Issue #360

Stirring the Waters: Missional Hospitality in Ocean Springs

Participants share personal stories, visions, and lots of laughter. 
Excited voices filled the dining hall of Christus Victor Lutheran Church as 75 members of ten ELCA Southeastern Synod congregations swapped stories about mission in their neighborhoods. Many had traveled long distances--from Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and even South Carolina--to participate. Dr. Everett Flanigan, Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission, opened the conversation with the Biblical story of the man healed at the pool of Bethesda. "For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water," he read, "then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the waters, was made well of whatever disease he had" (John 5:4 NKJV). Together, listeners from around the Gulf Coast cluster related the passage to their own ministry and to the stirring of the waters in their communities.

In the Southeastern Synod, the waters have been stirred both literally and figuratively. As "the disaster synod," the Southeastern Synod has seen its share of unsettled waters....

Read more about missional hospitality in the midst of uneven waters on our synod blog. To see photos from Ocean Springs, visit our Facebook pageFor information about hosting a Talking Together As Christians Across Cultures and Missional Planning conversation in your area, contact Dr. Everett Flanigan or Diaconal Minister Rebecca Kolowe in the synod office.   
The ELCA offers additional resources and inspirational stories for congregations engaged in missional planning: 

Stories of Hope and Promise: Craig Settlange, ELCA director for mission support, narrates four inspiring stories and shows how lives have been changed because of the ministries of the ELCA. Click here to watch the videos. 
Public Service Announcements: ELCA public service announcements, intended to share the message of God's love with media audiences, are available here.
Stories of Faith in Action: In the Stories of Faith in Action videos, you'll discover stories of people throughout the ELCA living out their faith in the world. Click here for more. 
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What are we each doing in our small space in this world to care for God's earth? Connie Pearson, Chair of the synod's Health Ministries Task Force, shares 11 facts about recycling that show we have a long way to go before meeting our obligation to care for God's world. 
1. The average American uses 650 pounds of paper each year--100 million tons of wood could be saved each year if all that paper was recycled.
2. Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hours.
3. A typical family consumes 182 gallons of soda, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year....
To read more recycling facts and learn how you can begin caring for God's creation in your daily life, click here
Synod Wellness/Sabbatical Grants 

Thanks to a $12,000 grant from Portico, the Southeastern Synod is offering grants to promote self-care of its rostered leaders who serve in congregations.  The grants will provide funding to support intentional wellness activities or sabbaticals.  Congregations must be willing to match the requested funding amount.  These grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-needs basis so click here to learn more now. The grant was awarded to our synod in response to our rostered leaders' completion of the 2012 Portico Health Assessment.  

Around the Synod

Synod Assembly

May 31, June 1 and 2, 2013
Chattanooga Convention Center
"Always Being Made New" 
Register online here
Online registration closes May 1.
We Need Your Assistance to Celebrate!

As we commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the ELCA at our Southeastern Synod Assembly, the Synod Staff and Assembly Planning Team are asking for congregational assistance in planning for a celebratory event.  Please watch the enews for more information in the coming weeks and for informative emails once you have registered.  
Bring a banner for worship: The Synod Worship Team is asking that each congregation bring a banner (with pole and stand) to have displayed in the worship space and throughout the synod assembly. We would prefer the banner to display the congregation's name, but if you have seasonal banners or an anniversary banner, that will also be fine. Please bring these to the synod assembly and deliver them to the worship space upon arrival. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kevin Strickland, Chair for Worship and Liturgy. 
 Make and Bring a QuiltThis year the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Quilt Campaign has set a goal of collecting 500,000 quilts to be distributed around the world.  As a simple way to demonstrate what we can do together in the Southeastern Synod, we are encouraging each congregation to make a quilt for LWR and bring it to Assembly where we will display them throughout the Assembly.  Click here  to learn more about the LWR Quilt Campaign and easy 3-step directions for making LWR Quilts.  You can also use  this quilting resource  from "The Happy Quilters" at Shades Valley Lutheran Church, Birmingham, AL.
For more information and updates about getting ready for the synod assembly, visit the synod website
Assembly Elections - 
Visit here for more information.
Hunger Walk is Sunday!  
Hunger Walk/Run Stories: Lorraine Dorough, Lutheran Services of Georgia
Hunger Walk/Run Stories: Lorraine Dorough, Lutheran Services of Georgia

Last chance to register to join the more than 15,000 people who will come together at Turner Field to get outdoors, get moving, and to raise awareness and funds for hunger relief in Atlanta. The Hunger Walk is an annual 5K walk/run and a project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank to benefit local hunger-fighting organizations, including Lutheran Services of Georgia
Register for the 29th annual Hunger Walk/Run now!   
Hunger Fast Fact: The World Food Programme calculates that $3.2 billion per year is needed to reach all 66 million hungry school-age children. 
When Strangers Become Neighbors: Registration Now Open!

