Issue #359
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Lutheridge + Lutherock Ministries is now Novus Way Ministries 

After a year-long process of study, collaboration, and prayerful consideration by the staff, board, families and friends of Lutheridge + Lutherock Ministries, the camping ministry announced its new name, effective Feb. 15, will be "Novus Way Ministries". Each site will retain its own logo and traditional graphic imagery, as pictured above. Click here to read more what the new name means for Novus Way Ministries and here to see what others are saying about the new name.  
New Portico Website     

Today, will become the online destination for Portico plan members, employers, and visitors. The previous website,, will be retired. The new website provides a modern user experience, enabling plan members and employers to access information, transect online, and receive timely email updates specific to their needs. To learn more about Portico Benefit Services' new website, click here. For questions or help with any technical issues, contact Portico at 855-658-4637. 
Synod Wellness/Sabbatical Grants Now

Thanks to a $12,000 grant from Portico, the Southeastern Synod is offering grants to promote self-care of its rostered leaders who serve in congregations.  The grants will provide funding to support intentional wellness activities or sabbaticals.  Congregations must be willing to match the requested funding amount.  These grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-needs basis so click here to learn more now. The grant was awarded to our synod in response to our rostered leaders' completion of the 2012 Portico Health Assessment.  

Around the Synod

Synod Assemby

May 31, June 1 and 2, 2013
Chattanooga Convention Center
"Always Being Made New" 
Register online here
Online registration closes May 1.
We Need Your Assistance to Celebrate!

As we commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the ELCA at our Southeastern Synod Assembly, the Synod Staff and Assembly Planning Team are asking for congregational assistance in planning for a celebratory event.  Please watch the enews for more information in the coming weeks and for informative emails once you have registered.  Our first request is from the Synod Worship Team.  They request that
 ongregation bring a banner (with pole and stand) to have displayed in the worship space and throughout the synod assembly. We would prefer the banner to display the congregation's name, but if you have seasonal banners or an anniversary banner, that will be fine also. Please bring these to the synod assembly and deliver them to the worship space upon arrival. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kevin StricklandChair for Worship and Liturgy.
Assembly Elections
 2013 Synod Council Elections:
In addition to the officer elections scheduled this year, several positions on the Southeastern Synod Council will be filled by election at the 2013 Synod Assembly in Chattanooga. The Synod Council is the synod's board of directors, meeting three times each year to provide leadership and oversight for synod ministries.


Four of the Synod Council positions will be filled by at-large elections by the entire synod assembly; five other positions will be filled by conference nomination, with ratification by the assembly. Note that all Synod Council members are expected to attend a Friday/Saturday meeting in early September and mid-January, and a Thursday meeting in late May/early June, just before each synod assembly.
Biographical forms are due March 15 for the following positions to be elected at the 2013 Synod Assembly: 
1 Youth, 2-year term (lay person under age 18; must complete term before graduating high school)

1 Young Adult, 1-year unexpired term (lay person age 18-30)

2 At-large members, 2-year term (Gender and roster designations to be determined at a later date)

The following conferences will also be electing conference representatives for two-year terms on the Synod Council:

Ebenezer (Conference #1) - Clergy
Good N.E.W.S. (Conference #2) - Lay Person
Trinity (Conference #3) - Clergy
Magi (Conference #4) - Lay Person
Mission (Conference #5) - Lay Person

Persons interested in being considered as potential conference representatives should check with their conference chairpersons for details about the timing of conference elections.

Nominations for Consultation & Discipline Committees: 
Nominees are currently being sought for both the Consultation and Discipline Committees in the Southeastern Synod. Although these committees meet only in extraordinary circumstances, it is extremely important that they have well qualified members available for service when needed. The Consultation Committee functions primarily in an advisory role to the synod bishop, assisting the bishop in investigating situations that are potentially matters for formal discipline. Nominees are needed in the following categories:
2 Clergy (6-year terms)
1 Clergy (4-year term)
2 Lay Females (6-year terms)
The Discipline Committee consists of 12 members who serve as a pool of individuals available for potential participation in disciplinary hearings. Nominees are needed in the following categories: 
1 Clergy (6-year term)
1 Lay Male (6-year term)
2 Lay Females (6-year terms)
Persons interested in being considered by the Nominating Committee for any of these positions are asked to submit their biographical forms by March 15, 2013. 


