Julia's Joy
A Hope Farm Series Book
by Barbara Hagler
$8.99 (paperback)
Julia is the barn cat, and she is happy with who she is. That is, until Hope farm gets a house cat. Why do they need a new cat? Is Julia not good enough anymore? Learn about the JOY of being who God made you to be in Julia's Joy the third book in the Hope Farm Series. |
Luca Loves
A Hope Farm Series Book
by Barbara Hagler
Illustrations by Jason Hutton
$8.99 (paperback)
When Farmer Dan doesn't arrive at the usual feeding time, all of the animals on Hope Farm are worried. Julia the barn cat goes to investigate. Farmer Dan is trapped in a hole! Luca, the stubborn bull that few of the other animals like, has heard Farmer Dan talk about the Bible and offers his help. Queen Victoria, the wise hen, hatches a plan: Luca will use his stubbornness to help Farmer Dan! How can Luca use his stubbornness to help? Find out in Luca Loves!
Henrietta's Hope
A Hope Farm Series Book
by Barbara Hagler
Illustrations by Jason Hutton
$9.99 (paperback)
"Henrietta, beauty of the chicken coop, or she would be if it weren't for her crooked beak. Through several failed attempts, and with help and advice from her friends, Henrietta discovers God doesn't make mistakes and He has given her a gift that can help the Hope Farm family. Henrietta's Hope, part of the Hope Farm series, where quirky farm animals provide lessons to help plant seeds of faith in our next generation. This book can be read to any age child. It is written at a second grade reading level. Older children may enjoy reading Henrietta's Hope to their younger siblings.
Join us at Pathway for our Christmas Open House, Saturday, October 20th! Featuring the above author, and...
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