I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31
Saturday, April 6, 2013
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.)
Registration Fee $15 (covers lunch)
Christ the King Lutheran
      5575 Peachtree Parkway
         Norcross, GA 30092

Speakers for this event are: Bishop H. Julian Gordy of the Southeastern Synod (above left), The Reverend Floyd R. Blair (President and CEO of Lutheran Services of Georgia (above right), and The Reverend Robert Strickert, representative of the Florida-Georgia District of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (not pictured).

Visit the synod website for more information and to register. To promote this event in your congregation, click here for our promotional flyer. For more information, contact Melanie Johnson at LSG or The Reverend Darrel Peterson
Southeastern Synod Interim Pastors Conference

If you are, have been, or are interested in beginning interim ministry, consider attending the Southeastern Synod's Interim Pastor Conference to be held at the Synod Office on Tuesday, April 30. Assistants to the Bishops Darrel Peterson and Paul Summer, and PrDelmer Chilton will lead the group in an informational day:
 9:30 AM: Gathering and Coffee
10:00 AM: Devotional
10:15 AM: The Growing Edge in Interim Ministry
11:00 AM: Call Process Review and the Interim Pastor's Place in It
Noon: Lunch with Synod Staff
1:00 PM: Expectations of Interim Pastors
2:00 PM: Questions and Answers
3:00 PM: Dismissal

To find out more, contact one of the conference leaders listed above pastors.  RSVP to Jeanette Burgess, Administrative Liaison for Leadership, by April 22 so we can provide materials and lunch accordingly. Contact Jeanette in the synod office by email or at (404) 589-1977, ext. 232. 

The synod office is located at 100 Edgewood Ave., NE, Ste 1600 (16th floor), Atlanta, GA 30303. Phone: (404) 589-1977; Fax: (404) 521-1980. You may park in the ramp on the same block (use the cobblestone driveway between the two buildings) and we will validate your ticket. 
Southeastern Synod Developer & Redevelopers Fellowship and Mission Retreat

When: Tuesday & 
Wednesday, April 23-24

Where: Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat Center
107 Holy Trinity Road
Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
(334) 855-4474
Directions and information available here

Why: Fellowship, worship, mutual support and consolation
Cost: TBA - under $100
Agenda: (Tentative)
Tuesday (all times are EST)
1 pm: Welcome & Settle in. Please eat lunch before you arrive.
2 pm: Opening Worship
3 pm: Checking In
5:30 pm: Supper
7:30 pm: Ministry; Presentation/Discussion
9:30 pm: Libations and Fellowship
8 am: Breakfast
9 am: Presentation/Discussion
10:30 am: "Fireside Chat" with your Directors for Evangelical Mission
11 am: Closing Worship
Noon: Lunch, Farewell & Godspeed
RSVP Today: Pastor Gary -
More information to follow soon. 
Sponsored by the Southeastern Synod Outreach & Renewal Team
Faith and the Arts in the Southeast

Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Rincon, GA
Arts & Crafts at Historic Ebenezer: The Women ofJerusalem Lutheran Church are proud to announce the Second Annual Arts & Crafts at Historic Ebenezer on the banks of the Savannah River. The event is held on the anniversary of "Landing Day" and the annual March meeting of the Georgia Salzburger Society. The arts and crafts festival is intended to give a glimpse into the history and lives of the early settlers of Ebenezer. The event will take place on Saturday, March 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Annual GSS meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. Come enjoy a day of live demonstrations, craft and art items for sale, make-and-take crafts and games for children, tours, concerts, food items, and lemonade from the old lemonade barrel. All are welcome. 
LVC Highlight: Meet Abby Koning
 Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
 College: Calvin College
 Major: Stories and Development
 Minor: Environmental Studies
 Placement: ELCA Southeastern Synod  and Lutheran Theological Center
 ....Over the past couple years, I've come to view living simply and sustainably as tied to social justice. This year is an opportunity for me to experiment with different ways of living according to Gandhi's words: "Live simply so others may simply live." Living simply as a community can be difficult, especially as each person brings his or her own conceptions of simple living to group decisions. At the beginning of the year, our wise regional director challenged us to see simplicity as living in the spirit of abundance rather than the spirit of scarcity. This has become a mantra for the year. Sharing food with friends and neighbors is one way we attempt to live in the spirit of generosity and abundance....
Read more about Abby Koning, Lutheran Volunteer. Lutheran Volunteer Corps (LVC) unites full-time, stipended volunteers with financial supporters, non-profit organizations and ministries to work for peace with justice across the nation. In addition to working for justice, LVC volunteers live together in intentional household communities of 4-10 people to encourage simple, sustainable living. Are you interested joining LVC? Visit the website for more information. Round 2 applications are due by April 1, 2013
Hope Renewed Ministry In Search of House Mother

