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St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
419 Shawmut Avenue
Boston, MA  02118
(617) 262-9070
This Week at
St. Stephen's Church
June 18, 2015
Father's Day: This Sunday, June 21
This Sunday, June 21, we will honor and bless all the fathers in our congregation at the 10:30 am liturgy followed by a special coffee hour. Please join us!
Youth Sunday & Farewells



















This past Sunday we held our youth service and heard stories from the BRIDGE Scholars mission trip to the Appalachian area in North Carolina. It was a celebratory service as we said our farewells to Theresa and Meg.  Click here to see more pictures.

Church School Fundraiser: The National Marine Life Center 

After a year of focusing on the environment and the gifts of creation, the Disciples group is ending the year with a small fund-raising effort to support the National Marine Life Center in Buzzard's Bay. NMLC is a rehabilitation and release hospital for the treatment of stranded sea turtles and seals as well as an education and research center.  Last Sunday during the coffee hour, we showed a powerpoint about how people can help marine life. They will continue to collect donations this coming Sunday and with a donation of any amount, they will give you one of their homemade ocean-themed bookmarks.  


For more information on NMLC, go to
Register for B-SAFE 2015 Today!
We still have openings at our sites (except St. Stephens)!
Join us for our 16th summer of B-SAFE!
(Bishop's Summer Academic & Fun Enrichment Program) 
Program runs Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:00pm.  
For LEARN (rising 1st-4th graders)
Mon, July 6 - Thurs, Aug 6 (in city), $100.  
For YLC (rising 5th-8th graders): Mon, July 6 - Fri, July 31 (in city) and
Sun, Aug 2 - Thurs, Aug 6 (overnight camp), $130. 

Applications are available on our website and at 419 Shawmut Ave.  Cost: $100/$130 per child who meets income eligibility requirements; $500 per child if they do not qualify (camperships available). Questions? Email:


We also offer 9th graders an opportunity to work as Junior Counselors-in-Training (JCITs) and 10th-12th graders work as Counselors-in-Training (CITs). Online applications for paid JCIT and  CIT positions are available.

St. Stephen's Youth Programs
SSYP logo-cropped
St. Stephen's Youth Programs are an integral part of the outreach ministry of St. Stephen's Church.  Please check this space each week for news and good things happening in our youth programs!  For more information on how your children can participate or how you can become involved, contact Liz Steinhauser
617-262-9070 x102).

South End News: Nineteen Seniors Graduate thanks to support from St. Stephen's Youth 
by Jeremy Kazanjian-Amory

High School senior Fray Michael Cordero is one of nineteen seniors at St. Stephen's Youth Programs who are graduating from high school this spring.  These seniors come from all over Boston and  have a range of passions, dreams and goals., They have been actively involved in St. Stephen's Youth Programs as Counselors in Training and Community Organizers, and they have been part of the College and Career Program. To read the full article click here.

Photos of SSYP seniors 
Fray Michael Cordero and his mom

College & Career Mentors Needed
St. Stephen's Youth Programs is looking for adult mentors to take part in their one-on-one College and Career Mentoring Program. The opportunity to be a mentor is a rich and rewarding experience. It involves building personal connections and a relationship with one teen as he/she prepares for post-high school experiences. 

Mentors are caring adults (like you!) who commit to one year of volunteer service at St. Stephen's (about 10 hours a month). You will form a supportive relationship with your teen, provide a safe space to ask questions about high school and post-secondary plans, and offer guidance through what is, for all teens, a time of transition and a test of their resilience. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact Jeremy Kazanjian-Amory at
National News: The Living Church
St. Stephen's and Blackstone School partnership are featured in the June 14 edition of The Living Church magazine. Our work is highlighted in the article 'What Do You Most Need' along with other national partners working to improve the lives of children and their families. To read the full story click here.
Farrington Great American Backyard Campout: June 27

Join Farrington Nature Linc for an introductory family camping experience. Stay overnight, or leave after the campfire. Registration is required at least 4 days in advance. Questions?  Want to register? Call or email the Program Director, Brianne Studer at or 978.764.9186. Click here for more information.

Boston Family Day: July 25

Boston Family Day is an effort promote community building in under resourced neighborhoods by having a backyard style family BBQ along with fun filled family activities. The event will be held Saturday, July 25th from 12pm to 6pm at Harambee Park (located on Talbot Ave. in Dorchester)


Click here for more information: 

or contact or cell at 617-959-7545.

YMCA's FREE Summer Membership for Teens
GET SUMMER!! The YMCA is offering FREE summer membership for teens from June 21 to September 7. Activities include:
  • Sports & Fitness Programs
  • Teen Dances & Events
  • Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities
  • Academic Support
Stop by your local YMCA to sign up and get the activities schedule!! For more information visit: 
or #GetSummer


Baptism will be held during the Sunday liturgy on: 

Nov. 1: All Saints' Day

For more information, or to register for baptism, please contact the Vicar, Tim Crellin 

Calendar of Upcoming Events
June 19 - Last day of B-READY After School Program

June 21, 10:30 am - The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and Blessing of Fathers

June 28, 10:30 am - The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

July 3 - Independence Day holiday: Office Closed

July 6 - B-SAFE Summer Program Begins

Looking ahead:

July 16 - B-SAFE Sweet 16 Celebration at Larz Anderson Park, Brookline

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Every Thursday

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, located in Boston's South End, is home to an active Christian community. We have a welcoming liturgy, an engaging Christian education program, and a vibrant young adult ministry. We participate in a wide-range of community outreach activities, with a special focus on helping school-aged young people along the road to successful adulthood. 
In This Issue
Worship with us!
Sunday Eucharist
10:30 am
Thursday Morning Prayer
8:30 am
for the text of past sermons
Church School

We offer Church School for our children Sept~June.
Click here for more information
Click here to fill out an online registration or ask one of the teachers for a form.

St. Stephen's

Church Staff


The Rev. Timothy Crellin 



The Rev. Liz Steinhauser Director
Youth Programs



Marisa Egerstrom

Christian Education Coordinator


Theresa Kimball

Office Manager


Jose Maizonett


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