In This Issue
Sign Up For Trade Show
Student Chapter Display Contest
Call for SRM Nominations
Annual Meeting Goes High Tech
Registration for Annual Meeting Now Open
YPC Events/Updates
The Redd Fund for Rancher Sponsorship
Excellence In Rangeland Management
2013 SRM Job Fair - Update
2013 SRM Endowment Fund Silent Auction
IAC Committee Symposium
Rangeland News
Click here 

For More Information

Society for Range Management 

10030 W 27th Ave

Wheat Ridge, CO  80215

(303) 986-3309


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Member Login 
Whenever prompted to login, you will need to enter your numeric SRM member number as your user ID, and your last name as your password.

For more information, call
(785) 865-9456 or email 


Gary Frasier

1st Vice-President:
Wally Butler

2nd Vice-President:
Jenny Pluhar

Executive Vice-President:
Jess Peterson


Keith Klement
Stephanie Larson-Praplan
Val Anderson
Misty Hays 

a well-trained and highly motivated group of professionals and rangeland users working with productive, sustainable rangeland ecosystems.


to promote the professional development and continuing education of members and the public and the stewardship of rangeland resources.


Join Our Mailing List

RangeFlash - November 28, 2012  

Hotlist: Announcements & Deadlines   

Please Note: If you unsubscribe from the Annual Meeting RangeFlash, you are doing so for ALL SRM RangeFlashes. The weekly alternating content is temporary until the Annual Meeting in February. Thank you for your continuing support! 

An archive of RangeFlashes is now available at: This page is also available on the Quick Links menu.     

Registration is now open for the Annual Meeting, but after Dec. 12, 2012 registration fees increase. 


Other Announcements:

Strategic Grazing Management for Complex Adaptive Systems
Nov. 29 - 30, 2012


Job Announcements:

Assistant Professor - Range Science - NDSU
More Info

Post Doctoral Research Associate - NGPRL
More Info

Outreach and Research Coordinator - CSU
More Info 

Sign Up Now for A Booth at the 2013 SRM Trade Show


A-Bar Bunkhouse Band 

The Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show invites range clubs, agencies, private companies and organizations to register for a booth for the 2013 Trade Show. This is an opportunity to interact with more than 1,500 range practitioners including scientists, agency personnel, ranchers, students, consultants and more.


The trade show will set up on Sunday from 12pm to 6pm and open on Monday from 8am to 6pm and Tuesday from 7am to 6pm. Monday evening a Trade Show Mixer will be held from 6pm to 8pm featuring appetizers, cash bar and The A-Bar Bunkhouse Band. This popular band is from the bluestem country of Oklahoma and will be an attraction that no one will want to miss.  

To register for your booth go to the website:

This site will provide you with everything you need. Remember December 10th is the early registration deadline.

Student Chapter Display Contest 

This is for all student chapters who want to participate in the Student Chapter Display Contest at this year's SRM national conference in Oklahoma. Be sure to submit an application and registration as an exhibitor to get your booth space. If you plan on participating please have a representative from your student chapter email Rory O'Connor ( or Marji Patz ( to let them get a head count.  

Booth Registration is Dec. 10, 2012; late entries will have a $50 fee added for late registration.

Call for SRM Nominations of Officers

My career in rangeland management has been varied and exciting to say the least, but without doubt, the highlight was the time I served as a member of the Board, and ultimately as president of the Society for Range Management. Membership in this professional society has afforded me, challenge, opportunity, and a continued learning environment I would not have been able to find without actively participating in the


As chairman of the Nominating Committee, I am asking all members to consider serving on the board, or as an officer in SRM. While the process may seem a bit daunting - no one likes to stand for election - it is well worth the time and effort. I can honestly say that for every minute I spent, more than that was returned to me in time. And, as I have said to many others in the society, there are literally hundreds of people who would make outstanding board members.

As important as this is to all of us, it is incumbent on the Sections to forward names of potential officers and board members as well. In recent years, we have not done that job as effectively as we should. Way back when I was nominated, it was done by the Wyoming section; I encourage section leaders to step up to that challenge. The other opportunity lies with members who know each other best - please forward your ideas for leadership.

Within the next few months, I would like to build a roster of candidates for board and leadership positions. It is my expectation that this roster could be used and added to in the future, and that it might serve as an opportunity for leadership development efforts within SRM. Please let me hear your ideas, either by email or phone (below). It is always the right time to move the Society and the profession forward.

Bob Budd - SRM Nominations Committee Chair

Office: (307) 777-8024 / Cell: (307) 349-5387 /


Do You Tweet? 2013 SRM Oklahoma City Annual Meeting Goes High Tech with Twitter (#SRM2013)

Welcome to the 21st century. The 2013 planning committee has decided to go high tech for the annual meeting in Oklahoma City with the new Twitter hashtag #SRM2013. This is a chance for social interaction on the internet about all things SRM OKC in 2013. Let's hear some tweets from the membership.

A couple of important items regarding the meeting,  which is scheduled for Feb. 2 - 8, 2013: anything and everything you will need to know is located on the website ( On the webpage, several items have been added, including the program at a glance.  

Registration is now open but after Dec. 12, 2012 registration fees increase. Information regarding hotel and travel are also on the website. Don't wait to register or reserve your hotel room. Make plans to attend this meeting, you won't want to miss it.