Hope Renewed Ministry is currently in search of a House Mother. She needs to be a woman of strong faith who feels called to this ministry. The position is room and board only. She will have a furnished bedroom with private bath. She will need to have some kind of income to meet her own needs. She will need to have her own car. She will need to have some familiarity with female inmates. If you are interested, email Judy Knapp, Diaconal Minister
Altar Furniture Available 

Epiphany Lutheran Church in Suwanee, GA has some altar furniture to donate to an interested church. Available furniture items are:
  • Altar complete with paraments that velcro onto the front for all seasons
  • Matching baptismal font and two side shelves for flowers or offering plates
As they add additional new pieces, they would like to later donate the following:
  • Matching pulpit and Christ candle stand
  •  Brass missal stand
  • 4 brass offering plates
The altar pieces are a light finish and pictured below. Contact Epiphany or Harriet Barger for more information. 
Our Father's Love: A Lenten Reflection 

Pastor Phil Harkey
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Elberton GA
There once was a father who had two sons. The younger son decided it was time for him to go out and have an adventure in his life. He was tired of living in the country and working the herds. He wanted to experience life on his own, to make his own decisions, and to find his own way in the world. So he went to his father and asked him to give him the inheritance he would have received at his father's death. His father reluctantly agreed, and the young son left. 
It didn't take him long to spend all the money his father had given him, and soon he found himself destitute. Things were so bad that he had to take a job doing the very thing that he had left home to avoid for another farmer at a very low wage. To make matters worse, there was a famine in the land and he was on the verge of starvation. So he decided the only sensible thing for him to do was to swallow his foolish pride and return home, because there at least he knew he would have something to eat....


Read the rest of this reflection on our synod blog . 

Resources, Retreats, & Learning Opportunities

Stories of Faith in Action
The special 25th anniversary edition of Stories of Faith in Action includes a timeline of ELCA history and stories of how God is changing lives through the mission and ministry of the ELCA. Information on Mission Support and the churchwide ministries budget is also included. Order your free copies of the new Stories of Faith in Action by clicking here. More stories can be found at Living Lutheran; bulletin inserts and more resources are available online here
Care for the Troops
Care for the Troops works to promote mental health care for returning troops and their families. By providing information and training to families, clinicians, and congregation and community  leaders, Care for the Troops hopes to raise awareness around the unique symptoms and issues faced by military families. Care for the Troops is endorsed by the Southeastern Synod. To learn more about caring for military personnel, civilian contractors, and their family members, click here. This link is also available on the synod website, under the Resources tab. 
Caf�: Women of the ELCA Magazine
Each month, the Women of the ELCA publishes an online magazine for young adult women. Caf� incorporates a Lutheran perspective for women of Christian faith or simply for any woman who is interested in how faith relates to the issues that women face today. In this month's issue, Jeni Grangaard reflects on faith, connection, and vulnerability in the context of community. Click here to view this month's issue or to subscribe. 
Post-Easter Retreat for Clergy & Spouse

