each workshop was also recorded, thus allowing for archived access over the course of the year for those unable to attend the Orlando meeting or participate via the live-stream.

The first two sessions are available to anyone through the SRM website at: http://www.rangelands.org/ESD/index.shtml. The first two workshops, "ESD Uses and Users" and the "Unifying Concepts for Riparian Ecological Sites", cover a whole range of introductory and foundational materials and will remain available free of charge through the SRM website.

The third and fourth Orlando ESD sessions will be available to SRM members only. These sessions, titled "Emerging Technologies for ESD Development" and "Integrating Ecological Sites Into a Spatial Hierarchy to Improve Predictions", can be accessed through the members only page of the SRM Website. They can be found by clicking on the Resources tab of the "Members-Only" page. This is a great opportunity to encourage your fellow colleagues to get involved in the Society. They'll gain access to not only great information like the ESD workshops, but all that SRM has to offer.

A technical note: When accessing each workshop, allow for additional time so that your computer can load the workshops without causing too much "buffer" time when viewing. Each workshop will be directed to you through a web link, so ensure you have stable and consistent internet connection.

SRM hopes that you will take advantage of these workshops and all that each has to offer within the ESD field; if you have any questions regarding access to any of the workshops, please email SRM Washington, D.C. Liaison at kelly@wssdc.com.  


Targeted Grazing Online Workshops 2014 - Grazing with a Goal - Beginning Thursday, April 17

Learn the principles of targeted grazing to manage landscape the Third Thursday each month in 2014.  Online presentations and discussion will by the experts in the topic of targeted grazing and made possible by the Targeted Grazing Committee of the Society for Range Management.


Third Thursday - Starting April 17 - 11:30 Pac/12:30 Mtn/1:30 Cntr/2:30 East time


All you need is a computer and good internet connection.  Bring co-workers, students, or colleagues to sit in on sessions with you. Make it a lunch if you are in the western states.  


Basic Principles

  • April 17 - Why Targeted Grazing? - Dr. John Walker, Texas A & M University
  • May 15 - Plant Ecology & Response to Grazing - Dr. John Hendrickson, ARS, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
  • June 19 - Diet Selection Basics - Dr. Karen Launchbaugh, University of Idaho
  • July 17 - Choosing the Animal - Dr. Rachel Frost, Missouri River Conservation Districts Council
  • August 27 - Monitoring for Success - Dr. Marc Horney, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo

Application and Examples to be scheduled fall and winter include: Livestock-Wildlife Interactions, Livestock Grazing in Crop System, Multi-species Grazing, Livestock and Endangered Species, and Grazing to Manage Fuel Loads.


Targeted Grazing CERTIFICATE and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Professional in Rangeland Management are available.


Register at: http://targetedgrazing.wordpress.com/


Congratulations SRM Past President Wally Butler on your induction into the Southern Idaho Livestock Hall of Fame!


To see all of the recipients and the complete article, click here.

New Jornada Experimental Range Blog!


The Jornada Experimental Range is hosting a new blog called Land Ecology.  Posts are intended for a broad audience.  The blog was catalyzed by efforts of JER, universities and agency partners to build a science around Ecological Sites, state and transition models and their management applications.


Brandon Bestelmeyer and Joel Brown will keep the blog going and solicit posts to keep it interesting.


You can participate at http://landecology.org

8th International Congress for Wildlife and Livelihoods on Private and Communal Lands: Livestock, Tourism and Spirit


8th International Congress for Wildlife and Livelihoods on Private and Communal Lands: Livestock, Tourism and Spirit 
Sept. 7-12, 2014, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO, will emphasize practical knowledge, skills, and attitudes with action out-comes to assist private and communal sectors with nature conservation on those lands.
Projected audiences locally and from around the world include: agency, organization, and private professionals; landowners and on-the-ground private and communal managers; state/provincial fish and wildlife agencies; federal agencies, departments, bureaus, and offices; and non-governmental organizations.
The Congress is looking for symposia, workshops, papers, and posters that address or highlight the current needs, breakthroughs, challenges, experiments, and outcomes for private and communal management showing how wildlife and livelihoods can be compatible and beneficial for conservation, economies, and healthy societies.

