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Third annual family day event for remembering Hiroshima victims in Los Angeles, Aug. 1, 11AM - 2PM


Forwarded for the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center


This year marks the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and also the third annual JACCC tribute to Sadako Sasaki.


Sadako is remembered and honored through the story of a thousand origami cranes, which has now become an international symbol of peace for children. 


Remembering Sadako Family Day

Saturday, August 1, 11 AM - 2PM at JACCC Campus


Free events


11:00AM - 2:00PM   Ongoing Activities


* Join a crane folding workshop and fold a crane to contribute to our Sembazuru, 1,000 cranes, which will hang in the Aratani Theatre in anticipation of Peace on Your Wings musical  - then the Sembazuru will be sent as a peace offering to Hiroshima and Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina.


* Contribute to Haiku for Peace,sharing messages of peacethrough this Japanese poetry three-line format with 17 syllables arranged in a 5-7-5 pattern.


* Enjoy arts & crafts, and food (for purchase) to enjoy throughout the event.

11:30AM   Learn Sembazuru (a new Obon dance) created especially for youth by Nobuko Miyamoto, creator of the Mottainai obon dance and music video. The theme of peace "for all the children of the world" is in remembrance of Sadako and today's youth who suffer from war and violence.  Great Leap's "Sembazuru" project was created with support from the Alliance of California Traditional Arts.


12:45PM   Watch Grateful Crane Ensemble tell Sadako's story and share how her 1,000 origami cranes have become an international symbol of peace. Songs of peace will bring joy to the young and young at heart.


1:30PM   Perform SEMBAZURU Obon dance on the JACCC Plaza (bring a hapi coat if you have one!)  Be among the first to dance
SEMBAZURU at its premier


Remembering Sadako is supported in part by UCLA Paul I. and Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies. JACCC programs are made possible in part by grants from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors through the LA County Arts Commission. Significant in-kind support is provided by American Honda Motor Co. Inc., and American Airlines.

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