With the sounds still ringing in your ears and the tastes fresh on your tongue, will you have had an opportunity to celebrate Easter? Come to Spirit in the Desert's post-Easter retreat for 4 days and 3 nights to renew, relax, and recharge. This post-Easter retreat is reserved for pastors and their spouses who are seeking an opportunity to celebrate Easter. The retreat will be held April 2 through 5 in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Cost of $530 per couple or $380 per person includes 9 meals, lodging, and program. Sign up before March 15 and receive a 10% discount. Read the brochure or visit the website for more information and to register. 
Learning Opportunities 
Revitalizing Your Congregation Conference: Are you looking for approaches to revitalize your congregation for mission? Join on April 11 through 13 for the Revitalizing Your Congregation Conference in Chicago, IL. The conference will feature four approaches for congregations looking to engage the uninvolved, empower the unknown, energize the unclaimed, and enlist the unafraid. Keynote speakers include:
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Bouman, Executive Director of Congregational and Synodical Mission in the ELCA;
Rev. Neal Boase, Author of the Spiritual Gifts Inventory on the ELCA website;
The Rev. Dr. William Steadman, Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care at First United Church, Waterloo, Ontario; and
Dr. Ed Kruse, President of
Click here for more information and to register.
Global Health and Humanitarian Summit: The 2013 Global Health and Humanitarian Summit, held at Emory University's School of Medicine in Atlanta, is a compelling two-day forum for those dedicated to improving the lives of others and for those who aspire to lend their time, energy and talents to making a different in the world. This year's summit will be held from April 12-14 and will feature a wide variety of workshops and speakers from all over the world. For information, to volunteer, or to register, click here. This conference is free and open to all people. 
Go Make Disciples: An Invitation to Baptismal LivingOn April 25-27, the North American Association for the Catechumenate  will offer a three-day institute in Houston, Texas. The Cathechumenate is a process of faith formation and spiritual development that offers a paradigm shift from "members" to "disciples", training and equipping believers for a life of discipleship. Pastors, worship leaders, educators, cathechetical teams, students, and congregational teams are all invited to attend. Click here for more information. 
Festival of HomileticsOn May 13-17, 2013, join many of the nation's finest preachers and teachers at the 21st Festival of Homiletics in Nashville, TN. The Festival of Homiletics is a weeklong conference on preaching, worship, and culture in the 21st century. Experience the fellowship of and be inspired by preachers and teachers from around the country. Click here for more information or to register. 
Israel Study TourLenoir-Rhyne University and Newberry College invite you and your guests to participate in "Israel Study Tour: Your Journey to Understanding, Peace, and Reconciliation" on June 1-14, 2013, taught by Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Professor Monte Luker. For information and registration, click here. Please register as soon as possible. If you have questions, please call Dr. Luker at (803) 719-2057
Heaven, Hell...and Purgatory?: The theme of this year's Pro Ecclesia Conference, sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, is "Heaven, Hell,...and Purgatory?" The conference will be held June 10-12 at Loyola University Maryland. Speakers will include David Yeago, Ralph Wood, Isabel Moreira, and others. The 'last things' will be addressed from various angles, drawing from Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, and other traditions. Pastors are especially invited to attend this conference. Further information can be found at the Center website. Click here to register online or here to access the promotional flyer for the event. 


The Book of Revelations and American Apocalyptic: On July 9-12, 2013, the 2013 Summer Institute for Ministry at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg will host a four-day program on the end times. The Rev. Dr. Richard Carlson will help participants responsibly interpret the book of Revelation, while The Rev. Dr. Maria Erling will help participants understand the way that religious and biblical apocalyptic themes have surfaced in American popular culture. Each day will include worship, class sessions in the mornings and early afternoons, and time for rest, study, and relaxation. Early bird registration is May 3 and the registration deadline is June 17. For more information, visit the LTSG website here
Stewardship with Adults Under 40--Possibilities Abound:Are you interested in engaging young adults in stewardship conversations and in growth in generosity? Are you curious about the generational dynamics and characteristics of adults under 40? If so, we invite you to a three-day event at Luther Seminary on July 29-31, 2013. Nationally known speaker Nathan Dungan, founder and president of Share Save Spend, will kick off the conference with two presentations on the money journey of Generation X and the Millennials. The conference will engage practitioners working with young adults in a variety of contexts. For more information, visit the Luther Seminary website or like the Center for Stewardship Leaders on Facebook.
Are you looking for dramatically and theologically sound plays that will make people think, laugh, and gather together? John Trump, senior pastor at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Columbia, SC, and founder of, writes meaningful plays that can be performed by churches with few technical requirements and minimal rehearsal. Find an appropriate play for your congregation by clicking here
Raise Your Voice - Opportunities for Advocacy

To learn more about the ELCA's approach to advocacy and important issues for 2013, visit the ELCA website.  

Tools You Can Use: The ELCA website includes a variety of resources and links to help individuals and congregations in their advocacy ministries. Click here learn more about personal actions you can take, what your congregation can do to start an advocacy ministry, biblical references for advocacy and general resources. 