Registration is Now Open for the SRM 2013 Annual Meeting, Technical Training, and Tradeshow


Be sure to register and get hotel reservations soon to take advantage of cheaper rates. This year's meeting will be held, February 2-8, 2013, in the heart of Oklahoma City.   


The 2013 OKC SRM Planning Committee has organized a great event and we hope you will experience the excitement of Oklahoma by adding time to take one of the social or technical tours we have planned.  


For more information, visit our website at 

For more hotel and transportation information, click here.  

YPC Events/Updates


This year we are awarding two Young Professionals Conclave Travel Scholarships in the amount of $500 each! 


Please note that the deadline for scholarship applications has been extended to DEC. 1, 2012. We have only had 1 applicant for the scholarship so far so chances of receiving one this year are good!

You can either mail your application in or email it to is or The application materials are posted on our website ( and are due back by Dec. 1, 2012

The Redd Fund for Rancher Sponsorship - Deadline Dec. 1  


Are you a rancher or do you know ranchers who would be interested in attending the SRM annual meeting? Help is out there!  


Click for more information 


Excellence in Rangeland Management Entries Due Dec. 15th


Don't miss your opportunity to recognize an Excellent Rangeland Manager from your section! The Excellence in Rangeland Management poster contest is an excellent way to showcase the "best of the best" at the international SRM meeting.  For more information, visit the SRM Awards website at:  

2013 SRM Job Fair   


Sunday, Feb. 3, 2012, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


BLM Volunteers needed to man the BLM booth at the SRM 2013 Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Tradeshow

Calling all available BLM personnel to volunteer their time at the BLM Booth in the Tradeshow from Feb. 2-8, 2013.


Please contact Marc A. Pointel, 2013 Job Fair Coordinator at 775-482-7850 or e-mail at




The 2013 SRM Job Fair is requesting assistance of two volunteer university students for customer service and administration of the job fair. The volunteer must be a dynamic, enthusiastic and outgoing person with a great sense service to the students and staff at the job fair. The purpose of the volunteers is to increase the involvement of students in the activities of the job fair and gain organizational and administrative skills as well. Please submit a letter of recommendation, resume and a cover letter on "Why I want to be a volunteer at the 2013 SRM

Job Fair." Please contact Marc A. Pointel, 2013 SRM Job Fair Coordinator at 775-482-7800 or (with subject line - Job Fair Volunteer).


Click the following link to print this full announcement:   


Interview Tip No. 4 - Lack of Preparation

The "Day of the Job Fair" is soon approaching and the "Day of Preparation" is now. One of the major causes of interview failures is the lack of preparation. Even the most brilliant person in the world should prepare for an interview. It takes time, discipline, perseverance and fortitude to hone this all important skill so you can be ready for one of the most important days of your professional life.

Software developer and writer Alan Skorkin emphasizes the importance of practice and preparation for upcoming interviews. Mr. Skorkin discusses the interview process and preparedness in his blog (, "The Main Reason Why You Suck at Interviews: Lack of Preparation." He states that "without preparation and practice, you're mostly relying on luck". Few people are gifted at interview skills, but with preparation you will have a great and successful interview. So take the time now to make practicing for an interview a regular habit. When the day comes that you need to put this skill into practice, you'll be ahead of the game!




In addition to the successful Student Employment Workshop (now called the Rangeland Employment Workshop), where you can ask questions on how to really succeed in the job market, SRM is planning to host additional career development workshops. All workshops will be one to two hours in length and will be offered concurrently with the 2013 Rangeland Job Fair on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 3, 2013 from 1 pm to 6 pm. Top professionals from both the private and public sectors of rangeland management have volunteered to guide these workshops to benefit SRM members.


2013 SRM Endowment Fund Silent Auction  


The Endowment Fund Development Committee requests your participation in the 2013 Silent Auction!  At the 2012 Silent Auction in Spokane, over $10,000 was raised for the Endowment Fund by auctioning 120 items.  All proceeds from the Silent Auction each year are added to the Endowment Fund. The Silent Auction will operate during the Trade Show hours in the Trade Show Area/Hall.  Auction close out and item pick up will occur Tuesday evening.   

For more information on the 2013 SRM Silent Auction or if you have an item for the Auction but are not able to transport it to the meeting, contact Meribeth Lomkin at or call 208-358-1533.

International Affairs Committee Symposium


SYMPOSIUM: "Women as Change Agents in the World's Rangelands"
Tuesday, February 5, 2013, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The International Affairs Committee invites you to attend the symposium it is sponsoring at the annual meeting in Oklahoma City. The all-day symposium is "Women as Change Agents in the World's Rangelands" and will be held on Tuesday, February 5. Dr. Layne Coppock has arranged an excellent group of speakers who will review changing roles for women in the world's rangelands. Rangeland populations have historically been marginalized in terms of their access to public services and lack of exposure to the outside world. Social, economic, and technological forces are rapidly altering this situation, however. Women are now having larger profiles as community leaders, range managers, and professionals in research, extension, or agency administration. This symposium will take stock of such trends and ask ourselves what these gender dynamics imply for new frontiers in rangeland research, outreach, education, and rural development strategies, both overseas and in North America.

Click Here for the Program