Talking Together in Ocean Springs

Participants break up into pairs and share stories of feeling out-of-place. 
Last Saturday, February 23, 75 members of 10 Mississippi and Alabama congregations met at Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Ocean Springs, MS for a day-long training on cross-cultural conversation. A three-part training initiative, Growing into Missional Hospitality provides a framework for congregations to engage their increasingly diverse neighbors in mission. Talking Together Cross-Culturally, the first module, gives congregations tools to enter into public conversations with their neighbors. Participants shared stories of mission in their congregation, learned about Lutheran multicultural history in the south, practiced having empathetic conversations, and worshiped together. "Like" the Southeastern Synod on Facebook for photos from the event, and watch our e-news for an upcoming article on Growing into Missional Hospitality. 
When Strangers Become Neighbors: Registration Now Open!

I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31
Saturday, April 6, 2013
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.)
Registration Fee $15 (covers lunch)
Christ the King Lutheran
      5575 Peachtree Parkway
         Norcross, GA 30092

Visit the synod website for more information and to register. To promote this event in your congregation, click here for our promotional flyer. For more information, contact Melanie Johnson at LSG or The Reverend Darrel Peterson
Hunger Walk is March 10!


Hunger Fast Fact: The World Food Programme calculates that $3.2 billion per year is needed to reach all 66 million hungry school-age children.
To learn more about hunger, sign up for the ELCA Hunger Fast Facts listserve here


On Sunday, March 10, more than 15,000 people will come together at Turner Field to get outdoors, get moving, and have fun, all for a good cause--to raise awareness and funds for hunger relief in Atlanta. The Hunger Walk is an annual 5K walk/run and a project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank to benefit local hunger-fighting organizations, including Lutheran Services of Georgia! Registration for the 29th annual Hunger Walk/Run is now open. Individuals and teams can register online and view resources for collecting donations by clicking here. To walk/run to benefit Lutheran Services of Georgia, sign up on this page
Faith and the Arts in the Southeast
Mary Canniff-Kuhn
The Language of FaithThe second event in St. Timothy's Lutheran Church's 2012-2013 Education & Arts series will be held on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 4 pm at the church in Hendersonville, TN. Mary Canniff-Kuhn, an ELCA pastor currently serving as Program Director of Lutheridge Camp and Conference Center in North Carolina, will offer her own special brand of storytelling. Kuhn's life goal is to plant the Gospel Story in as many hearts as possible, and to encourage creativity as life in the Holy Spirit. This event is free and open to the public. Click here for more.
Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Rincon, GA
Arts & Crafts at Historic Ebenezer: The Women ofJerusalem Lutheran Church are proud to announce the Second Annual Arts & Crafts at Historic Ebenezer on the banks of the Savannah River. The event is held on the anniversary of "Landing Day" and the annual March meeting of the Georgia Salzburger Society. The arts and crafts festival is intended to give a glimpse into the history and lives of the early settlers of Ebenezer. The event will take place on Saturday, March 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Annual GSS meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. Come enjoy a day of live demonstrations, craft and art items for sale, make-and-take crafts and games for children, tours, concerts, food items, and lemonade from the old lemonade barrel. All are welcome. 
Southeastern Synod Developer & Redevelopers Fellowship and Mission Retreat

When: Tuesday & 
Wednesday, April 23-24

Where: Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat Center
107 Holy Trinity Road
Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
(334) 855-4474
Directions and information available here

Why: Fellowship, worship, mutual support and consolation
Cost: TBA - under $100
Agenda: (Tentative)
Tuesday (all times are EST)
1 pm: Welcome & Settle in. Please eat lunch before you arrive.
2 pm: Opening Worship
3 pm: Checking In
5:30 pm: Supper
7:30 pm: Ministry; Presentation/Discussion
9:30 pm: Libations and Fellowship
8 am: Breakfast
9 am: Presentation/Discussion
10:30 am: "Fireside Chat" with your Directors for Evangelical Mission
11 am: Closing Worship
Noon: Lunch, Farewell & Godspeed
RSVP Today: Pastor Gary -
More information to follow soon. 
Sponsored by the Southeastern Synod Outreach & Renewal Team
Hope Renewed Ministry In Search of House Mother

