AHEPA e-News! - Vol. 10 Issue 21 - Wednesday, May 25, 2016 

Civic Responsibility | AHEPA Family Capitol Hill Day Held Today
Today, AHEPA family members from across the United States will participate in the annual AHEPA/DOP Capitol Hill Day.  Participants will meet with congressional offices to discuss the AHEPA family's public policy priorities for the 114th Congress.

"Our mission, strongly founded on our cultural heritage and our community service programs, guides our legislative agenda," Supreme President John W. Galanis said.  "As such, we have a diverse set of legislative interests, both foreign and domestic, that reflect our mission.  We believe this makes the AHEPA family unique in its approach to Congress."

The Hill Day kicks-off with a morning reception that will feature remarks from U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues.  The audience will also hear remarks from U.S. Reps. Dina Titus (D-NV) and Niki Tsongas (D-MA).  

The Hill Day also serves as a day to generate interest among U.S. representatives to join the Hellenic Caucus.

Deadline Extended | AHEPA Journey to Greece Program
AHEPA and Webster University are teaming-up once again to offer college students the opportunity to study abroad in Athens, Greece this summer and earn college credit through the AHEPA Journey to Greece program.  Journey to Greece, a program which has been a fixture in the community for decades, will be held June 23 to July 23, 2016.  The deadline to apply for the 2016 session has been extended to May 31.

Hellenic Caucus Membership at 136. Help It Grow.

ACTION ITEM | Help Us Grow the Hellenic Caucus!
Congress has returned to Washington to commence the Second Session of the 114th Congress.  AHEPA asks that you help us to grow the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues to newer heights.  The Hellenic Caucus has been an active, bipartisan group in Congress since its founding in 1995.  It is co-chaired by U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY).
Membership in the Hellenic Caucus stands at 136.


Ahepans tour the Saint Nicholas construction site.

AHEPA is determined to meet its Saint Nicholas Capital Campaign fund raising goal. The administrative year is well underway and donations--large and small--are pouring in for AHEPA's #RebuildStNicholas capital campaign.  
  • NEW! We sincerely thank Chester-Delco Chapter 79, Media, Pa. for its $1,000 donation to the campaign to help rebuild St. Nicholas National Shrine!  Thank you!
Visit our #RebuildStNicholas campaign webpage.
Brothers from Mother Lodge Chapter 1, Atlanta, present their donation to help rebuild St. Nicholas National Shrine.


Has your district or chapter organized a fundraiser for the campaign to #RebuildStNicholas?  Take action and support AHEPA's campaign today! Please tweet about your fundraising activity by using #RebuildStNicholas to share your work with the broader community!


Thanks to a live webcam, you can watch progress being made with a first-hand look at the site where Saint Nicholas National Shrine will be build.
The Ahepan

Check out the spring winter issue of The Ahepan! Share it with family and friends by forwarding this electronic version.
Read about how AHEPA and Congress came together in appreciation for a World War II hero, recap AHEPA's participation on a Leadership Mission to Israel, Cyprus and Greece in January, and catch a preview of the 94th Supreme Convention to be held this summer in Las Vegas. Also, check out the latest on how AHEPA chapters give back to the community.

Click on the magazine icon to read it today!
Upcoming Events


25 | Capitol Hill Day

1 | Deadline for Delegate Reporting Forms to be postmarked
24 | Deadline to Pre-Register for the Supreme Convention


Greek American News Digest 
Eurogroup to disburse 10.3 bln euros in two installments; first in June, say gov't sources ANA-MPA (May 25) BRUSSELS (ANA-MPA/M. Aroni) - The Eurogroup is expected to announce that Greece's next loan installment will total 10.3 billion euros and will be disbursed in two sub-tranches of 7.5 billion in June and 2.8 billion in September, government sources said on Tuesday, as a Eurogroup meeting discussing the country's program review and debt issue got underway in Brussels.  read more

Greece pushes fresh austerity drive through parliament The Guardian (May 22) The Greek parliament has approved a fresh round of austerity incorporating €1.8bn (�1.3bn) in tax increases - widely regarded as the most punitive yet - amid hopes the move will lead to much-needed debt relief when eurozone finance ministers meet this week.  Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister, mustered the support of 152 of his 153 deputies on Sunday to vote through policies that many have previously rejected.  Addressing the 300-seat house during the heated three-day debate that preceded the ballot, Giorgos Dimaras, an MP in Tsipras's leftwing party, said he was appalled at being forced to support measures he had spent a lifetime opposing.  read more