Deadline is April 15, 2014. To submit an abstract, or learn more about the event, please visit the Congress website at http://events.warnercnr.colostate.edu/iwmc-2014/.  
NAIPSC Webinar Series


Since invasive plants don't take a break, neither does the NAIPSC. The 2013-2014 NAIPSC Webinar Series, NAIPSC Online Community, and new NAIPSC Web Course will keep you engaged and informed about invasive plants.


We've added two more webinars to our archives and will now be broadcasting the remaining webinars free to anyone who is interested in invasive plant ecology and management. If you know of others who would be interested, make sure you let them know about this great opportunity.

For information on upcoming and archived webinars, visit the
NAIPSC website.  
Range Photo Quiz

Rangelands can be full of surprises - and sometimes creative examples of adaptive management.  What is depicted here and how does it work? (Hint: it's on public land!). Bonus points: What MLRA might we be in and what is going on in the back ground?

Send your observations (and your own quiz-worthy range photos) to vtrujillo@rangelands.org, subject line "Range Photo Quiz" or complete the Range Quiz form. Be sure to include a question and answer with the photo!  

Click here to view a larger version of the photo.

SRM Apparel eStore

Are you looking for a way to show people you support SRM or are a member of SRM? Then you need to visit our SRM Apparel eStore. We have everything from shirts, jackets, polos, pullovers, to vests, caps and bags. Check it out!!

Click Here to visit our store.
Colorado State University
Master's Degree

Advance your career with a master's degree from one of the nation's leaders in rangeland education.

As a Colorado State University OnlinePlus student, you'll receive the same quality instruction, from the same expert faculty, carrying the same esteemed CSU reputation, as an on-campus student receives - all delivered through online presentations and lectures. Learn more about our Integrated Resources Management master's program at www.csurangeland.com.


Other Events of Interest 


Ecology & Management of Grazing - Online Course

More Information 

NAIPSC Webinar Series

More Information  

Whole Ranch Planning and Grass-fed Applications

Southwest Grass-fed Livestock Alliance

Sept. 13, 2013 to May 24, 2014 

Saguache, Colorado Springs, Denver and Durango, CO 

More Information     


Jornada Field Botany Workshops
*  Tuesday May 13, 2014
*  Tuesday July 15, 2014
*  Tuesday Sept. 2, 2014
*  Tuesday Nov. 4, 2014 
To register or for inquiries, email Kirsten Romig at 
kirromig @nmsu.edu or call 575-528-9337


Ranching and a West That Works

April 24-25, 2014
Lory Student Center Theater - CSU

Earn 9 CEU's (Continuing Education Credits) from the SRM

More Information


Sagebrush Steppe:  

A Rangeland Management Event Out On the Range!

April 24-27, 2014

Eastern Oregon Ag Research Center
More Information


Large Wildland Fires:  Social, Political & Ecological Effects    

May 19-23, 2014 

University of Montana, Missoula, MT 

More Information


Ecological Site Description (ESD) Workshop

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 - 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Farson Community Center, Farson, WY
More Information


Nebraska Range Shortcourse
June 16-20, 2014
Chadron State College, Chadron, NE
More Information 


Grazing Management Workshop
June 25-27, 2014
Monument, CO

More Information


2014 SWCS Meeting

July 27-30, 2014
Chicago IL

Call for Presentations coming soon!

More Information


Riparian Complex Ecological Site Description Workshop

Aug. 5-7, 2014  - Dickinson & Fairfield ND


Jeff Printz, Jeff.Printz@nd.usda.gov, (phone 701-530-2080)

Miranda Meehan, mmeehan@carlsonmccain.com

(phone 701-595-7006).


8th International Congress for Wildlife and Livelihoods on Private and Communal Lands: Livestock, Tourism and Spirit  Sept. 7-12, 2014
YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO
Call for presentations deadline is April 15, 2014
More Information 


Collaborative Restoration:
From Community Efforts to Landscape Scale
Oct. 6 - 10, 2014
Eagle Crest Resort, Redmond, OR

More Information   


18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society

Innovation in the Rangelands

April 12-16th 2015
Alice Springs NT

More Information

International Rangeland Congress - IRC 2016
July 17-22, 2016
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
More Information