Hope Renewed Minsitry is currently in search of a House Mother. She needs to be a woman of strong faith who feels called to this ministry. The position is room and board only. She will have a furnished bedroom with private bath. She will need to have some kind of income to meet her own needs. She will need to have her own car. She will need to have some familiarity with female inmates. If you are interested, email Judy Knapp, Diaconal Minister
Worship Books Free to a Good Home:
The Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, Albany, GA has these items to give to a good home:
65 With One Voice hymnals
68 NRSV Bibles (with Lutheran Church of Our Saviour imprinted on the cover)
100 LBWs
If you are interested in any of these books, please call the synod office at (404) 589-1977.
Stories of Faith
All Really Are Welcome Here (submitted by Lisa Scarbrough): This picture I took of my two-and- a-half-year-old-son this past Sunday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Rincon, GA was really a year in the making. Let me explain. The birth of my son was probably the biggest miracle of my life; however, our first two years together felt anything but miraculous. We struggled to get him to do what we thought were simple things, like taking a bath, putting on clothes, changing diapers, without throwing major tantrums and having meltdowns. It wasn't until he was almost 18 months old that we finally discovered that he had sensory processing issues. This made it nearly impossible for us to go anywhere with him as he could have meltdowns and bring about the stern looks from others of "what is wrong with your kid" and "why aren't you doing something about it???" We made an attempt to go to a church near our home, but he would inevitably break down every Sunday. We just accepted that we wouldn't be leaving the house except for work or out of necessity until we could get a handle on him....
Click here to download as a .pdf or read the rest of this beautiful story of welcome on our Facebook page. Don't forget to "like" and "share"!

Pastor Morgan Gordy Visits Guatemala: 
Diaconal Minister Sandra Braasch, Pr. Karin Castillo, and Pr. Morgan Gordy travel by boat to one of the villages in the Peten area of Guatemala.
Pr. Morgan Gordy recently visited the Iglesia Augustina Luterana de Guatemala, our companion synod, to join Diaconal Minister Sandra Braasch in providing disaster preparedness and response training. Sandra has been living in Guatemala serving the ILAG as a missionary from the Southeastern Synod for the past eleven months. 
The welcoming committee from the village
Our Way Out: A Lenten Reflection 

The Rev. Matt Steinhauer, Faith Lutheran Church, Lebanon, TN
When our third child, Matt, was born, within a few hours of his birth we found out that he had Down syndrome. I was not expecting to raise a special needs child. I read one time that there are three stages a parent of a special needs child goes through. At first, you wish your child were "normal." Then you begin to accept that they are who they are. Finally, you really see them as who they are in the very way they came to you--and even if you had a choice, and could do it all over again, you would choose to have them just the way they are. How does that happen? For me it has been a process of time and distance over the path of Matt's life to this point. But I can tell you a particular event that truly changed the way I saw him. Maybe you could call it "my way out." 
Within a few days of Matt's birth, when we were still reeling in the shock and sadness of the news that our new baby had Down syndrome, I received a call from an almost total stranger....


Read the rest of this reflection on our synod blog

Raise Your Voice - Opportunities for Advocacy

To learn more about the ELCA's approach to advocacy and important issues for 2013, visit the ELCA website.  
New Congregational Resource for Earth DayTogether with the National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs, the ELCA offers an Earth Day resource, titled "Sunday Morning Sustainability: Eco-Justice Impacts and Opportunities," to help congregations lead worship and adjust routines to create smaller ecological footprints. Click here to access this resource as a pdf--you will need to provide your basic information to sign in to the National Council of Churches' website and select the ELCA version of the resource. 
Sequestration and Ongoing Federal Budget Debate: In 2011, Congress and the president agreed to future across-the-board cuts unless a balanced deal could be reached. As the deadline for political compromise looms, learn more in this update about what sequestration could mean, how the broken budget process has limited opportunities for constituent engagement, and the importance of compromise in deficit reduction decisions. 

