New Funding: 6 Years in the Making

2016 is underway and we're already off to a great start thanks to the recently signed Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.

FAST is the first long-term transportation bill since the last one expired in 2009. Finally, our transportation needs are no longer being kicked down the proverbial (and crumbling) road and are getting the attention they deserve. 

This month we take a closer look at what FAST is and what it has to offer.
FAST in a Nutshell

FAST is a five-year, $305 billion transportation bill to improve the nation's surface transportation systems. Fully paid for, FAST provides state and local governments with the confidence to undertake long-term, comprehensive projects. The bill includes a 15% increase in highway spending and an 18% increase for transit over the life of the bill. Plus, 50% of the state's funding will be proportioned to cities with populations over 200,000 based on their relative share of population. Cities with populations less than 200,000 will default back to the state for funding. 

What's New: More Flexibility

A big change from the last transportation bill is the level of flexibility FAST has to offer. FAST takes into account that there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to transportation. Here are a few ways FAST offers more flexibility than prior bills:

Funds are no longer earmarked for specific projects; rather, states can choose and prioritize which programs to fund based on their unique needs.

Local jurisdictions may "flex" highway dollars to other projects.

Street planners will be able to create more customized solutions by using manuals that differ from the state's official road design, provided they are approved by the Federal Highway Administration.
We're Here for You
McCain's extensive line of traffic products offers a solution for all of your traffic needs. From coordinating efforts between jurisdictions to central control systems and every intersection in between - we have you covered.
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