New Congregational Resource for Earth DayTogether with the National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs, the ELCA offers an Earth Day resource, titled "Sunday Morning Sustainability: Eco-Justice Impacts and Opportunities," to help congregations lead worship and adjust routines to create smaller ecological footprints. Click here to access this resource as a pdf--you will need to provide your basic information to sign in to the National Council of Churches' website and select the ELCA version of the resource. 
Churches for Middle East Peace Advocacy Conference: On May 20-21, 2013, peacemakers from across the country will gather in Washington D.C. to learn how to effectively advocate for peace in the Holy Land. Click here to learn more about the CMEP Conference. To discover other ways to advocate for a just peace in Palestine and Israel, explore the Peace Not Walls campaign on the ELCA website 
ELCA Advocacy National Priorities Survey: 
Have you taken the ELCA Advocacy National Priorities survey yet? Your answers to this short, four-question survey help to determine the collective priority for our active and growing network of Lutheran advocates. Take the survey now by clicking here. 
At God's Table: Food Justice for a Healthy World: On Friday, April 5 through Monday, April 8, join Christian advocates at the 11th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days to seek Food Justice for a Healthy World in Washington, DC!  Click here for more information or to register. 




LIRS Releases  Leadership ToolkitLutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
has released a leadership toolkit to empower individuals, communities, and congregations to Stand for Welcome. Stand for Welcome is LIRS's campaign to stand alongside refugees and migrates and advocate for just, fair laws and policies.
Click here to access the LIRS February leadership toolkit. 




E-Advocacy-Take Action Now!: Become a part of the ELCA advocacy effort by signing up for the e-Advocacy network. 
In This Issue
Stirring the Waters
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Grants Available
2013 Assembly
Your Assistance Needed
Assembly Elections
Hunger Walk/Run
When Strangers Become Neighbors
Interim Pastors Conference
Developer Retreat
Faith and the Arts
LVC Highlight
Hope Renewed Ministry
Altar Furniture Available
Our Father's Love
Stories of Faith
Care for the Troops
Café Magazine
Clergy Retreat
Learning Opportunities
Raise Your Voice
Ordinations & Installations

 Quick Links  

Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  Visit our blog

Did You Know?  
The ELCA has a Suicide Prevention Ministry (SPM).  The ELCA SPM was founded by Jerry and Elsie Weyrauch, members of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Marietta, GA.  For more information about the network and resources for use in congregations and community settings, contact Jerry Weyrauch 
Share Your Story
Is God doing exciting work in your congregation or ministry that you would like to share with the rest of the synod? Are you looking to spread the word about an upcoming event or opportunity for ministry? The E-News Weekly is open for congregations to share news, stories, photos, announcements and more. Send your stories to Michelle Angalet. Michelle can also be reached at (404) 589-1977, ext. 235. Submissions are due Mondays by 5 pm. The Synod E-News Weekly (usually) goes out on Wednesdays.  

Ordinations & Installations



March 17: The Rev. Seyward Ask will be installed as Associate Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Atlanta, GA during the 11 a.m. worship service. 


April 14: Daniel Pharr will be ordained at 4:00 pm CST. Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process.  More details to come. 
April 18: The Rev. Laura Shally will be installed as Pastor at Shepherd of the Lake in Loudon, TN on Thursday at 6 p.m. CST. Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process.
April 27: The Rev. William Flippen will be installed as Pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Atlanta, GA. More details to come.


April 28: The Rev. Bridget Piggue will be ordained in the ELCA at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. More details to come. 
LTCA Spotlight
The Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta (LTCA) is a multicultural center offering a variety of learning opportunities to support the ministry and mission of the ELCA Southeastern Synod. The Center partners with the eight seminaries of the ELCA and the Southeastern Synod to develop and nourish congregational leaders, both lay and rostered, who are articulate in their witness to the wellbeing of God's people through faith, justice and the Gospel. LTCA is integral to the ELCA strategy for the preparation of multicultural leaders and ministries, particularly African Descent leaders. Located on the campus of the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), the largest African American school of theology in the country, LTCA accompanies seminarians in the candidacy process, offers missional courses for church leadership, and provides continuing education for pastors. 

The primary site for LTCA offerings will be Atlanta, although throughout the year there are plans for online and extension courses in the larger cities of the Synod, including Savannah, Nashville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Jackson. LTCA also resources congregations and their ministries throughout the Southeastern Synod.  

 For more information on LTCA, visit the
website or contact the office. Watch our E-News weekly for announcements on upcoming courses, program descriptions, and more!  