Churches for Middle East Peace Advocacy Conference: On May 20-21, 2013, peacemakers from across the country will gather in Washington D.C. to learn how to effectively advocate for peace in the Holy Land. Click here to learn more about the CMEP Conference. To discover other ways to

 advocate for a just peace in Palestine and Israel, explore the Peace Not Walls campaign on the ELCA website 
ELCA Advocacy National Priorities Survey: 
Have you taken the ELCA Advocacy National Priorities survey yet? Your answers to this short, four-question survey help to determine the collective priority for our active and growing network of Lutheran advocates. Take the survey now by clicking here. 
At God's Table: Food Justice for a Healthy World: On Friday, April 5 through Monday, April 8, join Christian advocates at the 11th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days to seek Food Justice for a Healthy World in Washington, DC!  Click here for more information or to register. 




LIRS Releases  Leadership ToolkitLutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
has released a leadership toolkit to empower individuals, communities, and congregations to Stand for Welcome. Stand for Welcome is LIRS's campaign to stand alongside refugees and migrates and advocate for just, fair laws and policies.
Click here to access the LIRS February leadership toolkit. 
E-Advocacy-Take Action Now!: Become a part of the ELCA advocacy effort by signing up for the e-Advocacy network. 
Resources & Learning Opportunities

Metro Atlanta Congregational Resource

The Regional Council of Churches Of Atlanta is a clergy-led, ecumenical initiative to build relationships between churches and create a community response to issues of justice, reconciliation, and want. Each week, RCCA sends out a Church Action e-Newsletter containing events, volunteer opportunities, and resources of special interest to faith communities in the metro Atlanta area. Current and past issues of this exciting area resource can be found on the RCCA website here. To subscribe to the E-Newsletter, click here.  For the next couple of weeks, we'll include a link to the RCCA website. After that, you'll be able to find the link under "Quick Links" in our red sidebar. 
Learning Opportunities 
Stewardship with Adults Under 40--
Possibilities Abound:
Are you interested in engaging young adults in stewardship conversations and in growth in generosity? Are you curious about the generational dynamics and characteristics of adults under 40? If so, we invite you to a three-day event at Luther Seminary on July 29-31, 2013. Nationally known speaker Nathan Dungan, founder and president of Share Save Spend,  will kick off the conference with two presentations on the money journey of Generation X and the Millennials. The conference will engage practitioners working with young adults in a variety of contexts. For more information, visit the Luther Seminary website or like the Center for Stewardship Leaders on Facebook. 
The Book of Revelations and American Apocalyptic: On July 9-12, 2013, the 2013 Summer Institute for Ministry at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg will host a four-day program on the end times. The Rev. Dr. Richard Carlson will help participants responsibly interpret the book of Revelation, while The Rev. Dr. Maria Erling will help participants understand the way that religious and biblical apocalyptic themes have surfaced in American popular culture. Each day will include worship, class sessions in the mornings and early afternoons, and time for rest, study, and relaxation. Early bird registration is May 3 and the registration deadline is June 17. For more information, visit the LTSG website here
Israel Study Tour: Lenoir-Rhyne University and Newberry College invite you and your guests to participate in "Israel Study Tour: Your Journey to Understanding, Peace, and Reconciliation" on June 1-14, 2013, taught by Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Professor Monte Luker. For information and registration, click here. Please register as soon as possible. If you have questions, please call Dr. Luker at (803) 719-2057. 
Festival of Homiletics: On May 13-17, 2013, join many of the nation's finest preachers and teachers at the 21st Festival of Homiletics in Nashville, TN. The Festival of Homiletics is a weeklong conference on preaching, worship, and culture in the 21st century. Experience the fellowship of and be inspired by preachers and teachers from around the country. Click here for more information or to register. 
Go Make Disciples: An Invitation to Baptismal
 Living: On April 25-27, the North American Association for the Catechumenate  will offer a three-day institute in Houston, Texas. The Cathechumenate is a process of faith formation and spiritual development that offers a paradigm shift from "members" to "disciples", training and equipping believers for a life of discipleship. Pastors, worship leaders, educators, cathechetical teams, students, and congregational teams are all invited to attend. Click here for more information.
Are you looking for dramatically and theologically sound plays that will make people think, laugh, and gather together? John Trump, senior pastor at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Columbia, SC, and founder of, writes meaningful plays that can be performed by churches with few technical requirements and minimal rehearsal. Find an appropriate play for your congregation by clicking here
Bread for the World 