Greece says to begin evacuating migrants camped at border within days Reuters (May 22) Greece will begin in the coming days to evacuate a makeshift camp on its northern border...where thousands of migrants and refugees have been stranded in dire conditions for months, the government said on Monday.  The sprawling camp in a field near the Greek town of Idomeni sprang up in February after border shutdowns across the Balkans left the people stranded there. They had mostly been heading for Germany and other wealthier northern European countries.  The migrants, mostly from conflict zones in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, have refused to move despite having to sleep in the open in very difficult conditions...They have largely ignored appeals by Greek authorities to move to organized camps set up around Greece.  read more 
Cyprus parliamentary vote puts far-right in parliament Ekathimerini (May 22) Cyprus's ruling conservatives took the lead in Sunday's general election, results showed, while a far-right party won its first seats in the legislature amid voter disillusionment after a 2013 financial meltdown.  With the voting tally at 100 percent, and an unprecedentedly high abstention rate, the right-wing Democratic Rally party was ahead with 30.6 percent of the vote followed by Communist AKEL with 25.6 percent.  Compared to the previous elections of 2011, those two main parties on the Cypriot political scene suffered setbacks. AKEL's Communists lost up to seven percentage points while Democratic Rally lost 3.7 percentage points.  read more 
Understanding Genocide and Our Remembrance as Greeks Pappas Post (May 22) Last week Pontian Greeks throughout the world justifiably recognized a tragic day in their history that has come to be known as the Pontian Genocide.  I wrote about the anniversary, obscure to most people around me who are not well-versed in Greek history and even had to repeatedly change my auto-correct on my computer, which insisted on changing the word Pontian to pontiac.  This anniversary was followed by another recognition of yet another genocide of Greeks- officially commemorated on April 6 and recalling the tragic events targeting the Greeks of Eastern Thrace- the region known today as European Turkey or the lands just west of present-day Istanbul.  read more 
Chick-fil-A Inc. names Tim Tassopoulos president and COO Atlanta Business Journal (May 20) The new president and chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A Inc. �- Tim Tassopoulos - is as much a part of the chain's family that one can be without being related by blood.He was only 17 in 1977 when he first started working as an hourly employee for a Chick-fil-A store at North DeKalb Mall. He applied there as a back-up when applying for a job at Rich's and decided to have lunch at his favorite restaurant.  "It's been a 39-year back-up," Tassopoulos said in an interview Friday after being named as only the fourth president in the chain's history. "I got bit by the Chick-fil-A bug."  read more 

Alexi Pappas Veers Far From Her Lane New York Times (May 23) Alexi Pappas's hair bun, wound as tightly as a coach's stopwatch, slowly unraveled as she quickly completed her workout, tendrils snaking down the nape of her neck as on some Medusa figure.  As Pappas trotted over to the Hayward Field railing, winded and sweat-soaked, to retrieve her spike bag and swig from a Nalgene bottle after completing postrace interval work, minions awaited.  Teenage runners - some in buns of their own, others sporting ponytails - descended to seek selfies or autographs or just get a word and a smile from Pappas, a professional distance runner whose free-spirited persona off the track, perhaps more than her performances on it, has made her something of a cult figure in the insular world of track and field.  read more 
First mass in 93 years held in İzmir's historic Greek Church Hurriyet Daily News (May 11) The Agios Konstantinos Greek Church in the western province of İzmir has reopened following renovations and held a mass for first time in 93 years, with the participation of the Fener Greek Patriarchate. The historic church, dating back to the 19th century, located on Mermerli Street in the Menemen district in İzmir, was renovated by the Menemen municipality. Fener Greek Patriarchate Bartholomew and Menemen Mayor Tahir Şahin reopened the church with a ceremony where they threw white doves and planted an olive tree in the garden as symbols of peace.  read more 
The Greek Jewish Festival! Jewcy (May 19) While Greek Jews suffered greatly in the Holocaust (about four-fifths of the population perished), American Jews seem to forget that there are plenty of Greek Jews among us today. They are either descendants of survivors or those who emigrated before the war (hello, Hank Azaria).  Kehila Kedosha Janina, is over a century old, and its current building, which contains a small museum, is almost 90. Sunday's festival centers on the synagogue at 280 Broome Street on the Lower East Side, and takes over the street.  read more  

This is an electronic news service of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association.
For more information visit the AHEPA Online Headquarters at www.ahepa.org.
1909 Q Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-232-6300 Fax: 202-232-2140 Email: ahepa@ahepa.org