SES Young Adult & Youth Ministry Spotlight
When God Whispers Your Name Retreat-Space Available
Are you looking for a quiet, reflective weekend away from the busyness of life? Space is still available for When God Whispers Your Name, a discernment retreat for young adults in the Southeastern Synod held at Lutheranch. At the retreat, you will have an opportunity to consider how God has created you to serve in this world. You will hear stories from peers about God's whispers to them. You will also learn about rostered ministry in the ELCA. Young adults ages 18-30 are invited to Tallapoosa, GA on April 12-14 for this free retreat! Click here to register or visit the  ELCA Southeastern Synod Young Adult and Youth Ministry website for more information. To learn more about Project Connect, join the Project Connect Facebook group!

Novus Way Ministries
Lutheridge + Lutherock + Luther Springs Summer Camp 
The first rate deadline is fast approaching! Register now through
 or by mail by March 11, 2013 to receive the lowest rate for summer camp! 
All you have to do is register and pay the deposit to lock in the lowest rate! And learn more about our payment options (information is located along with program descriptions on each grade level page).
Scholarships are still available for those requiring financial assistance. Through the generosity of donors, we are able to provide the faith-camp experience to many. We do not want a camper not to be able to come to camp because of finances. 
Don't miss out on this opportunity to save and enjoy a summer at camp! Visit the Novus Way website to learn more about program opportunities available for youth of all ages. 

Summer Jobs

Want a great job this summer? Consider serving on as a staff member for Novus Way Ministries. Visit the ELCA Southeastern Synod Young Adult and Youth Ministry website for more information on open positions. Applications and additional information are available on the Novus Way website
LSG Spotlight
Penny Wars: Hunger Walk at Lutheran Church of the Messiah
As the 2013 Hunger Walk/Run rapidly approaches, check out this story of Lutheran Church of the Messiah's unique fundraising approach! If congregation members drop enough pennies into a jar, then Pastor Nathan and five council members will dye their hair and beards purple for the event. Click here to learn more about this creative challenge on the LSG blog. 
Did you know that LSG is one of the organizations benefiting from this year's Hunger Walk/Run? Click here to register and run/walk to support LSG this Sunday! 
For more information on LSG's work, like the LSG Facebook page or visit the website.
Living   Lutheran   Spotlight  
The Church According to Dirt

In Des Moines, Iowa, Terri Mork Speirs and her husband have opened up their yard to St. John's Faith Garden, a community garden flourishing in the hands of church members. As Terri watches her yard spring to life, she imagines what would happen if a garden became the driving metaphor for our church. She reflects, "What if a garden was our guiding metaphor? What if we were one in Christ and there was no us and them, and we made no distinction of who deserves to be tended or ignored? What if we watered the whole world, even if we didn't agree with each other?" Click here to read more on what could happen if the church operated according to the laws of dirt. 

The    Lutheran  
Resurrection Wonders
The March issue of The Lutheran follows up the "Shrinking Church" (Jan 2013) with hopeful stories of transformation. The cover story, "Resurrection Wonders", tells of congregations finding renewed purpose, fresh ministries, and outreach through self-examination and determination. Click here to read more.
Also featured in March are lessons learned from alternative young adult ministry, a reflection on Martin Luther and interreligious dialogue, information on the ELCA Archives, and more.
Excerpts from
The Lutheran
are available on their website. To read the issue in its entirety, consider purchasing a one-year online subscription for only $11.95. 
The Update 
One of the biggest issues in the current political landscape is immigration reform. In Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's weekly The Update, panelists offer an insider's view on what's happening right now on Capitol Hill related to immigration reform. This week, panelists including Bishop Julian Gordy respond to Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) release of hundreds of non-criminal undocumented immigrants from detention centers.  
Click to read The Update in English or in Spanish
Who to Contact 
Do you have a question or a comment for a member of the synod staff, but aren't sure who to contact? Check out our regularly updated contact page on the synod website.
Synod Calendar
Mar. 10 
Hunger Walk/Run
Atlanta, GA

Mar. 11 & 12
Deans Meeting

Mar. 15
Bio forms for 2013 Nominations Due

Mar. 29
Good Friday
Synod Office Closed

Apr. 6
When Strangers Become Neighbors
Atlanta, GA

Apr. 30
Portico Health Assessment Deadline

May 1
Assembly Registration Closes


View the entire synod calendar

Share this E-news with a friend!
Please send this email to those you know who would benefit from this information.  
ELCA Southeastern Synod
100 Edgewood Ave. NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303