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     Special Edition                                                     March 8, 2016
Region 9 ELCA Networks for Mission Event
April 28 - 30, 2016
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
731 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30308

Registration Deadline - April 1

We Are Church Together
"So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are 
members one of another." (Romans 12:5)
Dear ELCA congregational leader,
Are you interested in meeting others from your region and synod who are passionate about bearing witness to Jesus Christ in word and deed, ending hunger, responding to disasters, global engagement, communicating and sharing the story of the ELCA?
Registration is now open for the Region 9 ELCA Networks for Mission Event to be held on April 28-30.  You and others from your networks, congregations and synods are invited to join this unique opportunity.  Click here for network descriptions so that you can see how this event may relate to you.  This event, however, is not only for those who are currently connected with a network. 
ALL ARE WELCOME!  You will have an opportunity to:
Participate in workshops, understand how other networks are growing and connecting, discover new networking tools.
Meet others who have a passion for ministry. Hear from leaders within your synod and region and share ministry opportunities and challenges with those you meet. Many of the Region 9 bishops, including Southeastern Synod Bishop H. Julian Gordy, will be participating.
Build your network, connect with the ELCA, share your story and move your ministry forward.
Quotes from 2014 participants
 "There are many, many committed folks doing inspired, gifted work in Christ's name."
"My brief experience at this event was wonderful. My wish is that more people would attend. Having a regional assembly of any sort just makes sense. Very few of us will ever experience a churchwide program. Bringing the churchwide [representatives] to the region/synod was brilliant."
 "I learned the names and faces of new companions on the journey."
 "We brainstormed some really good ideas for upcoming synod events."
$110 per person (includes double-occupancy lodging) 
$50 commuter rate
$25 per person for Saturday-only participation.

We are pleased to offer this opportunity to you at a significantly subsidized rate.
This fee will cover onsite meals.
Travel reimbursement available.
Registration and Information
Registration may be found here.
Website for information and schedule may be found here.
Questions may be submitted here.
                                            QUICK LINKS                           
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ELCA Southeastern Synod
100 Edgewood Ave. NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303