A Place at the Table: This Friday, March 1, the documentary A Place at the Table will open in theaters nationwide. From the producers of An Inconvenient Truth and Food, Inc., this film focuses on hunger in America. A Place at the Table shows that we defeated hunger in the past and that we can do it again. Click here to find a theater near you. The film will also be available through iTunes and on-demand. 

Bread for the World's 2013 Offering of Letters is also called A Place at the Table and launches on March 1. Together, the film and the Offering of Letters campaign will magnify the focus on ending hunger through changes in public policy. 
Watch the movie, discuss it, and spread the word about the importance of ending hunger and poverty.  You can also use social media to invite friends and family to see the movie and start a virtual conversation. On Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #aplaceatthetable. On Facebook, direct your friends to the movie's page


Daily Lenten Reflections: The season of Lent is an ideal time to reflect on the devastation of hunger in this world and take action to stop it. Bread for the World partners with Women of Faith for the 1,000 Days Movement, a movement to promote maternal and child nutrition in the 1,000 days between pregnancy and the child's second birthday. Together, they have developed 
Forty Days for 1,000 Days,  a series of Lenten activities and resources that examine maternal and child nutrition. 
Throughout Lent, the Bread Blog will also
 feature Lenten devotions written by women in the movement, Bread activists and staff, and other people of faith. Today's reflection, entitled "Encouraging Faith Through Pain", reminds us of the strength we can find in God's love, even in the midst of pain. Click here to read this and past reflections.  
In This Issue
Novus Way Ministries
New Portico Website
2013 Assembly
Your Assistance Needed
Action Required
Talking Together
When Strangers Become Neighbors
Hunger Walk/Run
Faith and the Arts
Mission Retreat
Hope Renewed Ministry
Free Worship Books
Stories of Faith
Our Way Out
Raise Your Voice
Metro Atlanta Resource
Learning Opportunities
Faith and the Arts
Bread for the World
Ordinations & Installations

 Quick Links  

Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  Visit our blog

Did You Know?  
Our Southeastern Synod has Hunger, Poverty and Justice Task Force?  The goal of this task force is to promote education and advocacy on issues related to hunger, poverty and justice in our local communities and around the world. Contact Task Force Chair, Jonathan Trapp, for more information and to learn how to get involved.  
Share Your Story
Is God doing exciting work in your congregation or ministry that you would like to share with the rest of the synod? Are you looking to spread the word about an upcoming event or opportunity for ministry? The E-News Weekly is open for congregations to share news, stories, photos, announcements and more. Send your stories to Michelle Angalet. Michelle can also be reached at (404) 589-1977, ext. 235. Submissions are due Mondays by 5 pm. The Synod E-News Weekly (usually) goes out on Wednesdays.  

Ordinations & Installations



March 17: The Rev. Seyward Ask will be installed as Associate Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Atlanta, GA during the 11 a.m. worship service. 
April 18: The Rev. Laura Shally will be installed as Pastor at Shepherd of the Lake in Loudon, TN on Thursday at 6 p.m. CST. Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process.
April 27: The Rev. William Flippen will be installed as Pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Atlanta, GA. More details to come.
April 28: The Rev. Bridget Piggue will be ordained in the ELCA at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. More details to come. 
SES Young Adult & Youth Ministry Spotlight
When God Whispers Your Name Retreat
Are you looking for a quiet, reflective weekend away from the busyness of life? Join the Southeastern Synod Project Connect Team at Lutheranch for When God Whispers Your Name, a discernment retreat for young adults in the Southeastern Synod. At the retreat, you will have an opportunity to consider how God has created you to serve in this world. You will hear stories from peers about God's whispers to them. You will also learn about rostered ministry in the ELCA. Young adults ages 18-30 are invited to Tallapoosa, GA on April 12-14 for this free retreat! Click here to register or visit the  ELCA Southeastern Synod Young Adult and Youth Ministry website for more information. To learn more about Project Connect, join the Project Connect Facebook group!

