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Target program to feature Japanese music at LACMA, Jan. 19


As a "TARGET" Free Holiday Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day program, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art presents live music by Minyo Station at Los Angeles Times Central Court at 12:30 pm and 2:45 pm on Monday, January 19. Free and open to the public.


LACMA is located at 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036.


Minyo Station is at the forefront of a movement to infuse a new sound into traditional Japanese folk music.


Unique yet familiar, their sound is a multicultural twist melding elements of Western music genres such as rock, R&B, and jazz with the melodies and structure of Minyo, Japanese folk music that has been passed down for generations through the many villages of Japan.


Minyo Station has performed extensive throughout Southern California and in San Francisco to multicultural, enthusiastic audiences both young and old. They offer their unique sound to share Minyo in a different style, while keeping the traditional music.


Minyo Station members


Marisa Kosugi - Vocals 


Natsu "Summer" Matsutoyo - Vocals & Kane  


Zan Matsutoyo - Shamisen

Miki Matsutoyo - Shamisen 


Yu Ooka - Electric & Acoustic Guitar  


Kimo Cornwell (from HIROSHIMA) - Keyboard  


Michael Saucier - Electric & Acoustic Bass  


Kenny Elliott - Drums  


Tex Nakamura - Taiko, Percussions, & Harmonica 


*Guest Dancer* Hiromiya Bando

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