Wisconsin InterFaith in Action Network
March 2014
Is Spring Coming?
     To me this has been the longest winter ever. I am sure that I am not alone in that sentiment.  Last Thursday, when I was driving home from a program visit in Tomahawk, I realized that I was in a really good mood. Not that I am usually in a bad mood, I have just been tired of this winter business for a long time!  Anyway, the reason for my upbeat spirit was the beautiful sunshine and puddles! Yes that's right, puddles.  You see, puddles are the result of MELTING snow, and everyone knows that melting snow means spring is on its way.  
     Melting snow gives me hope in the possibilities this new season brings.  For one, we will be able to see the grass and maybe even take time to smell the flowers. We will also be able to get outside more and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.  I know many of our senior neighbors are itching for the ice to melt so they can spend some time outdoors. 

    Spring is a great time for renewal, so take some time to relax and refresh your spirit.  Also, if you haven't renewed your WIFIAN membership yet, please take some time and do so.  Click the link on the left side of this email to download the renewal form. Thank you to everyone who has responded! 

     With your membership you receive access to free quarterly webinars, the Members Only section of the www.wifian.org website, Your program listed and linked through the Members page of the website, bi-monthly newsletters, reduced fees for the annual conference and the National Network, program visits, and much more. 
     Read further for more information about an upcoming webinar, program visits, and the newly redesigned website!


In This Issue
2014 Retreat
Meet Alicia Busse
Quick Links
geranium gardener
It's not too late to renew your membership. 
 to download the membership renewal form. 

Webinar: On Line Help: Discounted or Free Products and Services

Please join us for our next webinar on Thursday March 20 at 10am.  

Don't you wish your agency could afford some of the great software for donor tracking, or even just new Microsoft products?  How would you like some assistance with grant writing, or better yet, help  finding foundations that are interested in your cause?   This webinar presents various services available to locate discounted software and services as well as other useful information to help your agency reduce costs and increase funding. 


You will walk away with information regarding a variety of websites that can help you obtain services, purchase software and other supportive information to help reduce costs to your organization.  These services/products are only available to non-profit organizations.

Watch your email for an invitation to reserve your space at this webinar.  If you need help registering just let me know.
senior female on computer I am very excited to announce the unveiling of the newly redesigned website is scheduled for April 1st!  

Look for the Members Only section containing recordings of past webinars as well as other useful documents and information.  

If you have renewed your membership, the Members page will include all of your up to date contact information and a link to your website.  If you have not yet renewed, be sure to do so right away.  Only the information that is on file currently will be shared for non-member programs and a link to your website will not be available.  

Starting next week, you will receive a few emails asking for sample documents in a variety of topics to be shared with other members.   Please share what has worked for your program so that others can be successful too!

In addition, everyone who has renewed their membership will receive a letter giving your the access information for the Members Only section.  It will be delivered via USPS so please let me know if you do not receive it.

Please check out the new Website on April 1st!

Don't Just Do Something, 
Sit There!  
is the theme of the Annual WIFIAN Conference.  It will be held Wednesday & Thursday, Sept. 24-25, 
at the Howard Johnson Inn and Conference Center in Wausau WI.  

Join fellow Directors in learning, sharing ideas and experiences, and taking some time away to rejuvenate your spirit. 


I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Meet Alicia Busse, Program Director TAIV

In November of 2007, Tomahawk Area Interfaith Volunteers, Inc. (TAIV) opened its doors to serve Tomahawk Area seniors in need.  Since that time it has had its ups and downs as any new non-profit does. Their last Program Director resigned in 2013 and with a shortage of income, TAIV operated through much of 2013 with a volunteer director. 
     After receiving a grant from the Helen Bader Foundation, the board of directors has been able to revive and re-energize their outreach efforts and hire a part-time Program Director.  

     Please welcome Alicia Busse, the new Program Director of Tomahawk Area Interfaith Volunteers.  She began in January this year after spending many years volunteering at the local senior center where she grew attached to the elderly clients.  She has developed a passion for working with the elderly and disabled residents of the Tomahawk Area, and when this position became available, she felt that she could do more good through TAIV.  

     Alicia is very excited about working with the clients, volunteers, and board members of TIAV. She describes Tomahawk to be a tight-knit community where everyone cares about each other and is willing to help.  She feels very welcome and thrilled that the volunteers are willing to go the extra mile to help a neighbor in need.  She really enjoys the contact with the care-receivers and volunteers and is looking forward to the challenge that this position brings.

     On April 12th, TAIV will be hosting their annual dinner fundraiser. Alicia is anxiously anticipating her first fundraising event, which is a dinner theater featuring a one act mystery with audience participation.  It sounds like a lot of fun!

   Please make a point of introducing yourself to Alicia in September at our conference meeting.  

I hope that spring will find you in renewed spirits, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.  Be sure to take some time to smell the flowers as they spring forth.  
Thank you for all that you do to help our elderly and disabled neighbors remain in their homes!


Colleen Motley
State Director
Wisconsin InterFaith in Action Network