Novus Way Ministries
Create In Me at Lutheridge 
 2013 Theme: Spirit Blazing
On April 4-7, 2013, North Carolina Synod Bishop Leonard Bolick will lead
 a Bible study exploring Biblical images of fire as they relate to the creative process. Come to be inspired, encouraged, and recreated. The Rev. Mary Cannif-Kuhn, Lutheridge Program Director, will lead you in creative worship and fellowship. Workshops and creation stations will offer hands-on opportunities to try new arts and crafts in a safe place where you cannot fail. More than 30 artists will be present and eager to introduce their art form to you! Click here for more information on this creative and inspiring opportunity!

Summer Jobs

Want a great job this summer? Consider serving on as a staff member for Novus Way Ministries. Visit the ELCA Southeastern Synod Young Adult and Youth Ministry website for more information on open positions. Applications and additional information are available on the LLMI website
LSG Spotlight
Congrations to LSG's ASAP Students!
Congratulations to the students at LSG's After-School Academic/Arts Program (ASAP) in Clarkston, GA! Recently several students who attend LSG's after-school program received awards from Clarkston High School: some made the Principal's List with straight A grades; others made the Honor Roll. One student even won the Angora All-Star award, named for the high school's mascot, that recognizes her as the top student in her class.
LSG's After-School Academic/Arts Program (ASAP) increases the academic achievement of 50 Indian Creek Elementary students and 25 Clarkston High School students through a variety of fun, hands-on activities. After the normal school day ends, these youth, 70% of whom are refugee children and 30% of whom are at-risk students, stick around to write in journals, discuss literature in a book club, attend music and art classes, go on field trips, and participate in other activities. Professional teachers and volunteers staff the program and held students with their homework and activities. 
For more information on LSG's work in Clarkston, like the LSG Facebook page or visit the website.
Living   Lutheran   Spotlight  
Making Waves

When Sherman Hicks was elected the first African American bishop of the newly formed ELCA in January 1988, he was no stranger to being the first to go where others had not. From his first call at an inner-city congregation in Buffalo, N.Y. to his current work as director of ethnic-specific and multicultural ministries of the ELCA, Sherman has built his career on inclusion. Click here to read his inspiring story of making waves throughout the ELCA. 

The    Lutheran  
Coming Up In Future Issues
In March and April, watch The Lutheran for exciting stories of God's work in the world:
March: The March issue will follow up the "Shrinking Church" (Jan 2013) with hopeful stories of transformation. 
April: The cover story will address how unusual ministry partners are able to accomplish community projects together. 
Earth care: Maryland church receives grant to improve its grounds to benefit wildlife. 
Monarchs: Special gardens in a church parking lot welcome migrating butterflies each spring and fall. 
Copyrights: Demystifing the rules for congregations, pastors, musicians, etc. 
Sudan schools: Lutheran-run schools are educating huge numbers of refugee children, but more are needed. 
Excerpts from
The Lutheran
are available on their website. To read the issue in its entirety, consider purchasing a one-year online subscription for only $11.95. 
The Update 
Every Monday, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service publishes The Update, a weekly blog series with a panel of experts who analyze how recent events affect the prospects for immigration reform in 2013. This week, panelists address the leaked White House immigration bill, the Evangelical Immigration Table, and a Texas coalition's principles for immigration reform Click to read The Update in English or in Spanish
Who to Contact 
Do you have a question or a comment for a member of the synod staff, but aren't sure who to contact? Check out our regularly updated contact page on the synod website.
Synod Calendar
Mar. 10 
Hunger Walk/Run
Atlanta, GA

Mar. 11 & 12
Deans Meeting

Mar. 15
Bio forms for 2013 Nominations Due

Mar. 29
Good Friday
Synod Office Closed

Apr. 6
When Strangers Become Neighbors
Atlanta, GA

Apr. 30
Portico Health Assessment Deadline

May 1
Assembly Registration Closes


View the entire synod calendar

Share this E-news with a friend!
Please send this email to those you know who would benefit from this information.  
ELCA Southeastern Synod
100 Edgewood Ave. NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303